AquaChem 水文模型軟體-水文軟體/新永資訊有限公司

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

  • AquaChem 水文模型軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 
  • 價格

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

Featuring a fully customizable database of physical and chemical parameters and a comprehensive selection of analysis, calculation, modeling, and graphing tools, AquaChem is a truly unique groundwater software package.

AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 

These powerful analytical capabilities are complemented by a comprehensive selection of commonly used plotting techniques to represent the chemical characteristics of aqueous geochemical and water quality data.
AquaChem Product Details Summary

SOBEK 排水與流域管理模型程式

SOBEK提供的軟體環境,用以模擬河流河口地區,灌溉排水系統以及排污,排雨系統的各種管理問題. 可以綜合考慮封閉管道流,明渠流,河流,地表漫流等一系列水力,水文和環境過程. 分別開發了三條產品線:SOBEK Rural, SOBEK Rrban與SOBEK River,各有特定的用戶介面,方便用戶全面有效的處理各種水相關問題

SOBEK 排水與流域管理模型程式

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data. These tools include simple unit transformations, charge balances, statistics and sample mixing to more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations. 

AquaChem 水文模型軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 ® ( Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is one of the most sophisticated software packages available for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions.

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體