
VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體

VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體

  • VeryPDF PDF 應用軟體
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    VeryPDF PDF Editor is an easy-to-use application designed for users familiar with Microsoft Office and similar applications. VeryPDF PDF Editor provides tools to enable you freely write your own comments to the PDF document and share the comments with others.
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VeryPDF PDF應用軟體

VeryPDF PDF Editor is an easy-to-use application designed for users familiar with Microsoft Office and similar applications. VeryPDF PDF Editor provides tools to enable you freely write your own comments to the PDF document and share the comments with others. It also provides a very convenient way for you to add contents or change the text or add text in any font you like, especially in filling out electronic forms, correct spelling errors, delete words completely and so on. You can save, move, copy, paste and print the comments and contents. Convert PDF format files to Text files, BMP files, TIFF files, GIF files and so on. Create other format file to PDF file.

Create PDF file from
1. Other format files, such as EMF, BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA or PCX. 
2. MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project files, Text files, WPS files and so on.
Note: this can be fulfilled with PDFcamp Printer.
3. Clipboard image
Combine multiple files into one PDF file
Create a single PDF file from multiple EMF, BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA or PCX format files.
Convert PDF file to
Save the file to another PDF file or convert the PDF format file to an image file such as BMP, WMF, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PCX, TXT files and so on.
Intuitive Viewing
Carefully-designed workspace allows you to view PDF documents easily with different layouts and magnifications. A single click brings you to the next (or previous) page, or scrolls the contents with preferred speed. By combining the Hand with the Dynamic Zoom tools, PDF Editor helps you to browse document pages painlessly while relieving every detail of the contents.
Copy the text to clipboard
Copy an area of text to clipboard by using the select text tool.
Copy image to clipboard
Copy any text or image to clipboard by using the snapshot tool.

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