TIBCO 統計分析軟體-統計分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

TIBCO 統計分析軟體

TIBCO  統計分析軟體

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    了解TIBCO Cloud™如何改變您的業務方式 我們創建了雲端整合產品,幫助您將業務的每個部分都整合在一起。現在,您可以無縫連接基於雲端的服務和本地部署應用程序,並輕鬆建模,創建,測試和部署自定義API。
  • 價格

TIBCO Statistical Analysis Software

TIBCO Cloud™ Integration
Empower everyone to integrate anything with API-led and event-driven integration
Operating with the speed, agility, and innovation of a digital business requires you to integrate applications and data quickly. The TIBCO Cloud™ Integration enterprise integration platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) accelerates the integration process. Using any integration style, it empowers your people to quickly and easily connect their information assets no matter where they are. Connect cloud apps and hybrid integration flows across on-premises and cloud environments, develop cloud-native apps using microservices, and process IoT data on edge devices.

TIBCO Spotfire 11
Immersive, smart, real-time insights for everyone
TIBCO Spotfire® software is the most complete analytics solution on the market, enabling everyone to explore and visualize new discoveries in data through immersive dashboards and advanced analytics. Spotfire® analytics delivers capabilities at scale, including predictive analytics, geolocation analytics, and streaming analytics. And with Spotfire Mods, you can build tailored analytic apps rapidly, repeatedly, and to scale.

TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery® API Management Platform
The cloud-native API platform you can deploy anywhere, and manage APIs from everywhere
Your digital business requires a market-leading API platform to enable API-led innovation and agility, new business models, and enterprise-scale security to protect your assets. APIs are connective tissue of every digital business platform, from powering digital marketplaces to seamless API-led connectivity of legacy, cloud, and data from the edge. As enterprises increasingly adopt cloud-native tools for more speed, agility, and scale, your API program must similarly evolve. cloud-native API programs can supercharge key transformation enablers like microservices, containers, and serverless compute.

TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery® delivers market-leading full lifecycle API management capabilities for enterprises adopting cloud-native development and deployment practices, such as DevOps, Microservices, and Containers. Its rich set of capabilities includes API creation, productization, security, and analytics of your API program and community of developers. Now, the cloud-native enterprise has a platform to power their digitally-disruptive initiatives. TIBCO Cloud Mashery: The cloud-native API platform you can deploy anywhere, and manage APIs from everywhere.

TIBCO® Data Science Democratize
Democratize, collaborate, and operationalize, machine learning across your organization
Data science is a team sport. Data scientists, citizen data scientists, data engineers, business users, and developers need flexible
and extensible tools that promote collaboration, automation,
and reuse of analytic workflows. But algorithms are only one
piece of the advanced analytic puzzle. To deliver predictive
insights, companies need to increase focus on the deployment, management, and monitoring of analytic models. Smart
businesses rely on platforms that support the end-to-end
analytics lifecycle while providing enterprise security and
governance. TIBCO® Data Science software helps or
ganizationsinnovate and solve complex problems faster to
ensure predictive findings quickly turn into optimal outcomes.

Industry Leading MDM Software, TIBCO EBX™
A single solution to govern, manage, and consume all shared data assets
TIBCO EBX™ software helps organizations avoid silos with an all-in-one approach to managing data assets across the enterprise.

When you can manage and share all your data assets, you thrive. Data fuels mission-critical operations, analytical processes, and customer experience. With constantly evolving data from diverse channels and sources, business teams can no longer rely on simple office automation or outdated data management tools. EBX™ software, a recognized leader in Master Data Management (MDM) and a pioneer in data asset management, is an innovative, single solution for managing, governing, and consuming all shared data assets, including:
       • Master data
       • Reference data
       • Hierarchies
       • Business glossaries
       • Metadata
It provides risk mitigation and an accurate, trusted view of business functions, insights, and decisions. When used for integration and analytics initiatives, it empowers better decisions and faster, smarter actions. And unlike other solutions that require integration of multiple standalone applications, EBX software is a single software solution.

TIBCO Data Virtualization
Less complexity and cost, faster access to data
An enterprise data virtualization solution that orchestrates access to multiple and varied data sources and delivers the datasets and IT-curated data services foundation for nearly any solution.



macOS 10.x and above on x86-64, Microsoft Windows 10 on x86-64, or Linux 7.5 and above on x86-64.

Minimum of 1 CPU.
TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent needs a minimum of 256 MB
available. TIBCO Cloud - Proxy Agent can be memory-intensive,
depending on traffic and the number of exposed on-premises
services; the memory requirement increases with increasing
Minimum of 10 MB available.

TIBCO Statistical Analysis Software

TIBCO Cloud™ 整合
使每個人都能通過 API 主導和事件驅動的集成來集成任何東西
以數字業務的速度、敏捷性和創新性運營需要您快速集成應用程序和數據。TIBCO Cloud™ Integration 企業集成平台即服務 (iPaaS) 加速了集成過程。使用任何集成方式,它使您的員工能夠快速輕鬆地連接他們的信息資產,無論他們身在何處。連接本地和雲環境中的雲應用程序和混合集成流,使用微服務開發雲原生應用程序,並在邊緣設備上處理 IoT 數據。

TIBCO Spotfire 11
TIBCO Spotfire®軟件是市場上最完整的分析解決方案,讓每個人都能通過沉浸式儀表板和高級分析來探索和可視化數據中的新發現。Spotfire® 分析提供大規模功能,包括預測分析、地理位置分析和流分析。借助 Spotfire Mods,您可以快速、重複和可擴展地構建定制的分析應用程序。

TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery® API 管理平台
您可以在任何地方部署並從任何地方管理 API 的雲原生 API 平台
您的數字業務需要市場領先的 API 平台來實現 API 主導的創新和敏捷性、新的業務模式和企業級安全性,以保護您的資產。API 是每個數字業務平台的連接組織,從支持數字市場到由 API 主導的遺留數據、雲和邊緣數據的無縫連接。隨著企業越來越多地採用雲原生工具來提高速度、敏捷性和規模,您的 API 程序也必須類似地發展。雲原生 API 程序可以增強微服務、容器和無服務器計算等關鍵轉型推動因素。

TIBCO Cloud™ Mashery®為採用雲原生開發和部署實踐(例如 DevOps、微服務和容器)的企業提供市場領先的全生命週期API 管理功能。其豐富的功能集包括 API 程序和開發人員社區的 API 創建、產品化、安全性和分析。現在,雲原生企業有了一個平台來支持他們的數字顛覆性計劃。TIBCO Cloud Mashery:雲原生 API 平台,您可以在任何地方部署,並從任何地方管理 API。

TIBCO® 數據科學
數據科學是一項團隊運動。數據科學家、公民數據科學家、數據工程師、業務用戶和開發人員需要靈活且可擴展的工具來促進分析工作流的協作、自動化和重用。但算法只是高級分析難題的一部分。為了提供預測洞察力,公司需要更加關注分析模型的部署、管理和監控。智能企業依賴於支持端到端分析生命週期的平台,同時提供企業安全和治理。TIBCO® Data Science 軟件可幫助組織更快地創新和解決複雜問題,以確保預測結果迅速轉化為最佳結果。

TIBCO EBX™ 軟件通過多合一的方法來管理整個企業的數據資產,幫助組織避免孤島。

當您可以管理和共享所有數據資產時,您就會蓬勃發展。數據為關鍵任務運營、分析流程和客戶體驗提供動力。隨著來自不同渠道和來源的數據不斷變化,業務團隊不能再依賴簡單的辦公自動化或過時的數據管理工具。EBX™ 軟件是主數據管理 (MDM) 領域公認的領導者和數據資產管理的先驅,是一種創新的單一解決方案,用於管理、治理和使用所有共享數據資產,包括:
       • 主要的數據
       • 參考資料
       • 層次結構
       • 商業詞彙
       • 元數據
它提供了風險緩解和業務功能、洞察力和決策的準確、可信的視圖。當用於集成和分析計劃時,它支持更好的決策和更快、更智能的行動。與需要集成多個獨立應用程序的其他解決方案不同,EBX 軟件是一個單一的軟件解決方案。

一種企業數據虛擬化解決方案,可協調對多種不同數據源的訪問,並為幾乎所有解決方案提供數據集和 IT 策劃的數據服務基礎。


nQuery Advisor 8.7 統計分析軟體

nQuery Advisor提供一簡單可靠及有效的方法,以決定樣本的大小及統計的幕數。提供專家計算找出可靠區間及等效分析,來決定樣本的大小

nQuery Advisor 8.7 統計分析軟體

EQS 6.4 結構方程式軟體

EQS 6.4是一個以圖形的方式來進行協方差分析的隱變量分析軟體,用戶只要通過簡單的數據錄入與輸出操作就可以進行統計檢驗和繪圖工作,EQS所提供的手繪圖形程式模塊、結構均等程式模塊與協方差結構模型的概念相當別具一格,由此也確立了EQS在統計軟體中的一席之地。

EQS 6.4 結構方程式軟體

MVSP v3 多變數統計分析軟體

MVSP is an inexpensive and easy to use program that performs a number of multivariate numerical analyses useful in many scientific fields. It calculates three basic types of eigenanalysis ordinations: principal components, principal coordinates, and correspondence/detrended correspondence analyses.

MVSP v3 多變數統計分析軟體