SimaPro 9.6 生命週期評估軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

SimaPro 9.6 生命週期評估軟體

SimaPro 9.6 生命週期評估軟體

  • SimaPro 9.6 生命週期評估軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    SimaPro 是一款專業的生命週期評估軟體,幫助企業和研究人員評估產品或服務的環境影響。該軟體採用了國際標準的生命週期評估方法,並整合了豐富的數據庫和分析工具,使得用戶可以快速、準確地進行生命週期評估。SimaPro 支持多種生命週期評估指標,包括碳足跡、水足跡、能源消耗等,幫助您了解產品或服務對環境的影響,並提供有效的改進建議。此外,SimaPro 還支持多種語言,並提供了豐富的培訓和支持,讓用戶可以輕鬆地掌握生命週期評估技能。如果您是一名環境顧問、生態學家、綠色產品經理或研究人員,SimaPro 將是您不可或缺的工具。
  • 價格

SimaPro 9.6  LCA Software

What's new in SimaPro version 9.6?
Your SimaPro experience is improving! Each new release comes with a wealth of updated data libraries and impact assessment methods. With the most recent data libraries and new and updated methods, you will be ready for the latest LCA challenges.

Changes to data libraries

  • ecoinvent 3.10, allocation, cut-off by classification (other system models available as additional libraries)

Changes to impact assessment methods
  • Characterization factors have been added to all (applicable) methods for:
  • - New and formerly missing occupation and transformation flows
  • - New and formerly missing energy resources
  • - New regionalized water flows
  • Formerly missing waterborne emissions of water to the oan sub-compartment
  • - Formerly missing nitrogen and phosphorus substances
  • Characterization factors have been updated in all (applicable) methods as follows:
  • - Mappings of land use types from the original methods to SimaPro land use types have been revised with resulting changes in characterization factors for a few land use flows
  • - Sub-regions that don’t have a characterization factor in the original method have inherited the characterization factor of the main country (e.g. BR-GO has inherited the characterization factor of BR) instead of inheriting it from the global region
  • - Characterization factors for energy resources have been aligned within an impact category on either higher or lower heating value
  • - Characterization factors of a few nitrogen and phosphorus substances have been updated based on corrected stoichiometry calculations
  • Additional updates/corrections have been implemented for all IPCC 2021 methods, all LC-IMPACT methods, Land use biodiversity (Chaudhary et al., 2015), all ReCiPe 2016 methods and BEES+
You can find more information in the What's new in SimaPro 9.6 and the SimaPro methods' manual.

Would you like to install or update to SimaPro 9.6? Please check our installation & update instructions.



SimaPro is a 32 bits Windows application which also runs on 64
bits Windows. We highly recommend to have the latest service
pack installed. Earlier operating systems are not supported.
SimaPro 9.2 and higher runs on:​

Windows 11
Windows 10
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022

Single and multi-user client
Internal memory: 4 GB (32 bits), 8 GB (64 bit).
Screen resolution: minimum resolution is 1280 x 1024. We recommend a higher resolution and a wide-screen monitor.
Processor: a multi-core processor in combination with a 64 bit
operating system is recommended.
Hard disk: 10 GB free (local) hard disk space for temporary files. Only in the case of single user: an additional 20 GB free disk
space for database(s).

SimaPro Database Server (only for multi-user)
Internal memory: a minimum of 4 GB (32 bit) or 8 GB (64 bit).
Hard disk: at least 20 GB space is needed for installed databases.

If you are using an Apple or Unix computer you can run SimaPro
through a Windows emulator or via a parallel platform.  We regret we cannot give technical support for these systems.


SimaPro 9.6 生命週期評估軟體

SimaPro 9.6 版本有哪些新內容?
SimaPro 9.6 版於2024年4月15日推出!這個版本更新了ecoinvent 3.10 數據庫並修正五種新的影響評估方法:IPCC 2021 方法、所有 LC-IMPACT 方法、土地利用生物多樣性(Chaudhary 等人,2015 年)、所有 ReCiPe 2016 方法和 BEES+。使用最新的 SimaPro 版本,您將準備好迎接最新的LCA 挑戰。

主數據庫更新:ecoinvent 3.10 資料庫, allocation, cut-off by classification (other system models available as additional libraries)。

  • *特徵因子已添加到所有(適用)方法
    • - 新的和以前缺少的職業和轉型流程
    • - 新能源和以前缺少的能源
    • - 新的區域水流
    • - 以前缺少的向 oan 子隔間排放水的水
    • - 以前缺少的氮和磷物質
  • *所有(適用)方法中的特徵因子均已更新:
    • - 土地利用類型映射從原始方法
    • 到 SimaPro 土地利用類型已進行修訂,導致一些土地利用流的特徵因子發生變化
    • - 原方法中沒有特徵因子的子區域繼承了主要國家的特徵因子(例如BR-GO繼承了BR的特徵因子),而不是從全球區域繼承
    • - 能源的特徵因素已在較高或較低熱值的影響類別內進行調整
    • - 根據修正的化學計量計算更新了一些氮和磷物質的表徵因子
  • * 對所有 IPCC 2021 方法、所有 LC-IMPACT 方法、土地利用生物多樣性(Chaudhary 等人,2015 年)、所有 ReCiPe 2016 方法和 BEES+ 進行了其他更新/修正。
  • 您可以在 SimaPro 9.6 新增功能 SimaPro 方法手冊 中找到更多資訊。
  • 您想安裝或更新到 SimaPro 9.6 嗎? 請查看我們的 安裝和更新說明

Concept Star 3.64 詮釋結構模式軟體

Concept Star是最有實際經驗的分析系統結構法(ISM)的軟體 Concept Star是最實際經驗的分析系統結構法(ISM)軟體,此軟體可於微軟作業系統上運行。 它擁有多年在行政決策和組織解決問題的領域上實際諮詢經驗。 Concept Star有信心是一款可以幫助你解決平日複雜問題的寶貴工具軟體。 Concept Star是無論作為作個人工具或者給專業人員使用(ISM)來幫助解決客戶的問題。這個強大的工具可以幫助您的組織規劃及解決問題。

Concept Star 3.64 詮釋結構模式軟體

BILOG-MG4 項目反應測試軟體

使用這個Windows版本的BILOG-MG,舊版BILOG for Windows產品已經過時了。BILOG-MG-4具有BILOG的所有功能,加上差分項功能(DIF),項目參數漂移,等效和非等效組等同,垂直等同,兩階段測試,組均值估計,標準偏差和潛在分佈。

BILOG-MG4 項目反應測試軟體

HB-Reg v4.2.2303 貝斯階層回歸軟體


HB-Reg v4.2.2303 貝斯階層回歸軟體