GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

  • GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Garritan Personal Orchestra ® democratized the creation of orchestral music by making a comprehensive collection of virtual orchestral instruments affordable. GPO 5 represents the next step, with many additional new instruments,techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances to provide the next level of breathtaking realism. Included are strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, choirs, and keyboards: more than 500 instruments in all.
  • 價格

GPO 5 音樂繪譜軟體

Garritan Personal Orchestra 5 (GPO)

GPO 5 features a complete orchestra with strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and keyboards.

Garritan Personal Orchestra ® democratized the creation of orchestral music by making a comprehensive collection of virtual orchestral instruments affordable. GPO 5 represents the next step, with many additional new instruments,techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances to provide the next level of breathtaking realism. Included are strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, choirs, and keyboards: more than 500 instruments in all.

GPO 5 continues in this tradition by vastly expanding the number of included instruments and offering new techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances. The result empowers musicians to produce truly inspiring symphonic sounds with a much higher level of realism.

Band-in-a-Box 樂團音樂製作軟體

Band-in-a-Box®2024 for Windows具有超過80個令人興奮的新功能和增強功能!主屏幕GUI已重新設計了許多要求的改進,包括新的,更小的空間,可配置的工具欄等等。 RealTracks聽起來比以往更好的拉伸和轉換質量(Elastique 3),更好的短語轉換和自然安排。我們添加了新的“Woodshedding”RealTracks稱為12鍵吉他RealTracks從布蘭特梅森演奏在12鍵與Hi-Q(精確)選項卡/記法,是理想的學習和學習。有許多RealDrums增強功能,包括半/雙/三倍時間,一個鼓軌道上的多個鼓/打擊樂/循環,等等。有一個專門的歌曲標題瀏覽器,元數據信息超過8,000流行歌曲。 UserTracks增強功能包括半/雙/三倍時間,休息,3/4華爾茲支持等。我們添加了一個新的VST合成器(sforzando SFZ合成器)支持流行的.SFZ聲音格式,以及PG音樂的Hi-Q聲音... ...和更多!

Band-in-a-Box 樂團音樂製作軟體

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Music Maker 2015 Premium

Nuendo 音樂軟體


Nuendo 音樂軟體