IBM SPSS Statistics 29 統計分析軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition 統計分析軟體

IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition 統計分析軟體

  • IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition 統計分析軟體
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  • 介紹
    IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition 是一款專業的數據分析和統計軟體,可以幫助用戶進行複雜的數據分析和預測。該軟體支持多種數據格式和數據來源,如結構化數據、非結構化數據、文本數據、數據庫等。使用 IBM SPSS Statistics,您可以輕鬆地進行數據探索、敘述統計、推斷統計、數據可視化等操作,並提供了豐富的分析工具和圖表模板。該軟體還支持多種分析方法,如回歸分析、因子分析、集群分析、判別分析等,幫助用戶從數據中發現有價值的信息和洞察。此外,IBM SPSS Statistics 還提供了豐富的支持,使得用戶可以輕鬆地掌握數據分析和統計技能。如果您是一名數據分析師、研究人員、學術人員或學生,IBM SPSS Statistics Base Edition 將是您不可或缺的工具。
  • 價格

IBM SPSS Statistics 29 Statistical Analysis Software

Statistical Procedures and Enhancements 
Z-Tests and confidence intervals for Proportions and differences in Proportions:
For One-Sample, Paired-Samples, Independent-Samples analyses. Found under the Analyze > Compare Means menu, the new Proportions procedure allows users to test for differences in population proportions and construct confidence intervals on observed differences using a variety of methods for each type of analysis.

Reliability Analysis Enhancement: 
As part of the Reliability procedure, McDonald's Omega allows users an alternative to the Cronbach’s Alpha statistic. To find this enhancement go to Analyze > Scale > Reliability Analysis, and under the Model dropdown on the Reliability Analysis dialog, select Omega.
Bivariate Correlation Enhancement:
Added Confidence Intervals This enhancement in SPSS Statistics is found in the dialog menu of Bivariate Correlations under the Confidence Intervals sub dialog. Users will be able to set the confidence interval parameter, apply the bias adjustment if desired for Pearson Correlation, and choose between various methods for other correlation coefficients. Along with the new additions above we have also included confidence intervals for CONTRAST output in one-way ANOVA, added bootstrapping and multiple imputation to Proportions, and made an enhancement to multiple imputation predictive mean matching to enable the ability to choose the number of potential matching cases.
Usability Improvements

Session Management:
Restore Points This extension to the auto-recovery functionality introduced in SPSS Statistics allows users to save a point in time in their analysis that users can revert back to if needed later in the analysis, while still enabling the user to continue down the current analytic path. Session Management is found on the Welcome Dialog on the Restore Points tab next to the Recent Files and Sample Files tabs. On the Restore Points tab users will find both their Auto-Recovery files, as well as saved Restore Points.
Output Enhancements:
Editor Experience Several enhancements were introduced in SPSS Statistics for Chart Builder, as well as the Table & Chart Editors. These improvements decrease the number of clicks needed to get customizable output in the application by utilizing new toolbar additions and experiences. An improvement to SPSS Statistics Syntax was also introduced in SPSS Statistics which allows users to select variables from the active data set using type ahead functionality. This will improve efficiency in writing scripts and make it easier for users to find the correct variables to reference from the active data set.
Quality Improvements:
Along with new features and productivity enhancements there were also several quality improvements made to the application for


IBM SPSS Statistics 29 系統需求

Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 

Intel or AMD x86 processor running at 1.6 gigahertz (GHz) or higher
4 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more is required, 8 gigabyte(GB) of RAM or more is recommended for 64-bit Client platforms.
4 gigabytes (GB) of available hard-disk space. 
1024x768 or higher screen resolution


IBM SPSS Statistics 29 統計分析軟體

比例和比例差異的 Z 檢驗和置信區間:
用於單樣本、成對樣本、獨立樣本分析。在分析 > 下找到在“比較均值”菜單中,新的“比例”程序允許用戶測試總體比例的差異,並針對每種類型的分析使用各種方法構建觀察到的差異的置信區間。

作為可靠性程序的一部分,麥當勞的 Omega 允許用戶替代 Cronbach 的 Alpha 統計量.要找到此增強功能,請轉到分析 >規模>可靠性分析,在“可靠性分析”對話框的“模型”下拉菜單下,選擇 Omega。
添加置信區間 SPSS Statistics 中的此增強功能可在“置信區間”子對話框下的“雙變量相關”對話框菜單中找到。用戶將能夠設置置信區間參數,根據需要對 Pearson 相關應用偏差調整,並在其他相關係數的各種方法之間進行選擇。除了上述新增功能外,我們還在單向方差分析中包含了 CONTRAST 輸出的置信區間,向比例添加了引導和多重插補,並增強了多重插補預測均值匹配,從而能夠選擇潛在匹配的數量案例。

Restore Points 這個在 SPSS Statistics 中引入的自動恢復功能的擴展允許用戶在他們的分析中保存一個時間點,用戶可以在以後需要時恢復到在分析中,同時仍然使用戶能夠繼續沿著當前的分析路徑。會話管理位於“最近文件”和“示例文件”選項卡旁邊的“還原點”選項卡上的“歡迎”對話框中。在“還原點”選項卡上,用戶將找到他們的自動恢復文件以及保存的還原點。
編輯器體驗 SPSS Statistics 中為 Chart Builder 以及 Table & 引入了多項增強功能。圖表編輯器。這些改進通過利用新的工具欄添加和體驗減少了在應用程序中獲得可自定義輸出所需的點擊次數。 SPSS Statistics 中還引入了對 SPSS Statistics 語法的改進,它允許用戶使用提前輸入功能從活動數據集中選擇變量。這將提高編寫腳本的效率,並使用戶更容易從活動數據集中找到要引用的正確變量。
除了新功能和生產力提升外, 的應用程序還進行了多項質量改進。


LISREL 12結構模式分析軟體

在過去的45年中,LISREL模型,方法和軟件已成為結構方程模型(SEM)的同義詞。但是,今天,LISREL不再局限於SEM。LISREL 10包括64位統計應用程序LISREL,PRELIS,MULTILEV,SURVEYGLIM和MAPGLIM。

LISREL 12結構模式分析軟體

SIMCA 17 多變量分析軟體


SIMCA 17 多變量分析軟體

SuperSMITH® 5.0AZ 可靠度分析軟體

SuperSMITH®軟件在5.0AZ及更高版本中具有新外觀。全球首個廣泛使用的Weibull工程軟件的製造商Fulton Findings LLC,已經為SuperSMITH Weibull和SuperSMITH Visual提供了更加緊密集成的用戶界面,從而向前邁進了一步。下面顯示的新圖標佈局將通用功能與用於可變性建模,趨勢分析和預測的獨特工具合併在一起。熟悉的數據網格(數據輸入和數據編輯)和結果框(圖表和報告)幾乎保持不變。更改涉及以簡化的方式將較大尺寸的圖標與關聯的下拉菜單集成在一起。保留了所有以前的功能,並在Abernethy Risk,加速測試,Barringer過程可靠性和Monte Carlo Simulation等專業領域中添加了新功能。

SuperSMITH® 5.0AZ 可靠度分析軟體