DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體-繪圖應用軟體/新永資訊有限公司

DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體

DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體

  • DeltaGraph v7 統計圖表軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Deltagraph 是一套功能強大的統計分析工具,提供了資料視覺化能力和優秀的圖表選擇及容易圖表定義功能,使其成為 Windows平台下最全面的圖表工具
  • 價格

DeltaGraph 7 Statistical Chart

New Features in DeltaGraph 7
Arbitrary object library files
smaller more efficient docunent file format
improved software activation experience
show values under cursor values can now be shown
on mouseover of chart elements
Clicking on a chart will select the chart's data in the data sheet

DeltaGraph for Macintosh and Windows combines powerful statistical tools with stunning data visualization capabilities to give your data audience appeal. With its unrivaled selection of over 80 chart types and easy customization capabilities you will find DeltaGraph the most comprehensive charting application available. DeltaGraph makes the process of producing first quality, ready-for-publication charts & graphs as easy as collecting your data, choosing the best chart type, customizing that chart, and exporting your charts in any of a number of image formats.
Please click me for detailed specifications



Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10
100 MB disk space
Optionally install Java to enable data import from Excel workshee
Image Formats
Raster image types: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF
Metafile image types: EMF, WMF
Vector or compound image types: EPS/PostScript, PDF


DeltaGraph 7 統計圖表軟體

DeltaGraph 7 中的新增功能

適用於 Macintosh 和 Windows 的 DeltaGraph 將強大的統計工具與令人驚嘆的數據可視化功能相結合,為您的數據受眾提供吸引力。憑藉其無與倫比的80 多種圖表類型選擇和簡單的自定義功能,您會發現 DeltaGraph 是可用的最全面的圖表應用程序。DeltaGraph 使製作高質量、可立即發布的圖表和圖形的過程變得像收集數據、選擇最佳圖表類型、自定義圖表以及以多種圖像格式中的任何一種導出圖表一樣簡單。



UnGraph 數位化繪圖軟體

Often you see a graph, chart, picture or drawing and wish you could easily get hold of the X,Y data from which it was drawn. Now, you can scan such material with any scanner or photo- graph it with a digital camera and UnGraph will be able to give you the coordinates with a high degree of precision.

UnGraph  數位化繪圖軟體

GINO v9 圖形應用軟體

GINO 為創建功能豐富的應用程序提供了一個完整的開發環境,其中包含高度交互的用戶界面和專業的 3D 圖形。它有多種配置可供選擇,以滿足各種應用需求,為您提供必要的工具,以按預算和按時製作免版稅節目。

GINO v9 圖形應用軟體

Swiff Chart 動態圖表軟體

Swiff Chart3可以根據輸入的數據,或直接導入CSV、XLS、TXT文件中的數據,動態繪製出各種常見的統計圖,如:條形統計圖、餅形統計圖、折線統計圖等,最後可將統計圖輸出為SWF格式,而整個過程只需要簡單的六步驟就能輕鬆實現

Swiff Chart 動態圖表軟體