Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體-風險管理軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)

Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)

  • Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Evolver遺傳演算法軟體,已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體,是一種在Microsoft Windows上最佳化的遺傳演算法軟體,Evolver使用革新的遺傳演算法(genetic algorithm)迅速地將金融,資源分發, 生產,製作預算,工程等問題作優化處理。
  • 價格

Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)

Evolver 已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體,是一種在Microsoft Windows上最佳化的遺傳演算法軟體,Evolver使用革新的遺傳演算法(Genetic algorithm)迅速地將金融,資源分發,生產,製作預算,工程等問題作優化處理。

Innovative Genetic Algorithm Optimization
Evolver is the genetic algorithm optimization add-in for Microsoft Excel. Evolver uses innovative genetic algorithm (GA) technology to quickly solve optimization problems in finance, distribution, scheduling, resource allocation, manufacturing, budgeting, engineering, and more. Virtually any type of problem that can be modeled in Excel can be solved by Evolver, including previously unsolvable, complex nonlinear problems. Evolver’s genetic algorithms arrive at the best overall “global” solution to a problem—solutions traditional solvers typically miss

New Evolver™ 7.6.1
Evolver has been re-engineered from the ground up in a stunning new version. A streamlined interface, full support for cell ranges, enhanced monitoring of optimization progress, a faster engine and more make Evolver “a truly innovative program” according to BYTE magazine

Excel Ease of Use
Evolver is a true add-in to Microsoft Excel, integrating completely with your spreadsheet. Define your models, adjust your settings, run optimizations, monitor progress, and generate reports – while never leaving Excel. Streamlined dialog boxes mean fewer open windows to navigate.

Why Evolver?
Standard optimization programs such as Excel’s Solver are good at finding the best “local” solution, or combination of values to maximize or minimize the outcome of a straightforward spreadsheet model given certain constraints. They find a solution which seems to be producing favorable results and continue to work on that basis, without trying new solutions. This is known as “hill climbing.” However, these programs are not set up to handle more complicated, nonlinear problems where the best local solution may not be the best absolute answer. Evolver, using innovative “mutations” and combinations of solutions, or “organisms,” is well-suited to finding the best overall answer by exploring the entire universe of possible answers.

ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

ModelRisk 是一個 Monte Carlo 模擬 Excel 插件,允許使用者在其電子表格模型中包含不確定性。自2009 年以來,ModelRisk 一直是市場上的創新領導者,它是第一個引入許多蒙特卡羅方法技術功能的公司,這些功能使風險模型更容易建構、更容易審核和測試,並且更準確地配對您面臨的問題。

ModelRisk for Insurance and Finance 風險分析模型軟體

Premium Solver 風險解決平台

Frontline Solvers V2017 is here now – available for download from Solver.com. But the changes in V2017 are great enough that, if you're a customer with an existing V2016 license, please contact us so we can update your license subscription BEFORE you download and run the V2017 SolverSetup program. (If you don't do this, you may not be able to run your large models right away.) We highly recommend reading ourblog post for full coverage of what's new (a lot) in V2017.

Premium Solver 風險解決平台

DecisionTools Suite 風險決策分析軟體

The DecisionTools Suite is an integrated set of programs for risk analysis and decision making under uncertainty that runs in Microsoft Excel. The DecisionTools Suite includes @RISK for Monte Carlo simulation, PrecisionTree for decision trees, and TopRank for what if sensitivity analysis. In addition, the DecisionTools Suite comes with StatTools for statistical analysis and forecasting, NeuralTools for predictive neural networks, and Evolver and RISKOptimizer for optimization.

DecisionTools Suite  風險決策分析軟體