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PDF Library PDF應用軟體

PDF Library PDF應用軟體

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PDF Library PDF應用軟體

The Big Faceless Java PDF Library is the smartest Java PDF library for creating, editing, displaying and printing Acrobat PDF documents. The PDF API is small, fast, easy to use and integrate into your projects, and is completely written in Java.

The PDF Library reads and writes PDFs up to version 1.7 (Acrobat 8.0) and boasts a dynamic range of features including:
  • • Transparent Unicode support - create documents in Arabic, Russian or Japanese as easily as English.
  • • TrueType and Type1 fonts, with subsetting for smaller files. Great for OCR
  • • PDF Encryption, for password-protected documents (40 and 128 bit RC4 or AES)
  • • Embed JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF or java.awt.Image images, or add Barcodes directly to the PDF.
  • • Use Spot colors, calibrated ICC profiles and other advanced colorspace
  • • Add HTML-style Hyperlinks to text or images
  • • Process 1000+ words a second with kerning, ligatures, justification and "curly quotes" for legibility.
  • • Simplify complex document creation by defining and applying "Styles"
  • • Full support for PDF features like bookmarks, compression and document meta-information
  • • Non-linear creation of documents - pages can be created and edited in any order
PDF Library Extended Edition
The extended edition of the Java PDF Library offers additional features:
  • • Load and edit existing PDF documents, as templates or merge with others
  • • Create and edit interactive Forms, or "AcroForm"
  • • Digitally sign documents, or verify existing digital signatures
Java PDF Viewer
On top of the Extended edition, the Viewer Extension can be used to display PDFs:
  • • Swing component for displaying PDF documents
  • • Convert PDF to TIFF (or any other bitmap format)
  • • Extract and index text and images from PDF documents, including integration with Apache Lucene
  • • Print PDF documents, including support for annotations and other PDF features not supported by Java 1.5 printing.
  • • Pre-flight new or existing PDFs against PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3 or PDF/A-1b.
Product Benefits
BFO's PDF Library provides unparalleled implementation flexibility and reliability for the developer. It's scalable, thread-safe and extremely fast, having been honed over the years, and runs on any Java platform from the humble PC up to Mainframes. 

The API has been designed so you don't need to know the PDF specification in order to create PDF's. We hide as much of the gory details as possible but still give you almost complete control over the PDF itself. Where possible we re-use standard Java classes - for example the pages are stored in a java.util.List, which can be manipulated any way you like (so moving pages from one document to another is a breeze). This means an API which is smaller and easier to remember. 

The Viewer Extension allows PDF's to be parsed and converted to bitmaps for display, to be saved as a bitmap image (e.g TIFF) or for printing. Although Java 1.5 theoretically supports printing PDFs out of the box, results are often poor and support for features like annotations, encrypted documents etc. is incomplete. Our PDF library fills this gap, giving consistent results for all PDFs 

The trial version is fully functional (it adds a "DEMO" stamp to each page it creates), which allows you as much time as you need to ensure that it meets your requirements.


CourseForum E化學習軟體

CourseForum is web-based e-learning software that makes it easy for you and your students to interact, whether to create, post, share or discuss course content.

CourseForum E化學習軟體

INfix PDF應用軟體

Infix is the only PDF editor that intelligently re-creates the original content so that you can edit it in the way you would expect. It uses a set of intelligent algorithms to recreate the original structure of the document. This means you can edit a PDF just like you would a Word document.

INfix PDF應用軟體

Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體

Master Uneraser能回復在硬碟中意外刪除的檔案(或是在垃圾桶中所刪除的檔案)。它是直接連接硬碟在低層和忽視已存在在硬碟的資料,因為它要分析硬碟的可 用空間,利用新增加的硬碟空間來找出刪除的檔案。它並不一定知道Windows是否完全刪除掉檔案,從檔案系統中它只抓取檔案記錄,只要刪除掉檔案釋放出 的可用空間沒有被其他檔案給覆蓋的話,它就能回復剛刪除的檔案。

Master Uneraser 檔案回復軟體