Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體-其他應用軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體

Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體

  • Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體
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  • 介紹
    Master Uneraser能回復在硬碟中意外刪除的檔案(或是在垃圾桶中所刪除的檔案)。它是直接連接硬碟在低層和忽視已存在在硬碟的資料,因為它要分析硬碟的可 用空間,利用新增加的硬碟空間來找出刪除的檔案。它並不一定知道Windows是否完全刪除掉檔案,從檔案系統中它只抓取檔案記錄,只要刪除掉檔案釋放出 的可用空間沒有被其他檔案給覆蓋的話,它就能回復剛刪除的檔案。
  • 價格

Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體

Master Uneraser能回復在硬碟中意外刪除的檔案(或是在垃圾桶中所刪除的檔案)。它是直接連接硬碟在低層和忽視已存在在硬碟的資料,因為它要分析硬碟的可 用空間,利用新增加的硬碟空間來找出刪除的檔案。它並不一定知道Windows是否完全刪除掉檔案,從檔案系統中它只抓取檔案記錄,只要刪除掉檔案釋放出 的可用空間沒有被其他檔案給覆蓋的話,它就能回復剛刪除的檔案。

Master Uneraser can recover accidentally deleted files on your hard drives (even files deleted from Recycle Bin). It has direct access to hard drive on low level and ignores information about existing files on drive, because it analyzes free space of hard drive (where it can find deleted files). It is not well known, that Windows does not delete files completely. It just removes record of file from file system. So, Master Uneraser has good chances to recover deleted file in case if it has not been overwritten by new files. 

Master Uneraser is specially designed for new Windows Vista and has native Vista interface like Office 2007 and it has native support for Vista Aero Style. 
Master Uneraser works on modern operation systems Windows 7 and Windows Vista, but it is also compatible with previous versions of Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, 2003/XP/2000.

Master Uneraser supports all major File Systems used in Windows like: FAT (VFAT, FAT16, FAT32), NTFS4, NTFS5. It supports long file names and non-English characters in file names. What does it mean? It means that you can use Master Shredder to recover deleted files on any media that has file system compatible with Windows Operating System. Moreover it has possiblity to recover deleted NTFS compressed files.

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