Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器套件

Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器套件

  • Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器套件
  • 編號
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  • 介紹
    Filter Forge 是適用於 Windows 和 Mac 的多功能圖形軟件,可讓您訪問超過 13500 種藝術照片效果和逼真的紋理 - 以及創建您自己的過濾器的可視化編輯器。攝影師、遊戲開發人員和數字藝術家享受我們的免費濾鏡庫:PBR 紋理、無縫拼貼、扭曲、水彩效果等等。Filter Forge 作為獨立程序和 Adob​​e Photoshop、Affinity Photo 和其他圖形編輯器的套件工作。
  • 價格

Filter Forge V11 Graphics Editor Suite 

The latest version is Version 11.0
What's New in Version 11.0
Procedural Animation
Filter Forge 11 adds a groundbreaking feature — procedural animation that allows you to create animated image sequences.
Unlike keyframe animation commonly found in graphics editors,
this is a unique method where filter components define specific
image-altering operations to be performed for specific animation frames.
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Sequential Image Processing
The process of applying a filter to a set of source images has been counter-intuitive and tiresome. In Filter Forge 11 you can simply load a set of images as a source for filtering.
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New Preview Images
For years Filter Forge has offered only a few built-in images used to preview effect filters. In version 11 we're adding dozens of new professional high-quality photos that will help showcase your effects in the best possible way.
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New Way to Add Filter Components
With Filter Forge 11.0 you can assemble filters
faster by adding filter components onto the canvas without searching for them in the Component Bar.
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  • 64-bit Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Mac OS X 10.12 or a newer system
  • Intel or Apple (M1) CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Internet connection to access the Filter Library and
  • submit filters
  • Host application to use Filter Forge in the plugin mode

Supported Host Applications

  • • Adobe Photoshop CC, CC 2014-2015, CC 2015.5,
  •    CC 2017-2021 and CC 2022
  • • Adobe Photoshop Elements 12-15, 2018, 2019 
  •    and 2020
  • • Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5, X6, X7, X8, 2017, 2018, 2019 
  •    and 2021
  • • Corel Paint Shop Pro X6, X7, X8, X9, 2018, 2019, 2020 
  •    and 2022
  • • Serif PhotoPlus X5, X6, X7, X8
  • • Paint.NET
  • • Affinity Photo 1.8 and 1.9
  • • Adobe Photoshop CC, CC 2014-2015, CC 2015.5,
  •    CC 2017-2021 and CC 2022


Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器套件 

最新版本為Version 11.0
Filter Forge 11 添加了一項突破性的功能——程序動畫,允許您創建動畫圖像序列。與圖形編輯器中常見的關鍵幀動畫不同,這是一種獨特的方法,其中過濾器組件定義要為特定動畫幀執行的特定圖像更改操作。

將過濾器應用於一組源圖像的過程是違反直覺且令人厭煩的。在 Filter Forge 11 中,您可以簡單地加載一組圖像作為過濾源。

多年來,Filter Forge 只提供了一些用於預覽效果過濾器的內置圖像。在版本 11 中,我們添加了數十張新的專業高質量照片,這將有助於以最佳方式展示您的效果。

使用 Filter Forge 11.0,您可以通過將過濾器組件添加到畫布上來更快地組裝過濾器,而無需在組件欄中搜索它們。


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