Traffic IQ Professional-資訊資安軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Traffic IQ Professional

Traffic IQ Professional

  • Traffic IQ Professional
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Traffic IQ 是一種高度可配置的解決方案,用於評估、審計和增強基於網絡的入侵檢測和防禦系統的識別和響應能力。 Traffic IQ Professional 可用於評估、審計和測試任何非代理包過濾設備的行為特徵,包括: • 應用層防火牆 • 入侵檢測系統 • 入侵防禦系統 • 路由器和交換機
  • 價格

Traffic IQ Professional

Unrivalled functionality and simplicity combine to provide a highly configurable solution for assessing, auditing and enhancing the recognition and response capabilities of network based intrusion detection and prevention systems.
Traffic IQ Professional is extremely versatile and can be used to accomplish numerous time consuming and difficult security audit and compliance tasks. These include;
• Regulatory compliance validation and auditing
• Rule-based egress and ingress testing
• Recognition and response testing
• Signature development and fine-tuning
• Change control procedure verification
• Advanced penetration testing
• Application protocol and threat traffic scanning
Traffic IQ Professional can be used to assess, audit and test the behavioural characteristics of any non-proxy packet filtering device including;
• Application layer firewalls
• Intrusion detection systems
• Intrusion prevention systems
• Routers and switches

Flexible Deployment
Traffic IQ Professional is a Microsoft Windows based technology and can be deployed on the simplest entry level laptops to the most advanced integrated appliances.
Ease of Use
Traffic IQ Professional makes complex auditing and testing scenarios simple with point and click graphical network settings and select and click traffic replay capabilities. The user does not need development or scripting knowledge to use it.
Saves Time and Money
Traffic IQ Professional negates the need to;
• Run Unix operating systems
• Download and compile live exploit code
• Rely on untrusted open source tools
• Build sacrificial or vulnerable hosts to enable you to assess your security devices

Traffic Replay
Traffic files can be selected and replayed at the touch of a button. Traffic files can also be organised into groups for replaying and exporting to other users.
Scan Lists
Traffic Scan Lists can be created easily using the point and click user interface. These powerful scan lists can be used for replaying traffic from entire classes of IP addresses and ports to an individual machine, group, range or class of IP addresses and ports.
Using the built-in report viewer you can quickly and easily determine exactly what traffic was sent, the parameters used and clearly see if the traffic was successfully sent and received (allowed) or if the traffic was blocked (blocked).
Traffic Library
Traffic IQ Professional is supported by a library containing information on more than 18,700 of the latest application threats and exploits.
Security Rules
As an optional extra, high quality security rules from the Traffic IQ Library can be applied to your existing security devices to enhance their threat detection capabilities.



• Windows 10.0®
• Windows 8.1®
• Windows 8®
• Windows 7®
• Windows Vista®
• Windows XP® (Service Pack 3 or later)
• Windows Server 2008®
• Windows Server 2003®
• Windows Server 2012® 64bit

Memory: 1024Mb (256Mb or more for
CPU: 800 Mhz minimum
Hard Disk: 500Mb free space
• Display: 800x600 or greater
• Network: two 10/100/1000 network adapters
  Easy Rules Manager, Distributed Rules Manager
  and Easy Rules Creator
- Languages available: English
- Rules Application Feature Matrix
Software Requirements
- Supported Operating Systems: (32/64bit)
• Windows 10.0®
• Windows 8.1®
• Windows 8®
• Windows 7®
• Windows Vista®
• Windows XP® (Service Pack 3 or later)
• Windows Server 2008®
• Windows Server 2003®
• Windows Server 2012® 64bit
- Windows Installer: 4.0 minimum
- .NET Framework: 3.5 minimum
- Easy Rules Manager database compatibility:
• MS Access: 2007, 2010 and 2013
• MS SQL Sever: 2008 R2, 2012, 2014 and Express
Hardware Requirements
• Memory: 1024Mb (256Mb or more for
  Windows XP)
• CPU: 800 Mhz minimum
• Hard Disk: 200Mb free space
• Display: 800x600 or greater

Traffic IQ Professional

Traffic IQ Professional 用途廣泛,可用於完成大量耗時且困難的安全審計和合規性任務。這些包括;
• 法規遵從性驗證和審計
• 基於規則的出口和入口測試
• 識別和響應測試
• 簽名開發和微調
• 變更控製程序驗證
• 高級滲透測試
• 應用協議和威脅流量掃描
Traffic IQ Professional 可用於評估、審計和測試任何非代理包過濾設備的行為特徵,包括:
• 應用層防火牆
• 入侵檢測系統
• 入侵防禦系統
• 路由器和交換機
Traffic IQ Professional 是一項基於 Microsoft Windows 的技術,可以部署在最簡單的入門級筆記本電腦和最先進的集成設備上。
Traffic IQ Professional 通過點擊圖形網絡設置和選擇並點擊流量重放功能,使復雜的審計和測試場景變得簡單。用戶不需要開發或腳本知識來使用它。
Traffic IQ Professional 不需要;
• 運行 Unix 操作系統
• 下載並編譯實時漏洞利用代碼
• 依賴不受信任的開源工具
• 構建犧牲或易受攻擊的主機,使您能夠評估您的安全設備

可以使用點擊式用戶界面輕鬆創建流量掃描列表。這些強大的掃描列表可用於重放從整個 IP 地址和端口類別到單個機器、組、範圍或 IP 地址和端口類別的流量。
Traffic IQ Professional 由一個包含超過 18,700 種最新應用程序威脅和漏洞利用信息的庫提供支持。
作為可選的附加功能,Traffic IQ 庫中的高質量安全規則可以應用於您現有的安全設備,以增強其威脅檢測能力。


Acunetix 網頁弱點掃描

Acunetix 是一款強大的網站安全測試工具,可檢測及掃描網站的安全漏洞和弱點。Acunetix 可以進行全面的網站掃描,自動建立您所有網站、應用程式和API列表,並檢測網站是否存在 SQL 注入、跨站腳本攻擊、文件包含漏洞、XSS 攻擊等常見安全漏洞。Acunetix 採用了最先進的技術和漏洞資料庫,可在短時間內快速找到網站中使您面臨風險的安全漏洞,輕鬆掃描大多數漏洞掃描程式無法察覺的弱點,並提供詳盡的解決方案。Acunetix 也提供簡單易用的介面,可讓您輕鬆地管理和監控網站的安全性。如果您是一名網站管理員或安全專家,Acunetix 將是您不可或缺的工具,讓您24小時全天候地持續保護網站及資料安全。

Acunetix 網頁弱點掃描

zynamics BinDiff v7 惡意程式分析軟體

BinDiff 是一個二進製文件比較工具,幫助漏洞研究人員和工程師快速發現反彙編代碼中的異同。 使用 BinDiff,您可以識別和隔離供應商提供的補丁中的漏洞修復程序。您還可以在同一二進製文件的多個版本的反彙編之間移植符號和註釋,或者使用 BinDiff 收集代碼盜竊或專利侵權的證據。

zynamics BinDiff v7 惡意程式分析軟體

趨勢科技 PC-cillin 2024 雲端版

PC-cillin 雲端版採用 XGen 多層式防禦技術,融合先進的 AI 人工智慧,為您預先防範各種以竊取個資金錢為目標的各種安全威脅,包含勒索病毒和網路詐騙等,全面守護您的上網裝置與個資安全。

趨勢科技 PC-cillin 2024 雲端版