PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統 | 新永資訊有限公司

PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統

PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統

  • PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    PVsyst 是一款專業的太陽能發電系統設計和模擬軟體,可幫助用戶評估和優化太陽能發電系統的性能和效益。它基於國際標準和最新技術,具有準確性高、功能全面、易於使用等優點。使用 PVsyst,您可以對太陽能發電系統進行詳細的設計和模擬,包括組件選擇、陰影分析、功率預測、系統優化等。該軟體還提供了豐富的數據庫和分析工具,使得用戶可以更好地了解太陽能發電系統的性能和影響因素。此外,PVsyst 還支持多種語言,提供了豐富的培訓和技術支持,讓用戶可以輕鬆地掌握太陽能發電系統的設計和模擬技能。如果您是一名太陽能發電系統設計師、工程師、技術人員或學生,PVsyst 將是您不可或缺的工具。
  • 價格

PVsyst 7.4.5 Solar System

Welcome to PVsyst 7.4.5

New features:
- Meteo: access to Meteonorm data 8.1
- Trackers: new diffuse shading definition tool
- System: new tool that allows viewing the PV module strings and inverters in the PV system in the form of a circuit. The circuit is represented by a single-line diagram.

- Aging tool: small interface improvements
- Aging Tool: results can now be displayed in a table and exported
- Economic evaluation: improved management of pricing (feed-in and self-consumption)
- Economic evaluation: added the internal rate of return (IRR) value in financial results, added the possibility to define depreciation parameters individually for each asset instead of globally for the whole project, added possibility to define yearly provision for inverter replacement
- General: US date format is now well supported in PVsyst
- Meteo: added "save" button to "Meteo Tables and Graphs" dialog
- Meteo, SolarAnywhere API: data availability for the selected location is now provided
- Meteo data, help: updated help pages, including one about NEDO data (Japan)
- Module layout: improved adding and deleting rows or columns in table arrays
- Optimization tool: the scans can now be renamed after the optimization has run
- Optimizer, Huawei: implemented new models SUN2000-1100W and -1300W, updated related inverter database and rules
- Project: the project summary and the user notes have been improved
- Project: added the ability to load a project directly from the menu on the home window. The system type is now displayed on the load project window
- Report: merged the "special graphs" and "predefined graphs" sections on the report
- Report: added the abilities: 1) to choose the predefined plots in the report options 2) to change the order of the predefined plots by drag and dropping
- Shading factor table: thin objects table is now visible
- Shadings: calculating shading factors for trackers is now faster
- Shadings: it is now possible to modify the spacing of modules in 'sensitive surface' mode when editing a PV table
- Shadings: it is now possible to define the azimuth of zones with an accuracy of tenths of degrees
- Shadings, module layout: Improved the evaluation of the electrical effect of shadings on the bottom cell for submodules or partitions
- Simulation: complete revision of the grid-limitation treatment in the simulation.

- Aging tool with self-consumption: the energy self-consumed by the user (_Solar) was not accounted in the result
- Economic evaluation: there is no longer a crash in case the currency file is not accessible or not readable
- Economic evaluation: the LCOE calculation when financing contains loans is now correct
- Module layout: printing the report no longer makes the tables disappear from the central view of the module layout
- Report: setting in the "System Summary" screen of project and variant notes no longer produces a crash
- Report: editing the cover page for users with non-ansi characters in their Windows username no longer causes errors
- Shadings: correction of the inversion between the number of modules in X and the number of modules in Y for N/S axis trackers
- Shadings: fixed creating PV table with the pencil tool for projects located in the southern hemisphere
- Shadings: objects created with the pencil tool are not duplicated anymore
- User needs: the warning message displayed after importing an incomplete load profile now mentions the missing dates and times.


​​​   ​​​​完全許可模式下正常運行。如果由於電腦時鐘已更改而導致
​​   ​​​​​該程序無法運行,則PVsyst不承擔任何責任。

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10  (32-bit or 64-bit) and Windows 11。
通過使用運行受支持的 Windows 版本的虛擬機(VirtualBox 已成功測試)來支持其他操作系統,如 MAC OS 和 LINUX...等。

至少1 GB的RAM
至少1 GB的可用硬盤空間
最小屏幕分辨率為1280 x 720像素
.NET 4.7.2框架(由Windows Update安裝)
支持OpenGL 2.0或更高版本的圖形卡
(包括OneDrive,Google Drive,Dropbox...等)。
  • 2022/12/22

    Patch 7.3.1

    Patch 7.3.1


    - Shadings: added possibility to convert single PV tables into one or several arrays of tables.


    - Circuit: switching from transformers defined for whole system to transformers defined per sub-array no longer cause crashes
    - Meteo: import of monthly Solargis data takes now into account wind speed data
    - Meteo: zero irradiance is accepted in northern areas and up to 6 null monthly average temperatures are allowed
    - Report: the image size in the cover page is now correct
    - Shadings: the number of modules in polygonal fields is now correct
    - Shadings: added a checkbox to search for the axis closest to North-South or East-West when converting a fixed plane into trackers
    - Shadings: fixed a crash in the orientation management tool
    - Shadings: the trackers are now correctly resized when adding a central gap
    - Simulation: using the grid limitation with multi-MPPT inverters and a number of MPPT inputs that is not a multiple of the number of inputs in the inverter no longer cause crashes.
  • 2022/12/19

    Patch 7.3

    Patch 7.3

    New features:

    - Meteo: access to Meteonorm data 8.1
    - Trackers: new diffuse shading definition tool
    - System: new tool that allows viewing the PV module strings and inverters in the PV system in the form of a circuit. The circuit is represented by a single-line diagram.


    - Aging tool: small interface improvements
    - Aging Tool: results can now be displayed in a table and exported
    - Economic evaluation: improved management of pricing (feed-in and self-consumption)
    - Economic evaluation: added the internal rate of return (IRR) value in financial results, added the possibility to define depreciation parameters individually for each asset instead of globally for the whole project, added possibility to define yearly provision for inverter replacement
    - General: US date format is now well supported in PVsyst
    - Meteo: added "save" button to "Meteo Tables and Graphs" dialog
    - Meteo, SolarAnywhere API: data availability for the selected location is now provided
    - Meteo data, help: updated help pages, including one about NEDO data (Japan)
    - Module layout: improved adding and deleting rows or columns in table arrays
    - Optimization tool: the scans can now be renamed after the optimization has run
    - Optimizer, Huawei: implemented new models SUN2000-1100W and -1300W, updated related inverter database and rules
    - Project: the project summary and the user notes have been improved
    - Project: added the ability to load a project directly from the menu on the home window. The system type is now displayed on the load project window
    - Report: merged the "special graphs" and "predefined graphs" sections on the report
    - Report: added the abilities: 1) to choose the predefined plots in the report options 2) to change the order of the predefined plots by drag and dropping
    - Shading factor table: thin objects table is now visible
    - Shadings: calculating shading factors for trackers is now faster
    - Shadings: it is now possible to modify the spacing of modules in 'sensitive surface' mode when editing a PV table
    - Shadings: it is now possible to define the azimuth of zones with an accuracy of tenths of degrees
    - Shadings, module layout: Improved the evaluation of the electrical effect of shadings on the bottom cell for submodules or partitions
    - Simulation: complete revision of the grid-limitation treatment in the simulation.


    - Aging tool with self-consumption: the energy self-consumed by the user (_Solar) was not accounted in the result
    - Economic evaluation: there is no longer a crash in case the currency file is not accessible or not readable
    - Economic evaluation: the LCOE calculation when financing contains loans is now correct
    - Module layout: printing the report no longer makes the tables disappear from the central view of the module layout
    - Report: setting in the "System Summary" screen of project and variant notes no longer produces a crash
    - Report: editing the cover page for users with non-ansi characters in their Windows username no longer causes errors
    - Shadings: correction of the inversion between the number of modules in X and the number of modules in Y for N/S axis trackers
    - Shadings: fixed creating PV table with the pencil tool for projects located in the southern hemisphere
    - Shadings: objects created with the pencil tool are not duplicated anymore
    - User needs: the warning message displayed after importing an incomplete load profile now mentions the missing dates and times.
  • 2022/02/24

    Patch 7.2.12

    Patch 7.2.12


    - Database update
    - Optimizers, Solaredge: a new kind of optimizers is available for a central inverter
    - PV components: handling of Rserie/Rshunt default values is now more explicit with new detailed help.


    - Bifacial: variants with bifacial and only a single row of module defined in the 3D shading scene are no longer valid: this case is not treated by the bifacial model
    - Database: deleting the decimal character when dot is defined as the thousand separator in Windows preferences no longer causes an error
    - Economic evaluation: module degradation is now taken into account in self-consumption saving calculation
    - Economic evaluation: when reloading a project, the decimal part of the interest rates is no longer lost
    - Losses: removed unnecessary requests for saving when spectral correction is activated
    - Meteo, TMY generation: selecting data for high latitudes no longer causes an error
    - Module layout: fixed crash occurring sometimes when using SolarEdge optimizer
    - Module layout: the option to change tables name is now saved
    - Module layout: string attribution is now no longer lost when saving the variant
    - Module layout: deselecting tables with the mouse now works correctly in all cases
    - PV components: handling of leading/lagging power factor is now consistent
    - Report: in the bifacial section, the limit angle is no longer displayed incorrectly as 0°
    - Shadings: H2P import: tracker tilt values are now imported correctly
    - Shadings: fixed an error on the group modification of the trackers tilt
    - Shadings: rotating the whole scene no longer crashes
    - Shadings: extruded polygons are now included in the "List and management of objects" tool
    - Shadings: reading a 3D scene from an .SHD file with formatting errors no longer causes a crash
    - Simulation, batch mode: output file templates (*.SFI) are now well saved and restored
    - Simulation of trackers: irradiance optimization is now taken into account in the calculation of diffuse shading
    - User workspace: rare cases of errors encountered when extracting files from a compressed workspace (.zip) no longer cause crashes
    - User workspace: the importation of projects without overwriting the already existing components is now handled correctly.
  • 2022/01/18

    Patch 7.2.11

    Patch 7.2.11


    - Meteo, Solcast: error 403 [User does not have active Plan for tmy_p50] is now handled correctly
    - Shadings: the reading of H2P files with negative tilt is now supported
    - Shadings: improved reading of table sizes "by modules" from .SHD files. The number of modules displayed in the status bar is now correct
    - Shadings: module sizing is now also correct when reading the shadings scene from an old project
    - Simulation in batch mode: tracker parameters (such as axis tilts) are available again.
  • 2021/12/13

    Patch 7.2.9

    Patch 7.2.9


    - Shadings: advanced selection and grouped modification improvements
    - Database update
    - Economic evaluation: the thousands separator character for money amounts is now customizable
    - PV components: when creating new PAN files, the fields that require user input are now highlighted
    - Read file: added support of MacOS End of Line (CR) when reading PVsyst files (.PAN, .OND, etc.)
    - Shadings: improved the module display management in the scene
    - Shadings: improved the management of the separator in the topographic data files (CSV)
    - Simulation: improved the CSV separator management in batch simulation
    - System: for the P50/P90 analysis, extended the use of the meteorological annual variability value as the default value from Meteonorm to all meteorological data providers that make it available
    - User's needs: improved user friendliness when importing load profiles from a CSV file: there is now a quick access to load profile templates, and reviewed help pages are now available.


    - Economic evaluation: the amounts containing the thousands separator are now edited correctly.
    - Losses: reactive energy and power factor on loss diagram are now correct for systems with a grid injection limit
    - Losses: editing MV cables without having defined the voltage no longer causes PVsyst to freeze
    - Meteo data import for PVsyst standard format: the "#TMY hourly data" header tag is now ignored
    - Meteo: when the site creation window displays an error message, it will no longer crash when leaving then returning to PVsyst from another application (alt-tab)
    - PV components: the PV module initial degradation is now restricted to amorphous silicon. The related help links and warning message are now correct
    - PV components: several errors when editing inverter efficiency curves were fixed
    - PV components: when creating a new PAN file, Rs and Rsh are now set automatically to default values
    - PV components: viewing efficiency curves of optimizers no longer causes a crash
    - PV components: the temperature coefficient of CdTe PV modules with very low D2MuTau value (equal to 0.1) is now correct
    - Report: no more solar path graphic incoherence when the horizon line is defined
    - Shadings: switching between Geographical to Building display no longer causes the azimuth value to change
    - Shadings: the crash that occurred sometimes when creating tracker fields is now resolved
    - Shadings: no more slowness in large scenes when the modules are displayed
    - Shadings: shading tables are now deleted when a change in orientation parameters impacts the shading scene
    - System: the behavior of the strings configuration window is now correct when using optimizers
    - Workspace: the user images are now also imported when importing components from a folder.
  • 2021/10/27

    Patch 7.2.8

    Patch 7.2.8


    - Detailed losses: entering unavailability hours does not crash anymore.
  • 2021/10/22

    Patch 7.2.7

    Patch 7.2.7


    - Database updated
    - Demo: PVsyst DEMO projects updated
    - License: a reminder appears in the main menu when the license expiration date is near
    - Project: new management window for variants
    - Shadings: CSV export added in the backtracking management window
    - Shadings: the status bar displays now the total number of modules contained in the scene
    - Shadings: improved field selection when modules are displayed
    - Shadings: improved visibility of modules in 3D scene with "realistic" view
    - Settings: users can now choose the CSV separator when exporting data to clipboard
    - Batch mode: users can now define a CSV delimiter.


    - Economic evaluation: deleted investment costs no longer reappear
    - Module layout for optimizers (especially SolarEdge): corrected the calculation of electrical shadings
    - Project, variant files: corrected the storage of monthly values for 13-month simulations
    - PV components: corrected several errors when editing inverter efficiency curves
    - Simulation, mixed orientation: corrected inverter night losses
    - Simulation, mixed orientation: corrected results for hours with very low irradiance on the second orientation
    - Workspace: importing components from some .zip file no longer causes a crash.
  • 2021/09/21

    Patch 7.2.6

    Patch 7.2.6


    - Detailed losses: the ohmic losses diagram is now properly printed
    - Detailed losses: generating a histogram in mismatch losses no longer causes a crash
    - Economic evaluation: predefined number of modules and inverters have been corrected when setting "Global installation cost per module" or "Global installation cost per inverter"
    - Horizon: importing a horizon file (.hor) no longer causes a crash
    - Importing of custom meteo files: defining the import file format with variable that require to define solarimeter orientation no longer causes a crash
    - Shadings: deleting objects from the "List and manage objects" dialog no longer causes a crash
    - Shadings: thin object shadings for low sun height have been improved
    - Shadings: when editing a shading object, the module size definition is no longer disabled after changing the reference PV module.
  • 2021/09/02

    Patch 7.2.5

    Patch 7.2.5


    - Database update
    - Meteo: updated to Meteonorm 8.0.4
    - Meteo: Site creation window has been improved:
    - Better handling of imported hourly data (new site, existing site where you used the "Meteo data Import" function):
    - Monthly values can no longer be edited when they represent the monthly averages of the imported (unsaved) hourly data
    - Changing the coordinates of a site (further than 1km) that has (unsaved) imported hourly data will prompt you to either keep the data (revert coordinates changes) or discard the hourly data (keep coordinates changes)
    - Hourly data from fee-based sources (e.g. Solcast) are automatically saved (.MET) upon import, after import, the editing of monthly values and coordinates are disabled
    - Edition of existing site - when editing the monthly values of an existing site, hourly meteo file (.MET) related to this site will no longer match the edited monthly values:
    - Upon saving the edited site, PVsyst will ask if you want to generate a synthetic hourly file based on the modified monthly values
    - Synthetic hourly data generation improved to consider an updated list of region type (this only has minor influence on the temperature of the generated data)
    - Shadings: advanced selection dialog improvement
    - Shadings: Support for negative tilts from H2P files.


    - PV components: AMPT and other Optimizers: fixed error in voltages when in overload conditions
    - Report: fixed the error related to image files in PNG format defined for the user logo or for a client logo
    - Shadings: fixed the translation vector for the import of files in DAE or PVC format
    - Shadings: fixed the zone editing with trackers
    - Shadings: removed an erroneous blocking message when comparing trackers fields
    - Simulation: in batch mode, the AC losses were not set correctly when changing inverter at the same time
    - Simulations: current overload loss error when simulating multi-MPPT inverter with array MPP voltage below the inverter's threshold.
  • 2021/07/06

    Patch 7.2.4

    Patch 7.2.4

    New features:

    - Meteo: new tool to generate TMY files based on multiple years of hourly time series. The method used can be chosen between: ISO norm, Sandia method or NREL TMY2/3 method.


    - Database update
    - Shadings, vertical axis trackers: possibility of defining a common axis in the global scene (for floating systems). Fixed too restrictive conditions for Backtracking and Bifacial. Now they are extendable through Advanced parameters.


    - Module layout: fixed a crash with centre-spaced trackers
    - Results: fixed display of 13th month in monthly results tables
    - Report: fixed printing of Pumping projects report
    - PV components: corrected bug that could cause large temperature losses when aging was considered
    - Simulation: fixed irradiance calculation for concentrating systems with shadings not defined
    - Simulation: corrected calculation of reactive power in presence of self-consumption
    - Simulation: corrected warnings about energy imbalance in case of grid limitation and self-consumption
    - Batch mode: fixed crash when using batch mode with variants containing carbon balance calculation
    - Meteo: fixed an error that occurs on 32 bits platforms
    - NSRDB file import: elevation missing issue corrected
    - Shadings: fixed a crash when importing certain 3DS files.
  • 2021/06/03

    Patch 7.2.3

    Patch 7.2.3


    - PV modules: simplification of the creation of PAN files and addition of messages to guide the user
    - Meteo custom import: monthly albedo values (ground reflexion of "far" terrain) can now be set
    - Meteo: import of global incident irradiance data (PoA). Hay’s model is now used for all reverse transpositions
    - Backtracking management tool: tolerance for the identification of trackers with slightly higher GCR
    - Orientations: added a checkbox to choose to consider zones of tables while identifying the orientations
    - Shadings: authorization of a negative inclination for tracker axis
    - Shadings: improvement of the 3D scene context menu.


    - Simulation with trackers in southern hemisphere: error in the diffuse shading factor calculation
    - Tracking and shadings: fixed Backtracking definitions which affected sometimes the shading table and simulation
    - Bifacial verification: released the pitch conditions, now adjustable in the advanced parameters
    - Sites choice: last used country is now pre-selected
    - Report: removed incorrect parameter in the bifacial section
    - Report: fixed value displayed for "Net present value" in "Financial analysis" section
    - Report: improved and fixed report comparison tool
    - Report: fixed print generation of several PV components (battery, generator, pump controller, stand-alone controller)
    - Mixed orientations: fixed problems when distributing strings between orientations
    - Shadings: fixed table sensitive area not correctly refreshed when using mouse tool to resize the field
    - Shadings: added security check when importing 3D files
    - Shadings: fixed a crash which sometimes occurs when switching between Geographical and Building coordinates references
    - Shadings: fixed situations using wrong backtracking values for the simulation
    - Shadings: fixed automatic altitude on composed objects
    - Grid connected system: fixed crashes linked to incorrect optimizer selection in system definitions
    - Horizon: fixed miscellaneous crashes linked to horizon import.
  • 2021/05/06

    Patch 7.2.2

    Patch 7.2.2


    - Help: new pages about backtracking.


    - Simulation: fixed the not calculated diffuse values during simulation
    - Simulation: solved a calculation issue with backtracking
    - Report: fixed loss diagram truncated when projects simulated with 7.2.1 are imported in 7.1
    - Report: fixed displayed tracking stroke limits
    - Report: increased precision of AC losses fractions (2 decimal places)
    - Shadings: fixed buttons sometimes not appearing in "Zone editing" panel
    - Shadings: fixed a display issue in backtracking management
    - Shadings: fixed crash when entering values with a comma in the group edit window
    - Shadings: fixed table dimension issues when importing Helios3D or PVC files
    - Shadings: correction of the electrical loss curve on the shadings animation plot
    - Shadings: fixed trackers origin axis issue when editing
    - Shadings: fixed string partitioning for tracker fields
    - In batch mode, Pitch and Tilt where not changed correctly when limit angle was involved
    - Meteorological data: displaying the parameter 'Albedo' if present in the data source
    - Orientation: fixed a display issue in multi-orientation
    - Preliminary design: fixed an issue when reading old pre-sizing projects files.
  • 2021/04/29

    Patch 7.2.1

    Patch 7.2.1


    - Database update.


    - Error fix: fixed a bug in the elimination of data for the graphs of the measured data analysis tool
    - Bifacial: fixed an error in the computation of the diffuse on the rear side of bifacial panels
    - Bifacial model parameters 'pitch' and 'width' were not updated on report
    - Error fix: in horizon plot the plane of array was stuck on default values
    - Error fix in stand-alone systems when opening detailed pre-sizing
    - AC losses: choice of the reference to use (STC or Pnom)
    - Report: Added auxiliary losses in the report.

PVsyst 7.4.5太陽能系統

歡迎使用 PVsyst 7.4.5!

- 天氣:訪問 Meteonorm 數據 8.1
- 跟踪器:新的漫反射著色定義工具
- 系統:新工具允許以電路的形式查看光伏系統中的光伏組件串和逆變器。 電路由單線圖表示。

- 老化工具:小的界面改進
- 老化工具:結果現在可以顯示在表格中並導出
- 經濟評價:改進定價管理(上網和自用)
- 經濟評估:在財務結果中增加了內部收益率 (IRR) 值,增加了為每個資產單獨定義折舊參數的可能性,而不是為整個項目全局定義折舊參數,增加了定義逆變器更換年度準備金的可能性
- 一般:美國日期格式現在在 PVsyst 中得到很好的支持
- Meteo:在“Meteo 表格和圖表”對話框中添加了“保存”按鈕
- Meteo、SolarAnywhere API:現在提供所選位置的數據可用性
- 氣象數據,幫助:更新的幫助頁面,包括一個關於 NEDO 數據的頁面(日本)
- 模塊佈局:改進了在表格數組中添加和刪除行或列
- 優化工具:現在可以在優化運行後重命名掃描
- 華為優化師:實現新型號SUN2000-1100W和-1300W,更新相關逆變器數據庫和規則
- 項目:改進了項目總結和用戶註釋
- 項目:添加了直接從主窗口菜單加載項目的功能。 系統類型現在顯示在加載項目窗口中
- 報告:合併了報告中的“特殊圖表”和“預定義圖表”部分
- 報告:增加了以下功能:1)在報告選項中選擇預定義的圖 2)通過拖放更改預定義圖的順序
- 陰影係數表:薄對象表現在可見
- 陰影:現在計算跟踪器的陰影係數更快
- 陰影:現在可以在編輯 PV 表時修改“敏感表面”模式下的模塊間距
- 陰影:現在可以以十分之一度的精度定義區域的方位角
- 陰影、模塊佈局:改進了陰影對子模塊或分區底部電池的電氣影響的評估
- 模擬:完全修改模擬中的網格限制處理。

- 自耗老化工具:用戶自耗的能源(_Solar)未計入結果
- 經濟評估:貨幣文件不可訪問或不可讀時不再崩潰
- 經濟評估:融資包含貸款時的度電成本計算現在是正確的
- 模塊佈局:打印報告不再使表格從模塊佈局的中央視圖中消失
- 報告:項目和變體註釋的“系統摘要”屏幕中的設置不再產生崩潰
- 報告:為 Windows 用戶名中包含非 ANSI 字符的用戶編輯封面不再導致錯誤
- 陰影:修正 N/S 軸跟踪器的 X 方向模塊數量和 Y 方向模塊數量之間的倒置
- 陰影:修復了使用鉛筆工具為位於南半球的項目創建 PV 表
- 陰影:不再复制使用鉛筆工具創建的對象
- 用戶需求:導入不完整的負載配置文件後顯示的警告消息現在提到缺少日期和時間。


Winsteps 5.6.4項目分析理論軟體

Winsteps是一個項目反應理論軟體。項目反應理論(Item Response Theory, IRT)是屬於現代測驗理論,因為古典測驗理論有一些難以克服的缺點,如用不同項目的測驗結果無法比較,數據沒有等距性,測量結果容易受到樣本的影響,以及多變量處理不易,而現代IRT理論,可以有效克服以上的缺點,所以IRT廣泛的應用於教育測驗領域,如GRE,TOEFL等測驗,近年來也擴展應用到各科學領域的測驗評估。

Winsteps 5.6.4項目分析理論軟體

PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統

PVsyst 是一款專業的太陽能發電系統設計和模擬軟體,可幫助用戶評估和優化太陽能發電系統的性能和效益。它基於國際標準和最新技術,具有準確性高、功能全面、易於使用等優點。使用 PVsyst,您可以對太陽能發電系統進行詳細的設計和模擬,包括組件選擇、陰影分析、功率預測、系統優化等。該軟體還提供了豐富的數據庫和分析工具,使得用戶可以更好地了解太陽能發電系統的性能和影響因素。此外,PVsyst 還支持多種語言,提供了豐富的培訓和技術支持,讓用戶可以輕鬆地掌握太陽能發電系統的設計和模擬技能。如果您是一名太陽能發電系統設計師、工程師、技術人員或學生,PVsyst 將是您不可或缺的工具。

PVsyst 7.4.5 太陽能系統

BrainVoyager 22.4 神經影像數據管理和分析軟體

我們的旗艦產品 BrainVoyager 是一款功能強大的神經影像學軟件包,用於數據管理和數據分析。它最初是用於分析解剖和功能 MRI 數據集的工具,但多年來已發展成為用於 fMRI、DTI、EEG 和 MEG 數據的多模態分析工具。該軟件經過高度優化,用戶友好,可在所有主要計算機平台上運行;當前版本可在 Windows (7/8/10)、Linux(例如 Ubuntu、SUSE、Fedora)和 macOS(10.10 或更高版本)上運行。 BrainVoyager 是一個 64 位程序,支持分析需要超過 3 GB RAM 的大型數據集。為了在每個平台上獲得最大速度,BrainVoyager 已使用 C++ 進行編程,具有優化且高效的統計、數值和圖像處理例程。

BrainVoyager 22.4 神經影像數據管理和分析軟體