
PARSCALE 4 項目反應測試軟體

PARSCALE 4 項目反應測試軟體

  • PARSCALE 4 項目反應測試軟體
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    PARSCALE 4 by Eiji Muraki & Darrell Bock This most versatile of all IRT rating-scale programs now includes adjustments for differences in rater severity
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PARSCALE 4 項目反應測試軟體

PARSCALE 4 by Eiji Muraki & Darrell Bock
This most versatile of all IRT rating-scale programs now includes adjustments for differences in rater severity. PARSCALE 4 now includes:
  •  •  DIF of rating scale items
  •  •  Handles up to 15 categories
  •  •  User options for Samejima’s graded response model generalized to rating scales or Master’s partial credit model with or without discriminating power parameters.
  •  •  Allows mixtures of rating scale items and multiple-choice items with or without guessing.
  •  •  Handles multiple subtests and weighted combinations of subtest scores.
Previously only available as DOS software, the programs have been updated to the current Windows operating systems: 98, NT, 2000, ME, and XP. Extensive online Help has been added, covering almost completely the newly edited book that combines all four programs in one volume.

Some Features of PARSCALE 4

  •  •  One, two, and three-parameter logistic models
  •  •  Samejima's model for graded responses
  •  •  Master's partial credit model
  •  •  Generalized partial credit model
  •  •  Analysis of rating scale items such as open-ended essay questions
  •  •  Analysis of multiple-choice items
  •  •  Differential item functioning (DIF)
  •  •  Analysis of mixtures of item types
  •  •  Rater's-effect analysis
  •  •  Multiple-group polytomous item response models
  •  •  Presentation quality IRT graphics, can be imported in to Word, Access, etc.
  •  •  Detailed online HELP documentation including syntax and examples.

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