TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體-決策分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體

TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體

  • TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    TreeAge系列軟體可以讓您容易地掌握決策分析。TreeAge資料庫常用來做藥物成本效果的決策分析,並進行Markov模型及Monte Carlo的模擬研究。20年來,TreeAge軟件一直致力於為企業提供最佳的決策分析。最新TreeAge Pro系列提供了一個全新的、模塊化的軟體設計,使您可以基於核心模塊的同時,選擇您認為的最佳模塊組合
  • 價格

Windows OS

  • - Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7.
  • - 64-bit OS required.

Mac OS

  • - Mac OS 10.15 starting with TreeAge Pro 2023, R1 (Jan 2023).
  • - Mac OS 10.14 starting with TreeAge Pro 2022, R2 (July 2022).
  • - Mac OS 10.11 starting with TreeAge Pro 2021, R1 (Jan 2021)
  • - Mac OS 10.10 or higher.
  • - Core 2 Duo or newer (Intel) processor – 64-bit (both Intel and Apple M1 CPUs are supported).


  • - Recommended 3 GHz or more (minimum 2 GHz).
  • - Multiple processors/cores supported.
  • - 64-bit.


  • - Recommend 8 GB RAM.
  • - Recommend 16 GB RAM for large trees and analyses.
  • - Minimum 4 GB RAM.

Disk Space

  • - Minimum 2.5 GB available.
  • - Solid state drive will improve performance.

TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體

TreeAge系列軟體可以讓您容易地掌握決策分析。TreeAge資料庫常用來做藥物成本效果的決策分析,並進行Markov模型及Monte Carlo的模擬研究。20年來,TreeAge軟件一直致力於為企業提供最佳的決策分析。最新TreeAge Pro系列提供了一個全新的、模塊化的軟體設計,使您可以基於核心模塊的同時,選擇您認為的最佳模塊組合

TreeAge Pro replaces our DATA software as the cornerstone of the TreeAge family of decision analysis products. If you're already familiar with our DATA software, you'll find TreeAge Pro even better!

TreeAge Pro empowers even casual users to build and analyze sophisticated analytical models in an accelerated timeframe. If you are an experienced analyst, you will be comfortable using TreeAge Pro following a quick review of its software commands. If you have no experience or only limited knowledge of decision analysis principles, TreeAge Pro will speed your learning process.

Its extraordinarily rich feature set makes TreeAge Pro the perfect solution for virtually any decision problem. For example, it is used by:
  •  •  Corporate lawyers, attorneys and mediators to determine the settlement value of litigation
  •  •  The energy and petroleum industries to deal with uncertainties in exploration and drilling
  •  •  Engineers to assess design and production risks
  •  •  Economists and government officials to assess the effects of competing policy decisions
  •  •  Physicians to develop procedures for early identification and treatment of life-threatening conditions
  •  •  Public health officials to evaluate competing health policies
  •  •  Pharmaceutical companies to establish product cost-effectiveness
  •  •  Executives and managers for financial and strategic decisions
Key Benefits
TreeAge Pro is a sophisticated yet highly user-friendly software package that facilitates decision making in the face of complexity and uncertainty.

TreeAge Pro provides a systematic methodology and framework for understanding a problem, identifying available options, evaluating options in the context of associated uncertainties, and developing strategies which maximize the likelihood of success while minimizing unacceptable levels of risk.

Create decision trees, influence diagrams, Markov models (available in the TreeAge Pro Healthcare module) and multi-attribute models with sophisticated model building tools.

Analyze models with a sophisticated set of analysis tools:
  •  •  sensitivity analysis (1-, 2-, and 3-way analysis as well as tornado diagrams)
  •  •  Monte Carlo simulation
  •  •  Bayes' revision
  •  •  threshold analysis
  •  •  faster, more reliable dynamic links between TreeAge Pro and spreadsheets or database files
  •  •  enhanced utility functions to measure risk aversion
  •  •  expected monetary value, expected value of perfect information or certainty equivalent calculations
Communicate results with a variety of graphs, charts and reports:
  •  •  eighteen built-in sampling distributions and customizable distributions
  •  •  complete decision tree rollback information
  •  •  single and comparative probability distribution graphs
  •  •  financial, arithmetic, statistical, conditional and logical functions
  •  •  strategy graphs displayed in presentation-quality output

TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體

TreeAge系列軟體可以讓您容易地掌握決策分析。TreeAge資料庫常用來做藥物成本效果的決策分析,並進行Markov模型及Monte Carlo的模擬研究。20年來,TreeAge軟件一直致力於為企業提供最佳的決策分析。最新TreeAge Pro系列提供了一個全新的、模塊化的軟體設計,使您可以基於核心模塊的同時,選擇您認為的最佳模塊組合

TreeAge Pro 決策分析軟體

Crystal Ball 決策分析軟體

Crystal Ball 是一套與工作表格完美結合的套裝軟體,運用蒙地卡羅模擬與各種模型做出預測分析與最優化解。Crystal Ball被廣泛的運用在各個不同的領域,例如財務分析、製造業、能源運用、醫療生技等。針對不同的用戶群,Crystal Ball擁有廣泛的應用功能,包括財務風險分析、資產評估、財務工程、六標準差、投資組合分析、成本預估、專案管理等。

Crystal Ball 決策分析軟體

Decision Explorer 決策分析軟體

Decision Explorer是用來管理”柔性”問題一個驗證工具 環繞復雜和不確定情況這類性質的資訊時。它能讓你詳細地捕獲思想,去探索他們,並且獲得新的理解和洞察力。可以獲得一個新的觀點並且透過增加生產力、釋放創造力和找尋更好專注點來節省時間。Decision Explorer由Bath大學和Strathclyde大學的老師們和主要的組織一起發展,這個創新的工具現在有數百個主要的國際用戶。

Decision Explorer 決策分析軟體