Arena 工商流程最佳化模擬軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Arena 工商流程最佳化模擬軟體

Arena 工商流程最佳化模擬軟體

  • Arena 工商流程最佳化模擬軟體
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Installation Requirements

Minimum System Requirements

  • Arena software , version 16.10.00
  • Adobe ® Acrobat Reader 9.1.0 (or later) recommended to view documentation
  • Hard drive with 2GB free disk space (or more)
  • 8GB RAM (or more)
  • Intel ® dual-core processor (or more), 3GHz (or faster)

Recommended System Requirements

  • Arena software, version 16.10.00
  • Adobe® Acrobat Reader 9.1.0 or later recommended to view documentation
  • Hard drive with 4GB free disk space (or more)
  • 16GB RAM (or more)
  • Intel ® dual-core processor (or more), 3GHz (or faster)
  • Internet access for installing FactoryTalk activations

Graphics Configuration

Applicable for the Arena Visual Designer tool in Arena Standard Edition and Professional Edition packages. 

Minimum Requirements 

Graphics card should have 512MB or more of dedicated DDR3 type or better memory. Below are example graphics cards that meet the minimum requirements:

  • NVIDIA Quadro NVS 160M {or better) 
  • NVIDIA NVS 3100M {or better) 
  • NVIDIA Quadro PCI-E Series (or better) 
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 (or better)
Recommended Requirements
  • Microsoft DirectX 9.0 and OpenGL 2.0 compatible
  • Pixel and Vertex Shaders 2.0 compatible 
  • At least a 2GB GDDR5 {Graphics Double Data Rate, version 5) SGRAM; this is a high­performance graphics card. Any graphics card that can be used for extreme gaming will generally fit these criteria
Note: The running and animation of Arena and some large simulation models can be calculation-intensive, so a faster processor with additional memory may result in significantly improved performance. In addition, a larger monitor and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 is recommended for improved animation viewing.

Operating Systems

Arena is a Windows desktop application that is also available on 64-bit operating systems. We support the following operating systems: 

  • Microsoft® Windows® 10 
  • Microsoft® Windows® 7 {SPl or later) 
  • Microsoft® Windows Server 2016 
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 
  • Arena 32 bit can be installed on x64 versions of Windows and will run as a 32-bit application
  • Arena 64 bit will run as a 64 bit application on x64 versions of Windows

Arena software can be run on single processor, multi- processor, and multi-core processor computers; however, you can only run one instance of Arena at a time. The Arena Visual Designer tool will take advantage of multi-core capability to maintain graphic update speed. 

You must have Administrative privileges to install the software.

Arena 工商流程最佳化模擬軟體


What if you could determine the impact of your business decisions before they were implemented?
Arena simulation software provides the capability to capitalize on business performance. 
  •   • Evaluate potential alternatives to determine the best approach to optimizing performance.
  •   • Understand system performance based on key metrics such as costs, throughput, cycle times, equipment utilization and resource availability.
  •   • Reduce risk through rigorous simulation and testing of process changes before committing significant capital or resource expenditures.
  •   • Determine the impact of uncertainty and variability on system performance.
  •   • Run “what-if” scenarios to evaluate proposed process changes.
  •   • Visualize results with 2D and 3D animation.
Model your business to improve decision making
Step 1
Identify the Problem

The key to every successful simulation project is a clear statement of the problem to be addressed and what success looks like. Once the problem is identified, a functional specification must be developed to describe the processes related to this challenge. This includes specifying the input variables and defining output variables that will be monitored and evaluated to rate the success of the possible solutions.
Step 2
Model Your Process

Once the problem is identified and the functional specification completed, the Arena simulation model of the process can be built. Arena’s flowchart modeling methodology is an easy and intuitive way to model any process without the need for customized code or programming. Once the model is built and validated against actual operating data, you can use it to evaluate process changes, variations in market factors, or resources and equipment requirements quickly and easily.
Step 3
Transform Your Business

The knowledge gained from simulation is only of value if it is used to improve the way you run your organization. Arena simulation software gives you the confidence and peace of mind to know that the changes you implement are the right ones for your business.
Step 4

Business process improvement is not a one-time task. It is a continuous process that successful organizations undertake to ensure that they are staying ahead of the competition. Arena simulation software and the solutions you develop with it enable you to maintain competitive advantage and push your organization to new levels of performance.
Industries worldwide depend on Arena simulation software to enable business process improvement:

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