GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

  • GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Garritan Personal Orchestra ® democratized the creation of orchestral music by making a comprehensive collection of virtual orchestral instruments affordable. GPO 5 represents the next step, with many additional new instruments,techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances to provide the next level of breathtaking realism. Included are strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, choirs, and keyboards: more than 500 instruments in all.
  • 價格

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 (GPO)

GPO 5 features a complete orchestra with strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and keyboards.

Garritan Personal Orchestra ® democratized the creation of orchestral music by making a comprehensive collection of virtual orchestral instruments affordable. GPO 5 represents the next step, with many additional new instruments,techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances to provide the next level of breathtaking realism. Included are strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, choirs, and keyboards: more than 500 instruments in all.

GPO 5 continues in this tradition by vastly expanding the number of included instruments and offering new techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances. The result empowers musicians to produce truly inspiring symphonic sounds with a much higher level of realism.

Garritan 數位音色庫

Garritan Acquired by MakeMusic MakeMusic, Inc., makers of Finale™, has signed an agreement to acquire Garritan Corporation, the world's leading provider of software musical instruments. We are really excited to join the MakeMusic family and there will be exciting things happening as we expand our success further with MakeMusic!

Garritan 數位音色庫

EarMaster 練耳大師 聽力訓練軟體

EarMaster 是一個結合各種不同的鍛鍊和訓練,來幫助那些想要成為音樂工作者或初學者  的音樂訓練程式。訓練的範圍包括弦、音階、節拍、音節和旋律。你可以定義一個  完整的訓練課程並把每個訓練儲存起來。另有學校修訂版,可針對學生進階的管理  和報告能力,非常適合用於電腦網路作業。

EarMaster 練耳大師 聽力訓練軟體

Finale 27 樂譜製作應用軟體

捕捉音樂靈感。刻上美麗的樂譜。與他人分享您的藝術願景。正如每個音樂家都是獨一無二的,每個人使用 Finale 軟件創作音樂的原因也是如此。 Finale 為您提供支持,讓您可以輕鬆創建您可以想像的任何音樂符號,並以最能支持您的創造力的方式工作。 無論您的靈感將您引向何方,從簡單的引導表到準備您的好萊塢電影配樂,Finale 都是獲得最佳輸出的可靠途徑。

Finale 27 樂譜製作應用軟體