SNMP informant Premium -資訊資安軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SNMP informant Premium

SNMP informant Premium

  • SNMP informant Premium
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    SNMP Informant Premium 是一個捆綁產品,包含所有 SNMP Informant 產品以及定制增強功能,可讓您充分利用網絡管理基礎設施。增強功能包括: • 監控自定義性能計數器 • 監視自定義 WMI 類 • 監視註冊表值 • 啟動自定義腳本並收集其數據輸出 • 擴展 SNMP 線人以“偵聽”您自己的IANA 私有企業號碼。
  • 價格

SNMP informant

Key Enhancements
By reading a "Agent Definitions" file on startup, SNMP Informant Custom makes it possible for you to monitor applications that publish performance information to the Performance Monitor applet, but that are not otherwise SNMP enabled.  For example, many companies have written custom programs, and those programs can be monitored locally using Performance Monitor. Now, you can "SNMP enable" those applications using SNMP Informant!  The Agent Definitions file is a simple text file, and can be modified using Windows Notepad or another editor program.

The MIB file included with the SNMP Informant Custom provider is a sample only, built to correspond to and demonstrate the capabilities of the product.  Once installed and started, SNMP Informant Custom will respond to SNMP requests.  The screenshot below shows SNMP Informant Custom responding to an SNMP WALK message in the Registry tree.  Data returned comes from the Custom provider accessing the registry on a Windows system as per the Agent Definitions file above.

Included Products
SNMP Informant Premium includes the following SNMP Informant Products:
• SNMP Informant Advanced
• SNMP Informant SQL
• SNMP Informant Exchange
• SNMP Informant AppServer
• SNMP Informant OS
• SNMP Informant Citrix
• SNMP Informant Cluster


SNMP informant

Key Enhancements
By reading a "Agent Definitions" file on startup, SNMP Informant Custom makes it possible for you to monitor applications that publish performance information to the Performance Monitor applet, but that are not otherwise SNMP enabled.  For example, many companies have written custom programs, and those programs can be monitored locally using Performance Monitor. Now, you can "SNMP enable" those applications using SNMP Informant!  The Agent Definitions file is a simple text file, and can be modified using Windows Notepad or another editor program.

The MIB file included with the SNMP Informant Custom provider is a sample only, built to correspond to and demonstrate the capabilities of the product.  Once installed and started, SNMP Informant Custom will respond to SNMP requests.  The screenshot below shows SNMP Informant Custom responding to an SNMP WALK message in the Registry tree.  Data returned comes from the Custom provider accessing the registry on a Windows system as per the Agent Definitions file above.

Included Products
SNMP Informant Premium includes the following SNMP Informant Products:
• SNMP Informant Advanced
• SNMP Informant SQL
• SNMP Informant Exchange
• SNMP Informant AppServer
• SNMP Informant OS
• SNMP Informant Citrix
• SNMP Informant Cluster


SNMP informant

通過在啟動時讀取“代理定義”文件,SNMP Informant Custom 使您可以監視將性能信息發佈到性能監視器小程序但未啟用 SNMP 的應用程序。例如,許多公司編寫了自定義程序,並且可以使用性能監視器在本地監視這些程序。現在,您可以使用 SNMP Informant“啟用 SNMP”這些應用程序!代理定義文件是一個簡單的文本文件,可以使用 Windows 記事本或其他編輯器程序進行修改。
包含在 SNMP Informant Custom Provider 中的 MIB 文件只是一個示例,其構建是為了對應並展示產品的功能。安裝並啟動後,SNMP Informant Custom 將響應
SNMP 請求。下面的屏幕截圖顯示了 SNMP Informant Custom 響應註冊表樹中的 SNMP WALK 消息。根據上面的代理定義文件,返回的數據來自訪問 Windows 系統上的註冊表的自定義提供程序。

SNMP Informant Premium 包括以下 SNMP
Informant 產品:

• SNMP Informant Advanced
• SNMP Informant SQL
• SNMP Informant Exchange
• SNMP Informant AppServer
• SNMP Informant OS
• SNMP Informant Citrix
• SNMP Informant Cluster


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Nessus  漏洞掃描軟體