FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體-水文軟體/新永資訊有限公司

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

  • FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體
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    FEFLOW FMH3 ® ( Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is one of the most sophisticated software packages available for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions.
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FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 ® ( Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is one of the most sophisticated software packages available for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions.

Integral components are interactive graphics, a GIS interface, data regionalization and visualization tools and powerful numeric techniques. These components ensure an efficient working process building the finite element mesh, assigning model properties and boundary conditions, running the simulation, and visualizing the results.

FEFLOW FMH3 major features are:
  •   •  Two or three dimensional modeling
  •   •  Stationary or instationary simulation
  •   •  Computation of saturated / variable saturated or unsaturated conditions
  •   •  Computation of mass and/or heat transport
  •   •  Integration of chemical reactions and degradation mechanisms
  •   •  Asorption using sorption isotherms by Henry, Freundlich or Langmuir
  •   •  Consideration of variable fluid density because of temperature or salt concentration
  •   •  One and two dimensional finite elements for flow and transport in fractures, channels or tubes
  •   •  FEFLOW FMH3 is handled exclusively by interactive graphical user interfaces.
  •   •  The complexity of problem design, problem generation and solution is completely kept in the background.
  •   •  The system is completely self-explaining
  •   •  The system is based on a hierarchical structure
  •   •  FEFLOW FMH3 is available for different operating systems of the UN  •  IX as well as the Windows world.
  •   •  FEFLOW FMH3 contains more than 1.100.000 lines of code in ANSI C/C++.

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

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ARTS™ 水壓分析設計軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 ® ( Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is one of the most sophisticated software packages available for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions.

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體