
GPS-X 廢水處理軟體

GPS-X 廢水處理軟體

  • GPS-X 廢水處理軟體
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    GPS-X is a modular, multi-purpose computer program for the modeling and simulation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Whether you are designing a new facility, or simulating an existing plant, GPS-X will help you improve your design and operating efficiency.
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GPS-X 廢水處理軟體

GPS-X is a modular, multi-purpose computer program for the modeling and simulation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Whether you are designing a new facility, or simulating an existing plant, GPS-X will help you improve your design and operating efficiency.
Hydromantis is committed to the continued growth of GPS-X. We have listened to our customer's suggestions and focused our most recent effort towards improving the user interface, which will make it easier for our modeling community to get the most out of GPS-X. We are pleased to announce the following enhancements and additions to GPS-X Version 5.0.

New Aeration Model
A new, more sophisticated aeration model has been implemented in most of the biological unit processes found in GPS-X. The new aeration model is based on the theory found in the US EPA Design Manual for Fine Pore Aeration Systems. The new model is more robust, and can be used in a wide range of applications. Some highlights of the new model include:
  •   •   the input or calculation of commonly used aeration variables such as standard oxygentransfer rate (SOTR), oxygen transfer rate (OTR), and standard oxygen transfer efficiency (SOTE).
  •   •   a new oxygen solubility correlation based on data from the US EPA Design Manual for Fine Pore Aeration Systems.
  • new and updated oxygen solubility correction factors for temperature, pressure (including the effect of elevation), and submergence.
  •   •   new SOTE correlations that vary with diffuser submergence, diffuser density, and airflow per diffuser. Correlations are available for coarse bubble, fine bubble (ceramic disc, ceramic dome, membrane disc, membrane tube), and jet diffusers.
  •   •   a new SOTE correction factor for very deep tanks (> 8 m)
  •   •   the ability to input and output airflows at standard or field conditions. Both US standard and European standard are available. An option to enter user-defined air is available.
  •   •   updated alpha values for different types of diffusers
  •   •   warning messages are provided if the diffuser density or the airflow per diffuser are outside typical ranges.
Simple Drag-and-Drop Control and Graph Creation
No more time-consuming tagging of variables, or setting up and defining windows. All input and output is now done with a quick drag-and-drop action. Simply drag the variable from one of the forms to an 'empty space' or an existing control/graph and all of the work is done for you.
New graph types and features (including customizable graph colours) are also available.

Reporting Feature
GPS-X now creates reports directly in Microsoft Excel format, including images, graphs, parameter settings, and simulation results. Use either the default report format, or create your own custom report for each project. This new reporting feature is an incredible time-saver, and will reduce labour costs associated with management and presentation of simulation results.
Basic Report
With a single click of the mouse, you can generate a complete summary of the model, as well as full presentation of simulation results, in an easy-to-read preconfigured format.
Custom Report
This exciting new feature will shave off valuable billable project time by saving users the trouble of loading, parsing, cutting/pasting and otherwise manipulating columns of simulation data output. Create your own report templates, and have GPS-X create fully customized Excel spreadsheets that display exactly the information you need, in exactly the format you want. No more spending hours on data manipulation, graphing and formatting.


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GPS-X 廢水處理軟體

GPS-X is a modular, multi-purpose computer program for the modeling and simulation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Whether you are designing a new facility, or simulating an existing plant, GPS-X will help you improve your design and operating efficiency.

GPS-X 廢水處理軟體