TEMP/W 大地工程軟體-大地工程軟體/新永資訊有限公司

TEMP/W 大地工程軟體

TEMP/W 大地工程軟體

  • TEMP/W 大地工程軟體
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    TEMP/W is a finite element software product for analyzing thermal changes in the ground due to environmental changes or due to the construction of facilities such as buildings or pipelines.
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TEMP/W 大地工程軟體

TEMP/W is a finite element software product for analyzing thermal changes in the ground due to environmental changes or due to the construction of facilities such as buildings or pipelines. The comprehensive formulation makes it possible to analyze both simple and highly complex geothermal problems. You can apply TEMP/W to the geothermal analysis and design of geotechnical, civil, and mining engineering projects, including facilities that are subjected to freezing and thawing temperature changes. 
TEMP/W is formulated to account for the latent heat associated with water turning into ice and ice turning into water. The rate at which the latent heat is absorbed or released is controlled by an unfrozen water content function. Above the phase change temperature, all the water is unfrozen. As the temperature falls below the phase change point, the portion of the water that remains unfrozen decreases. Complete flexibility in defining the unfrozen water content function makes it possible to analyze a wide variety of ground conditions. When linked with SEEP/W or AIR/W it can consider convective heat transfer if flowing water or moving air. 

Easy to Use
Defining a Geothermal Model
The unique CAD-like technology in TEMP/W allows you to generate your finite element mesh by drawing regions on the screen. You can then specify material properties and interactively apply boundary conditions. Boundary conditions can be automatically created from imported climate data, thermosyphon properties, and convective surface data. If you make a mistake, you can correct it using the Undo command. 

Viewing the Analysis Results
Once you have solved your geothermal problem, TEMP/W offers many tools for viewing results. Generate contours or x-y plots of any computed parameter, such as temperature, flux, gradient, latent heat, or net radiation. Gradient vectors show the energy flow direction and rate. Transient conditions can be shown by plotting the changing frost front position over time. View energy flow paths and flux quantities. Interactively query computed values by clicking on any node, element Gauss region, or flux section. Then export the results into other applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Word, for further analysis or to prepare presentations. 

Typical Applications
TEMP/W can model almost any geothermal problem, including:
  •   •   Degradation of permafrost beneath warm buildings or around a warm, buried pipeline
  •   •   Development of a frost bulb around a chilled pipeline
  •   •   Ground freezing for soil stabilization, including use of freezing pipes around mine shafts or thermosyphons on top of earth dams
  •   •   Freeze-thaw action beneath roadways and airport runways
  •   •   Frost depth penetration beneath chilled structures such as a recreational ice surface or a highway during winter
  •   •   Effectiveness of various insulation alternatives for reducing freezing and/or thawing

STEDwin2.91 大地工程軟體

STEDwin 是一款智能編輯器,可簡化 Purdue 或 PennDOT* STABL 程序的使用,可在 Windows 10(32 位或 64 位)、Windows XP、Windows 7 和 Windows 8 下運行。STEDwin 允許屏幕數據輸入和修改類似於電子表格。STEDwin 本身不執行穩定性分析,但允許用戶專注於邊坡穩定性分析的工程方面,同時負責以邊坡穩定性分析程序所需的格式編寫數據文件。

STEDwin2.91 大地工程軟體

PLAXIS 2D & 3D 大地工程軟體

2D Suite is a PLAXIS Software package which includes PLAXIS 2D V9, Dynamics, and PlaxFlow. It makes up a finite element package intended for the two dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering. It is a robust and user-friendly finite element package, developed for Geotechnical Engineering. The 3D Suite package contains the programs 3DTunnel and 3DFoundation. These programs combine to form a 3D geotechnical finite element package especially designed for the three-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in tunnel & foundation projects.

PLAXIS 2D & 3D 大地工程軟體

TEMP/W 大地工程軟體

TEMP/W is a finite element software product for analyzing thermal changes in the ground due to environmental changes or due to the construction of facilities such as buildings or pipelines.

TEMP/W 大地工程軟體