ZBrush® 2020 3D動畫繪圖軟體
- ZBrush® 2020 3D動畫繪圖軟體
介紹ZBrush 為數字雕塑樹立行業標杆。強大功能使您能夠在提供即時反饋的實時環境下,使用可定製筆刷系統完成虛擬黏土形狀、紋理和繪製。在使用ZBrush 時,您將獲得與世界各地電影工作室、遊戲開發人員、玩具/藏品製造商、珠寶設計師、汽車/航空設計師、插圖畫家和藝術家所用工具相同的卓越體驗。
System Requirements
Highly Recommended:
º OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
º CPU: Intel i5/7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
º RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)
º HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
º Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)
º Monitor: 1920×1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
º Video card: All types.
Minimum System Requirements:
º OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer. (32-bit operating systems are no longer supported.)
º CPU: Core2duo or AMD equivalent with SSE2 technology or better.
º RAM: 4 GB (6+ GB strongly recommended)
º HDD: 8 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk.
º Pen Tablet: Mouse or Wacom compatible (WinTab API) pen tablet.
º Monitor: 1280×1024 monitor resolution with 32-bit color.
º Video card: All types.
ZBrush – Windows
Highly Recommended:
º OS: Mac OSX: 10.8 or above.
º CPU: Intel i5/7/Xeon technology.
º RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million polys. (16+ GB preferred.)
º HDD: 100GB of free hard drive space ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
º Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (Carbon API.)
º Monitor: 1920×1080 monitor resolution or higher with millions of colors.
º Video card: All types.
Minimum System Requirements:
º OS: Mac OSX: 10.8 or above.
º CPU: Pentium or better.
º RAM: 4 GB (6+ GB strongly recommended)
º HDD: 8 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk.
º Pen Tablet: Mouse or Wacom compatible (Carbon API) pen tablet.
º Monitor: 1280×1024 monitor resolution with millions of colors.
º Video card: All types.
ZBrush® 2020
ZBrush 2020 empowers artists with greater sculpting flexibility via powerful additions to the award winning brush system. We have expanded the library of sculpting brushes with the new XTractor, HistoryRecall and DecoCurve brushes. In addition, you can now constrain your brush strokes to only forward gestures with the new No Back&Forth modifier.
Beyond the new brushes we've expanded the capabilities of the MorphUV feature, which makes it possible to view the unwrapped UV layout of a model within ZBrush. Sculpt & Paint in Morph UV allows you to sculpt and paint on the 2D unwrap of a model, applying all updates to the 3D model.
Join artist Michael Pavlovich for a demonstration of how the new features in ZBrush 2020 complement his digital sculpting workflow.
Sculpt & Paint in Morph UV
Now with the ability to sculpt and PolyPaint on the UV unwrap of a model, it's never been easier to apply long continuous strokes across a mesh. One such example would be applying a stroke from the waist up through an armpit to the wrist of a character. Or perhaps you wish to apply a pattern on a mesh that is too complicated in the 3D form.
Have you ever had a difficult time reaching certain areas of a sculpt? With Sculpt & Paint in Morph UV, that is a thing of the past!
XTractor Brushes
These three brushes convert detail from your model into a new alpha or texture for future reuse. Simply drag your stroke across the surface of any model to capture the details of your sculpt. The captured details can then be used elsewhere on the same model, or on any other model in the future.
Have you ever wished you could undo just a portion of your sculpting without losing everything else that has been done on the model? Now you can! This brush uses your model's Undo History but restricts the effect to the area where the brush is used. It can also be used in the other direction, projecting Redo History from part of one model to another regardless of any topology differences.
Move Infinite Depth
Alter your brush to apply details to anything that is directly inline with the brush cursor. For example, add volume to the front and hind legs of a dog or move several vertex points on multiple individual meshes without applying a mask. The infinite depth option can be applied to several brushes.
Filter Forge V11 圖形編輯器套件
Filter Forge 是適用於 Windows 和 Mac 的多功能圖形軟件,可讓您訪問超過 13500 種藝術照片效果和逼真的紋理 - 以及創建您自己的過濾器的可視化編輯器。攝影師、遊戲開發人員和數字藝術家享受我們的免費濾鏡庫:PBR 紋理、無縫拼貼、扭曲、水彩效果等等。Filter Forge 作為獨立程序和 Adobe Photoshop、Affinity Photo 和其他圖形編輯器的套件工作。
LinkCAD v9 圖像轉換軟體
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Citrin 統計繪圖軟體
Worksheets are Aabel's data storage mechanism, and provide numerous data management functions and utilities. They also act as dynamic data sources for data analysis and visualization.