SQLMemTable 資料庫語言應用軟體
SQLMemTable includes three visual components:
- • TSQLMemTable which is a fast and easy in-memory TTable replacement;
- • TSQLMemQuery that provides a subset of SQL'92 operators;
- • TSQLMemBatchMove which is very close to TBatchMove and supports almost all of its functionality.

SQLMemTable provides the following services:
- • Multiple memory databases support;
- • SQL (DML & DDL) commands support;
- Export to SQL;
- • Referential Integrity support (foreign keys)
- • BatchMove component;
- • Master / detail relationship;
- • Database Designer - design-time editor for TSQLMemDatabase
- • creating, renaming, emptying, deleting and restructuring tables;
- • creating, editing, deleting, browsing and searching for records;
- • creating and deleting multiple indexes;
- • calculated and lookup fields;
- • filtering support;
- • BLOB fields compression;
- • Multi-thread access;
- • importing from and exporting to any dataset in fast and easy way;
- • loading and saving tables with optional compression;
- • internationalization / localization and Unicode support.