IGOR Pro 實驗數據繪圖軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

IGOR Pro 實驗數據繪圖軟體

IGOR Pro  實驗數據繪圖軟體

  • IGOR Pro 實驗數據繪圖軟體
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    IGORPro 實驗數據繪圖軟體:沒有資料大小的限制,處理十萬點以上的數據也輕鬆自如。沒有資料大小的限制,處理十萬點以上的數據也輕鬆自如。最多可處理四維變數。最 多可處理四維變數。每個數據點的顏色、大小、符號都可以由另一組數據來控制。每個數據點的顏色、大小、符號都可以由另一組數據來控制。 每條曲線、座標軸、軸刻度都可以設定其顏色及粗細。
  • 價格

IGOR Pro  實驗數據繪圖軟體

IGORPro 實驗數據繪圖軟體:沒有資料大小的限制,處理十萬點以上的數據也輕鬆自如。沒有資料大小的限制,處理十萬點以上的數據也輕鬆自如。最多可處理四維變數。最 多可處理四維變數。每個數據點的顏色、大小、符號都可以由另一組數據來控制。每個數據點的顏色、大小、符號都可以由另一組數據來控制。 每條曲線、座標軸、軸刻度都可以設定其顏色及粗細。每條曲線、座標軸、軸刻度都可以設定其顏色及粗細。並有排版功能。並有排版功能。可輸入多種資料檔案格 式,例如 text, general binary, Excel, JCAMP, MatLab data files。可輸入多種資料檔案格式,例如text,generalbinary,Excel,JCAMP,MatLabdatafiles。資料瀏覽器 (Data Browser)可以整理、快速瀏覽過去的數據。資料瀏覽器(DataBrowser)可以整理、快速瀏覽過去的數據。繪圖工具可以用螢幕座標,或數據座 標作圖。繪圖工具可以用螢幕座標,或數據座標作圖。具有影像處理及分析的功能。具有影像處理及分析的功能。
IGOR Pro is an interactive software environment for experimentation with scientific and engineering data and for the production of publication-quality graphs and page layouts. IGOR has been used by tens of thousands of technical professionals since its introduction in 1989. Here are a few highlights...
User Interface

Graphs, tables and layouts as well as subwindows within graphs and panels may now be hidden. This, in combination with the new Graph Browser package, should greatly ease the difficulty of working with large numbers of graph windows.The Windows menu now includes a Hide submenu for hiding multiple windows at once and a Show menu for showing multiple windows at once.
The Windows menu now includes a Recent Windows submenu to make it easier to re-activate windows that you were recently working on.
You can now magnify text in any text document.
New per-window marquee: Now, each window or subwindow can have its own marquee. Marquees are no longer killed when a different window is made active.
The tool palette for graphs and panels and the info panel for graphs are now created external to the host window. This ensures all the tools and cursor information are visible even when the host window is small.
Fling mode for graphs: You can now fling a graph using the hand tool to automatically scroll through large data sets.
Added /NAPR flag in StatsSRTest to allow the use of the normal approximation even when the number of points is less than 150.
Added Jack-Knife analysis and a new flag /MC to StatsResample.
Added new operation StatsSample.
Added /AEVR flag to StatsTTest.
Added calculation of P-values in all four tests in StatsCircularTwoSampleTest
System requirments:
On Macintosh, Igor Pro 6.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later and runs natively on both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintoshes.
On Windows, Igor Pro 6.1 runs under Windows XP and Windows Vista.

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JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體

JpGraph這個強大的繪圖組件能根據你的需要畫出任意圖形,只要你能提供數據 ,它就能畫圖.簡單的說,畫圖就像你剛學數據結構時候編寫的一些處理數據算法,而這裡只是多了幾個調用繪圖函數的過程來把處理的數據填進去自動畫圖.

JpGraph PHP 繪圖軟體