Stimulsoft Reports 報表製作軟體
- Stimulsoft Reports 報表製作軟體
介紹Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate是一個全面的解決方案,用來呈現.NET Framework平台上的報表。該產品包括一套完整的工具,可以在WinForms,ASP.NET和WPF環境下建立報表。報表設計器可以在設計時及運行中同時運行,其中包括一個獨特的web下的報表設計器。強大的輸出報表系統,支持多種不同的格式
Stimulsoft Reports report creation software
Stimulsoft Ultimate is a comprehensive solution for the .NET Framework platform, JavaScript, PHP, and Java to render reports and dashboards. The product includes a complete set of tools to build reports under WinForms, ASP.NET, .NET Core, WPF, JavaScript etc environments. Various report viewers for displaying reports and dashboards are available for this product. The product has powerful system of exporting reports that supports many different types of formats.
Stimulsoft Reports.Web
Stimulsoft Dashboards.WEB allows developers to implement the required data visualization and their own infographics in ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core projects. The product has the ability to apply the necessary filters and sorting, aggregate data, perform calculations of any complexity. The advantage of the product is its versatility - the ability to create dashboards for any sphere of your business, finance, sales, industry etc.
Stimulsoft Reports.Net
Stimulsoft Reports.Net is a .NET based reporting tool which helps you create flexible and feature rich reports. All reports are created in a report designer with handy and user-friendly interface. Using Stimulsoft Reports.Net you can create reports on the basis of various data sources. Created reports can be used both in Windows Forms and ASP.NET. Rendered reports can be exported to different formats.
Stimulsoft Reports.JS
Stimulsoft Reports.JS is a platform for generating reports using JavaScript and HTML5. It has all the necessary components to design, edit, and view reports. The reporting tool is licensed per number of developers and does not include royalties for the users of your applications.
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf is a reporting tool that is developed for Windows Presentation Foundation. Rich capabilities of rendering, viewing, printing and exporting reports – it's all about Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf. The product uses the reports engine for creating reports which is based on the many years experience of developing and using reporting tools. Great many components, properties and parameters, thought over the structure of reports.
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is a reporting tool designed to create reports in the Internet using a client-server technology. The PHP script works on the server side and controls the report generation. The JavaScript report engine works on the client side and provides a universal mechanism for reports generation almost on any client. Fast and powerful report engine, rich and intuitive interface, deployment and licensing.
Stimulsoft Reports.Java
Stimulsoft Reports.Java is a reporting tool, designed for interaction and work of reports in a Java application. The Java technology allows using programs on different platforms, different operating systems and different hardware. Thanks to this Stimulsoft Reports.Java is now available literally everywhere, meanwhile remaining a highly functional and user-friendly tool.
.NET Framework 4.5 or higher, or .NET Core 2.0 or higher.
Stimulsoft Reports.Net 2021.1.1
.NET Framework 4.5 or higher, or .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
Stimulsoft Reports.JS 2021.1.1
Any modern Web browser.
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf 2021.1.1
.NET Framework 4.5 or higher, or .NET Core 3.0 or higher.
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP 2021.1.1
PHP 5.3 or higher and any modern Web browser.
Stimulsoft Reports.Java 2021.1.1
Java™ SE 1.7 or higher.
Stimulsoft Reports 報表製作軟體
Stimulsoft Ultimate是用於.NET Framework平台,JavaScript,PHP和Java的全面解決方案,用於呈現報告和儀表板。該產品包括一整套用於在WinForms,ASP.NET,.NET Core,WPF,JavaScript等環境下生成報告的工具。該產品提供了用於顯示報告和儀表板的各種報告查看器。該產品具有導出報告的強大系統,該報告支持許多不同類型的格式。
Stimulsoft Reports.Web
Stimulsoft Reports.Web是一個報表工具,旨在在Web中創建和呈現報表。Stimulsoft Reports.Web將提供完整的報告設計週期,從報告模板開始到在瀏覽器中顯示結束。這可以在不關閉Web瀏覽器的情況下完成。Stimulsoft Reports.Web是第一個允許您直接在Web中編輯報告的報告工具。
Stimulsoft Reports.Net
Stimulsoft Reports.Net是基於.NET的報告工具,可幫助您創建靈活且功能豐富的報告。所有報告都是在具有方便且用戶友好界面的報告設計器中創建的。使用Stimulsoft Reports.Net,您可以基於各種數據源創建報告。創建的報告可以在Windows窗體和ASP.NET中使用。渲染的報告可以導出為不同的格式。
Stimulsoft Reports.JS
Stimulsoft Reports.JS是一個使用JavaScript和HTML5生成報告的平台。它具有設計,編輯和查看報告的所有必需組件。該報告工具是按開發人員數量許可的,不包括應用程序用戶的特許權使用費。
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf是為Windows Presentation Foundation開發的報告工具。豐富的呈現,查看,打印和導出報告功能–全部與Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf有關。該產品使用報告引擎來創建報告,該引擎基於多年開發和使用報告工具的經驗。考慮了報告的結構,其中包含許多組件,屬性和參數。
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf
Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf是為Windows Presentation Foundation開發的報告工具。豐富的呈現,查看,打印和導出報告功能–全部與Stimulsoft Reports.Wpf有關。該產品使用報告引擎來創建報告,該引擎基於多年開發和使用報告工具的經驗。考慮了報告的結構,其中包含許多組件,屬性和參數。
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP是一種報告工具,旨在使用客戶端服務器技術在Internet中創建報告。PHP腳本在服務器端工作,並控制報告的生成。JavaScript報告引擎在客戶端上工作,並為幾乎所有客戶端上的報告生成提供了一種通用機制。快速強大的報表引擎,豐富直觀的界面,部署和許可。
Stimulsoft Reports.Java
Stimulsoft Reports.Java是一種報表工具,旨在用於Java應用程序中報表的交互和工作。Java技術允許在不同的平台,不同的操作系統和不同的硬件上使用程序。由於有了Stimulsoft Reports.Java,Java現在幾乎可以在任何地方使用,同時仍然是一個功能強大且用戶友好的工具。
Source Insight 4 程式碼編輯工具
Source Insight是一個革命性的項目導向的程序代碼編輯器和代碼瀏覽器,具有內置的對C / C + +,C#和Java程序,以及其他語言。 源可以分析你的源代碼,並在你工作的同時動態維護它自己的符號數據庫,並自動顯示有用的上下文信息給你。 不僅是源洞察一個偉大的程序編輯器,但它也可以顯示參考的樹木,類的繼承圖和調用樹。 來源洞察功能的源代碼和任何程序編輯器的源信息的最快捷的導航。 讓source insight的鬆散您的項目,看看它使您的工作效率有什麼區別。
WebStorm 2021.1 程式開發軟體
使用現代JavaScript生態系統的全部力量 - WebStorm讓您覆蓋!享受智能代碼完成,即時錯誤檢測,強大的導航和重構JavaScript,TypeScript,樣式表語言和最流行的框架。
Nevron 2019.1 圖表製作元件套件軟體