CourseForum E化學習軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

CourseForum E化學習軟體

CourseForum E化學習軟體

  • CourseForum E化學習軟體
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    CourseForum is web-based e-learning software that makes it easy for you and your students to interact, whether to create, post, share or discuss course content.
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CourseForum E化學習軟體

Smart instructors already know that the better interaction between your students, the better the learning experience for everyone.
With just their web browser, students use CourseForum to get answers to questions, dig deeper into issues, and work on projects at any time and from anywhere, not just when classes meet.
CourseForum is web-based e-learning software that makes it easy for you and your students to interact, whether to create, post, share or discuss course content.
Today's educational tools are harder to setup, more admin-heavy, and more complex to use than ever. CourseForum gives you a painless, straightforward and flexible web-based solution for posting and sharing course materials, class discussions, and student collaboration.
Designed for today's online and face-to-face courses, CourseForum is easier to use and more interactive than conventional forum software. You and your students can use it to create, share and talk about lecture notes, Q&A, discussion topics, research, student portfolios, group projects and more.
Get started in minutes. You can be running your own CourseForum server for your class with a quick download and a double-click - no complicated setup required! The software is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix.
Easy for everyone to use. With an easy web-browser based interface, you and your students will be able to quickly create, read and contribute to class discussions.
Powerful and accountable. All the features you need for discussions, group projects, lesson plans, student projects, all organized the way you want them to be. And you can easily track all student contributions and activity.

Spread for SharePoint 電子表單製作軟體


Spread for SharePoint 電子表單製作軟體

VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體

VeryPDF PDF Editor is an easy-to-use application designed for users familiar with Microsoft Office and similar applications. VeryPDF PDF Editor provides tools to enable you freely write your own comments to the PDF document and share the comments with others.

VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體


屹立台灣軟體業界數十年,嘸蝦米中文輸入法始終秉持「發展世界最佳中文輸入法」之信念宗旨,持續提供全球使用者「最簡單、最好用」的中文輸入法。自 1989 年起嘸蝦米輸入法正式問世,即以其「簡單易學、好用易上手、輸入速度快」而聞名,打破了中文輸入長年以來難學易忘、字集介面支援不足等桎梏,不僅多次榮獲國家電腦軟體業金腦獎的疏榮,廣受行政學術機關肯定愛用,近年來更獲選為國家中文打字官方檢定考指定輸入法。嘸蝦米更是全世界唯一僅使用 26 字母的中文輸入法,在時尚科技講究輕、薄、短、小的時代中,可謂時勢所趨。
