
SQLMemTable 資料庫語言應用軟體

SQLMemTable 資料庫語言應用軟體

  • SQLMemTable 資料庫語言應用軟體
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    SQLMemTable is a simple and fast in-memory table and query for Delphi and C++ Builder.
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SQLMemTable 資料庫語言應用軟體

SQLMemTable is a simple and fast in-memory table and query for Delphi and C++ Builder.
SQLMemTable includes three visual components: 
  •   •  TSQLMemTable which is a fast and easy in-memory TTable replacement;
  •   •  TSQLMemQuery that provides a subset of SQL'92 operators;
  •   •  TSQLMemBatchMove which is very close to TBatchMove and supports almost all of its functionality.
SQLMemTable does not require BDE and provides all the TTable functions such as master / detail relationship, filtering, searching, sorting, blob fields, key and range methods, as well as some advanced features like blob fields compression and Unicode support. 

SQLMemTable provides the following services:
  •   •  Multiple memory databases support;
  •   •  SQL (DML & DDL) commands support;
  • Export to SQL;
  •   •  Referential Integrity support (foreign keys)
  •   •  BatchMove component;
  •   •  Master / detail relationship;
  •   •  Database Designer - design-time editor for TSQLMemDatabase
  •   •  creating, renaming, emptying, deleting and restructuring tables;
  •   •  creating, editing, deleting, browsing and searching for records;
  •   •  creating and deleting multiple indexes;
  •   •  calculated and lookup fields;
  •   •  filtering support;
  •   •  BLOB fields compression;
  •   •  Multi-thread access;
  •   •  importing from and exporting to any dataset in fast and easy way;
  •   •  loading and saving tables with optional compression;
  •   •  internationalization / localization and Unicode support.
SQLMemTable is a fully functional in-memory database system; it includes table, query and batch move components as well as useful utility (with source code), demos and comprehensive help. SQLMemTable does not require BDE or any external drivers and has small footprint.

Accuracer Database System 數據庫系統

Accuracer Database System is a new, compact, embedded, single-file, multi-user and client-server, Windows/Linux cross-platform database engine with SQL support for Delphi/C++Builder, Kylix and any ODBC environment. 

Accuracer Database System 數據庫系統

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