IBM SPSS Amos 30 結構方程模型軟體
- IBM SPSS Amos 30 結構方程模型軟體
介紹IBM SPSS Amos 是一款專業的結構方程模型(SEM)分析軟體,可用於數據分析、統計建模、因果關係分析等。該軟體基於最新的結構方程建模技術,可幫助用戶構建複雜的模型並進行分析。您可以繪製結構方程模型圖、設置模型參數、模型適配度檢測、多樣本比較等操作。該軟體支持多種分析方法,如路徑分析、因果關係分析、驗證性因子分析、多層次建模等,幫助用戶從數據中發現深層次的因果關係和影響因素。此外,IBM SPSS AMOS 還提供了豐富的圖表和報告生成工具,使得用戶可以直接地呈現和分享研究成果。如果您是一名統計學家、社會科學研究人員、市場調研人員或學術人員,IBM SPSS AMOS 將是您不可或缺的工具。
IBM SPSS Amos 30
IBM SPSS Amos was designed as a tool for teaching structural equation modeling in a way that emphasizes the simplicity that underlies this powerful approach to data analysis. Every effort was made to see that it is easy to use. Amos integrates an easy-to-use graphical interface with an advanced computing engine for SEM. The publication-quality path diagrams of Amos provide a clear representation of models for students and fellow researchers. The numeric methods implemented in Amos are among the most effective and reliable available.
Graphical and non-graphical model specification
IBM SPSS Amos accepts a path diagram as a model specification and displays parameter estimates on a path diagram. Path diagrams used for model specification and those that display parameter estimates are of presentation quality. They can be printed directly or imported into other applications such as word processors, desktop publishing programs, and general-purpose graphics programs.
Full information estimation with missing data
When some data values are missing, Amos offers a choice between maximum likelihood estimation or Bayesian estimation instead of ad hoc methods like listwise or pairwise deletion.
The program makes bootstrap standard errors and confidence intervals available for all parameter estimates, effect estimates, sample means, variances, covariances, and correlations. It also implements percentile intervals and bias-corrected percentile intervals (Stine, 1989), as well as Bollen and Stine’s (1992) bootstrap approach to model testing.
Model comparisons
Multiple models can be fitted in a single analysis. Amos examines every pair of models in which one model can be obtained by placing restrictions on the parameters of the other. The program reports several statistics appropriate for comparing such models.
Group comparisons
Amos can analyze data from several populations at once.
Bayesian estimation
Amos uses an MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) algorithm to perform Bayesian estimation. Bayesian estimation can be used to to avoid negative variance estimates and other types of improper solutions. It can be used to estimate any arbitrary function of the model parameters.
Estimation of means and intercepts
Amos makes it easy to estimate means for exogenous variables and intercepts in regression equations.
Specification search (Exploratory SEM)
Amos's specification search provides a method for systematically specifying, fitting and evaluating a large number of candidate models. In a specification search, some single- and double- headed arrows in a path diagram are designated as optional. Amos fits the model both with and without each optional arrow, using every possible subset of the optional arrows. Tools are provided for choosing among the models on the basis of fit, parsimony, and interpretability.
Data imputation
If your dataset contains missing values, you can use regression imputation to create a new, completed dataset in which the missing values have been filled in with estimated numeric values.
In addition, if your dataset contains missing, censored, or ordered-categorical values, you can use either Bayesian imputation or stochastic regression imputation to create one or more completed datasets in which the missing, censored or ordered-categorical values have been filled in with estimated numeric values.
Analysis of censored data
Amos uses Bayesian estimation to fit models to datasets that contain censored values. It can estimate posterior predictive distributions for censored values, and perform imputation for censored values.
Analysis of ordered-categorical data
Amos uses Bayesian estimation to fit models to datasets that contain ordered-categorical variables. (For example, variables that are scored pass/fail or low/medium/high rather than numerically.) It can estimate the posterior predictive distribution of the numeric variable that underlies a categorical response, and can impute a numeric value for a categorical response.
Mixture modeling
Mixture modeling is appropriate when you have a model that is incorrect for an entire population, but where the population can be divided into subgroups in such a way that the model is correct in each subgroup. Amos allows (but does not require) you to assign some cases to groups before the analysis starts. Amos attempts to learn from any cases that are already classified and then to classify those cases that are not already classified.
User-defined estimands
Amos can estimate any function of the model parameters, complete with bootstrap standard errors, confidence intervals and significance tests.
Growth curve analysis
Amos can construct linear growth curve models.
Tests of assumptions
Amos provides a test of univariate normality for each observed variable as well as a test of multivariate normality. It attempts to detect outliers.
Annotated text output
Text output is annotated by popups that provide brief explanations of selected portions of the output.
Extensive online help.
Extensive context-sensitive help is supplied with the program in Microsoft's CHM format (the usual help format for Windows programs). The same help content is provided on this website in a more web-friendly format.
User's guide with many examples
39 examples in the user's guide show how to use Amos.
IBM SPSS Amos 30 系統需求
Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019
Intel or AMD x86 processor running at 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher
2 gigabyte (GB) of RAM or more.
1 gigabytes (GB) of available hard-disk space.
XGA (1024x768) or a higher-resolution monitor
IBM SPSS Amos 30 結構方程模型軟體
IBM SPSS Amos被設計為用於教學結構方程式建模的工具,其強調了這種強大的數據分析方法所基於的簡單性。我們竭盡全力發現它易於使用。Amos將易於使用的圖形界面與用於SEM的高級計算引擎集成在一起。Amos的出版質量路徑圖為學生和研究人員提供了清晰的模型表示。在Amos中實現的數字方法是最有效,最可靠的方法之一。
IBM SPSS Amos接受路徑圖作為模型規範,並在路徑圖上顯示參數估計。用於模型說明的路徑圖和用於顯示參數估計值的路徑圖具有表示質量。它們可以直接打印或導入到其他應用程序中,例如文字處理器,桌面發布程序和通用圖形程序。
PROSuite 統計分析軟體
ProSuite 是 Provalis Research 的集成文本分析工具(QDA Miner、WordStat、SimStat)的集合,允許人們探索、分析和關聯結構化和非結構化數據。Provalis Research 文本分析工具允許使用 QDA Miner 對文檔和圖像執行高級計算機輔助定性編碼,將 WordStat 強大的內容分析和文本挖掘功能應用於文本數據,以及對數值和分類數據執行高級統計分析使用 SimStat。ProSuite 不會將研究人員和分析師限制在單一的文本分析方法中,而是允許他們選擇最適合研究問題或可用數據的方法。
Statistix 10 統計分析軟體
Statistix是一款功能強大的統計分析程序,可用於快速分析數據。這個非常易於使用的程序以實惠的價格提供您想要的基本和高級統計數據 - 以及強大的數據處理工具。
HLM 統計軟體
HLM 是一款專業的多層次模型分析軟體,主要用於分析具有層次結構的數據。它被廣泛應用於社會科學、教育研究、心理學等領域,用於探索和解釋多層次數據中的變異。HLM的主要功能之一是其能夠處理具有多層次結構的數據,例如學生嵌套在班級中,班級又嵌套在學校中的數據結構。用戶可以執行模型比較與選擇,並探索這些模型之間的關係。此外,HLM還提供了豐富的統計分析功能,包括隨機效應分析、固定效應分析、混合效應模型等。這些模型可以幫助用戶理解不同層次之間的變異來源,並評估不同因素對結果變數的影響。HLM還具有強大的模型擬合和評估功能。用戶可以通過檢查模型的適配度指標來評估模型的有效性和適合度,並完成圖形化展示,確保建立的模型合理解釋觀察到的數據。