Supply Chain Guru 供應鏈軟體
- Supply Chain Guru 供應鏈軟體
介紹Supply Chain Guru™ is recognized as the leading Supply Chain Design software application in the world today. Supply Chain Guru™ brings the power of optimization and simulation together in a unique software application developed to provide users with unprecedented capabilities to model, analyze, optimize, and simulate their supply chain network operations.
Windows 10 (64-bit) 、 Windows Server 2012 R2 、 Windows Server 2016 、 Windows Server 2019
i7 or equivalent processor
3 GHz+ processor
32 GB minimum ,64 GB or higher recommended
2 x 500 GB HDD or 1 TB SSD (Solid State Drive)
1920*1080 DirectX 11.1 or higher with DirectX Features enabled
Supply Chain Guru 供應鏈軟體
Power that is too hard to use is no power at all. Supply Chain Guru™ has cutting edge user interface technology and automatic tools designed to reduce the time spent manipulating data and building models. Automatic model building, one-click connections with MS Office applications, native 32 and 64-bit operating environments, and a fully open data model enable you to streamline your workflow and deal quickly with large datasets.
Supply Chain Guru™ shifts the focus of your project to from technical modeling and programming to understanding your supply chain issues, finding solutions, and communicating your results. Unlock a strategic advantage for your company with the power of Supply Chain Guru™.
CourseForum E化學習軟體
CourseForum is web-based e-learning software that makes it easy for you and your students to interact, whether to create, post, share or discuss course content.
QFD Designer
It was the world’s first Windows application software for QFD, regarded by many to be the simplest to learn and use. But, the simplicity is not at the expense of power, it is very robust. You can build all the charts and reports you need to practice QFD successfully in one package.
屹立台灣軟體業界數十年,嘸蝦米中文輸入法始終秉持「發展世界最佳中文輸入法」之信念宗旨,持續提供全球使用者「最簡單、最好用」的中文輸入法。自 1989 年起嘸蝦米輸入法正式問世,即以其「簡單易學、好用易上手、輸入速度快」而聞名,打破了中文輸入長年以來難學易忘、字集介面支援不足等桎梏,不僅多次榮獲國家電腦軟體業金腦獎的疏榮,廣受行政學術機關肯定愛用,近年來更獲選為國家中文打字官方檢定考指定輸入法。嘸蝦米更是全世界唯一僅使用 26 字母的中文輸入法,在時尚科技講究輕、薄、短、小的時代中,可謂時勢所趨。