FusionCharts Suite XT 動態圖表製作軟體-/新永資訊有限公司

FusionCharts Suite XT 動態圖表製作軟體

FusionCharts Suite XT 動態圖表製作軟體

  • FusionCharts Suite XT 動態圖表製作軟體
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  • 介紹
    FusionCharts 可幫助您為 Web 和移動項目構建漂亮的儀表板。借助廣泛的文檔、跨瀏覽器支持和一致的 API,添加交互式和響應式圖表比以往任何時候都容易。從簡單的圖表(如折線圖、柱形圖和餅圖)到特定領域的圖表(如熱圖、雷達圖和股票圖表)
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FusionCharts Suite XT Dynamic chart making software

The latest version is Version 3.18.0
what's new in Version 3.18.0
Accessibility Theme

FusionCharts 3.18 introduces an accessibility theme enabling developers to create WCAG 2.1 compliant charts.

FusionCharts Suite XT: Explore 100+ Charts and 2000+ Maps
FusionCharts provides over 100+ charts and 2000+ maps. With extensive documentation, a consistent API, and a range of customization options - FusionCharts is the most comprehensive JavaScript charting library that is loved by 750,000 developers across the globe. FusionCharts Suite XT includes FusionCharts XT, FusionWidgets XT, PowerCharts XT, and FusionMaps XT.

All our charts are designed to work on JavaScript, React, Vue, Angular, jQuery, Ember, etc. Head to these charts to check out the code and visualization of each of these frameworks.

FusionCharts XT
FusionCharts XT is our flagship product that consists of 50+ chart types like Line, Area, Column, Bar and more. A perfect addition to your reports, dashboards, surveys, monitors and analytics. Click on a chart to see it in action.

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FusionWidgets XT
FusionWidgets XT makes your KPIs and real-time data in dashboards, monitors and reports more insightful with widgets like Gauge and Speedometer. Click on a chart type to see it in action.

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PowerCharts XT
PowerCharts XT is a set of advanced charting widgets
like HeatmapsRadar or Node graphs for domain specific usage. Click on a chart type to see it in action.

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FusionMaps XT
FusionMaps XT has over 2000+ geographical maps, including all countries, US states, and regions in Europe for plotting business data like revenue by regions, employment levels by state and office locations.

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Technologies Used
JavaScript (SVG and VML)

Works on
Shared servers
Dedicated servers
Personal machines
Mobile Devices

Client-side requirements
JavaScript enabled Web browser (including those on iPhone/iPad) with SVG or VML support.
Supported Browsers: 
Internet Explorer 6+
Firefox 2+
Safari 5.0 + (Safari for iOS devices as well)
Opera 10 & 11

Server-side requirements
There are no specific requirements as FusionCharts Suite XT runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix or any other server.

Supported Devices
iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch (iOS 3.0+)
3.0+ (JavaScript charts)
BB OS v6+

Programming Interface
Server-side API's:     
ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby on Rails
Scripting Languages:    
Server-side: C# (ASP.NET), VB (ASP.NET), Java(J2EE), PHP, Ruby on Rails, ColdFusion, Classic ASP, PERL, Python or anything else that you are using
Client-side: JavaScript, including frameworks like jQuery, AngularJS
Data Formats:    


FusionCharts Suite XT 動態圖表製作軟體

最新版本是Version 3.18.0
FusionCharts 3.18 引入了可訪問性主題,使開發人員能夠創建符合 WCAG 2.1 的圖表。

FusionCharts Suite XT:探索 100 多個圖表和 2000 多個地圖
FusionCharts 提供 100 多個圖表和 2000 多個地圖。憑藉豐富的文檔、一致的 API 和一系列自定義選項 - FusionCharts 是最全面的 JavaScript 圖表庫,受到全球 750,000 名開發人員的喜愛。FusionCharts Suite XT 包括 FusionCharts XT、FusionWidgets XT、PowerCharts XT 和 FusionMaps XT。

FusionCharts XT
FusionCharts XT 擁有 50 多種圖表類型,包含最常用的圖表,例如用於報表和儀表板的柱形圖、折線圖和餅圖。


FusionWidgets XT
從儀表和 KPI 到漏斗圖和金字塔圖,FusionWidgets XT 讓您的儀表板和監視器更具洞察力。


PowerCharts XT
PowerCharts XT 包含熱圖和樹狀圖、雷達和統計圖表,是一組用於特定領域的高級圖表小部件。

FusionMaps XT
使用 FusionMaps XT 中包含的 2000 多個數據驅動地圖繪製您的關鍵業務數據,例如按地區劃分的收入。


WBS Schedule Pro 圖表程式流程圖製作軟體

WBS Schedule Pro is Windows-based Project Management Software that combines Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Charts, Network Charts, Gantt Charts, Task Sheets plus numerous features to produce a feature-rich yet easy-to-use tool to plan and manage projects. WBS Schedule Pro can be used by itself as a standalone project planning and scheduling tool. The intuitive user interface and visual nature of the charts used to create projects minimizes the learning curve needed to use more complicated project management software. It's easy to use with plenty of advanced features to effectively

WBS Schedule Pro 圖表程式流程圖製作軟體

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

JpGraph這個強大的繪圖組件能根據你的需要畫出任意圖形,只要你能提供數據 ,它就能畫圖.簡單的說,畫圖就像你剛學數據結構時候編寫的一些處理數據算法,而這裡只是多了幾個調用繪圖函數的過程來把處理的數據填進去自動畫圖.

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

Iocomp 科學工程繪圖軟體

Iocomp Software is committed to providing reliable, timely and professional technical support to all of its customers. Iocomp believes that its customers are the best source of feedback and ideas for our current and future lines of products. The company aims to make sure that its products satisfy your highest expectations and provide the features and functionality that you expect from the leader in Instrumentation control technologies.

Iocomp 科學工程繪圖軟體