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ZTreeWin 目錄管理器軟體

ZTreeWin 目錄管理器軟體

  • ZTreeWin 目錄管理器軟體
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    ZTreeWin is a fast and flexible text-mode file/directory manager for all versions of Windows. It has been developed as the successor to the legendary DOS file-manager XTreeGold. Anyone who has used that remarkable program would be aware of its superior capabilities as a text-mode, tree-structured file-manager - but would also likely be aware that its limited memory support, and lack of long filename support are today a major issue. 
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ZTreeWin 目錄管理器軟體

ZTreeWin is a fast and flexible text-mode file/directory manager for all versions of Windows. It has been developed as the successor to the legendary DOS file-manager XTreeGold. Anyone who has used that remarkable program would be aware of its superior capabilities as a text-mode, tree-structured file-manager - but would also likely be aware that its limited memory support, and lack of long filename support are today a major issue. 
ZTreeWin is a 32-bit Windows program that has been developed to provide all the powerful functionality of the past (and much more!), while avoiding all the limitations of the old DOS-based program. A few advantages of ZTreeWin:
  • Log millions of files, limited only by free memory
  • Long file and directory names fully supported
  • Integration with most popular third-party archivers right out of the box
ZTreeWin is available in two versions: v2 for Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista and 7, and v1 for Windows 95, 98 & ME.
Read some of our customer testimonials.

Now available for downloadv2.1

Here is just a sample of the enhancements in v2.x:
  • Completely rewritten as a fully Unicode-enabled application
  • Additional archiver support - FreeArc & UHARC
  • Enhanced color configuration
  • Error logging and summary dialog
  • Extended statistics report of system and logon information
  • History lists support unlimited marked entries
  • Log directories using wildcards (Treespec & Ctrl-ZLog)
  • One way and two way branch synchronization (Alt-Mirror / F8 Sync)
  • Pruning support for partially logged branches 
    (See the complete release notes here or view the included file HISTORY.TXT)
Despite its DOS-like appearance, ZTreeWin is a full 32-bit Windows application that works easily and efficiently with modern operating systems, and fact, does not run in DOS! 

ColorWindows2_tn The now-standard "tree-structured" hierarchy of directories, invented by XTree, is displayed in the top left corner, the files contained in the highlighted directory listed below left, disk and file statistics on the right side, and keyboard-command menus at the bottom.
And ZTree retains the fast keyboard-command text-mode response that XTree pioneered and file management professionals still demand.
ZTree also adds many other sophisticated tools, such as case-specific renaming functions, copy & paste facilities, and file type coloring, that are not only possible but essential to modern 32-bit systems. 
Click to Enlarge!
ZTree is a true 32-bit application that makes use of that environment to bring best-in-class, high performance keyboard-command text-mode file management to the demanding professional level.  
It's all about productivity! ZTree provides fast, mnemonic access to all commonly needed file-management tasks, as well as unlimited command history, and macro recording and playback. Any task you do with ZTree can be made extremely easy to do again in the future.
ZTree is becoming the most productive, vibrant, and growing disk and file management utility by addressing the needs of today's professionals with a very responsive dialog and development effort while building on well established and time-proven methods and procedures.


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