VMware 虛擬電腦軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

VMware 虛擬電腦軟體

VMware 虛擬電腦軟體

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VMware 虛擬電腦軟體

‧ 唯一能夠在Windows和Linux主機作業系統上執行的桌上型虛擬機器軟體,可以讓使用者建立雙處理器,並支援部份64位元主機和虛擬作業系統以及64位元擴充處理器
‧ 比其他桌上型虛擬機器軟體,具有更為廣泛的裝置支援、更加的效能以及更為強大的功能
‧ 具備NAT裝置、DHCP伺服器以及多重網路切換的強大網路選項,可以將虛擬機器連接到其他虛擬機器、主機電腦和公用網路
‧ 虛擬與主機環境間的資料夾共用、拖放作業以及複製與貼上作業
‧ 藉由同時支援使用者與核心層級的偵錯程式,可以在虛擬機器中獲得原生程式偵錯的完整功能
‧ 輕鬆在虛擬機器都有可設定的記憶體大小、磁碟機、USB、DVD和CD-ROM裝置的支援
‧ 虛擬機器彼此是隔離的,得以確保在某個虛擬機器當機時,其他虛擬機器與主機電腦也不會受到影響
‧ 虛擬機器即為一組可攜式且不受硬體影響的檔案,可以輕鬆共用

Crash Zone 事故模擬軟體

For nearly 20 years The Crash Zone has been the drawing program of choice for Accident Reconstructionists and Law Enforcement Officers who need to accurately map crash scenes. The latest version of The Crash Zone has even more tools for Crash Investigators and Reconstructionists, including easy 3D animations, a vehicle specifications database, skid analysis and momentum calculations, and an easy-to-use 3D body poser! To help you get started fast, it includes a printed User's Manual, comprehensive electronic help, and a CD full of training movies. There is no annual maintenance fee and Tech

Crash Zone 事故模擬軟體

HVE & HVE 2D 車禍模擬軟體

HVE allows you to reconstruct and simulate crashes involving all types of road vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, articulated vehicles, etc.). 3-dimensional issues involving vehicle rollover, collision under-ride, irregular road surfaces (curbs, potholes and embankments), as well as system failures, such as brake defects or tire blow-out, are handled directly. The role of the driver, such as inattention or over-correction, can be evaluated in great detail. HVE may also be used to analyze injuries to occupants and pedestrians.

HVE & HVE 2D 車禍模擬軟體

Super PCNeuron 類神經網路建構軟體

Super PCNeuron是一款強大的人工神經網絡軟體,可用於數據分析、模式識別、人工智能、機器學習等領域。它提供了一個簡單易用的介面,讓用戶可以輕鬆地構建和訓練自己的神經網絡模型。該軟體支持多種常見的神經網絡模型,包括倒傳遞神經網路、擴展神經元網路、模糊神經網路、分析調整綜合網路、遺傳演算法神經網路等。

Super PCNeuron 類神經網路建構軟體