LINDO API 13 最適化數學程式軟體-數學分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

LINDO API 13最適化數學程式軟體

LINDO API 13最適化數學程式軟體

  • LINDO API 13最適化數學程式軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    通過LINDO API,您能夠方便的創建您自己的最優化問題求解程序。它允許您加上LINDO求解器的強大功能到您已經寫好的自定義應用程式中。 LINDO API的關鍵性優點快速,方便的應用程序開發 -LINGO API使得把最優化求解程序無縫集成到您自己的應用程序中變得非常簡單。開發者界面已經被設計成最大限度的使用方便和靈活,附帶清楚而詳盡的幫助文檔和示例,來幫助您快速上手分發調用LINDO API求解器的應用程式需要單獨的許可
  • 價格

LINDO API 13 Optimized Math Program Software

What's new?
Release 13 of LINDO API includes a wide range of performance enhancements and new features.
Order of Magnitude Faster on Long Skinny LPs
Enhancements to the Simplex Solvers allow significantly faster solution of linear models with many times more variables than constraints.
Faster When Simultaneously Solving an LP Using Different

An improved feature allows users to concurrently run the Primal Simplex, Dual Simplex, and Barrier solver each on a separate core. This ensures the solution in the shortest time regardless of which solver is fastest.
Integer Solver Improvements
Better performance on many integer models has been achieved through improved selection of default settings for cut generation and solution heuristics.

Enhancements to the Quadratic/Conic Solvers
Models with ex and xk terms are solved faster -- so called Barrier Solver exponential and power cones.
New Parameter Tuning Tool
The Parameter Tuning Tool helps determine the best parameter configurations for all model types (LP, MIP, NLP, and Stochastic) by performing several runs on a given set of models. Users can preselect the paraments to be adjusted or let LINDO API select them.
Added Support for Multiple Objective Optimization
For linear models, users can provide a prioritized list of objective functions, and LINDO API will perform Lexico/Pre-emptive priority optimization.
Numerous Global Solver Enhancements

  • Improved recognition and exploitation of convexity of
    various composite functions.
  • Improved performance for models with convex-concave
  • Models with ratio/fractional objective, including MIP,
    solve an order of magnitude faster.
  • Substantial speed improvements on Non-convex
    Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs.

• Fast, Easy Application Development
   The LINDO® API makes it easy for you to seamlessly integrate
   optimization into your own application. The developer interfac
   e has been designed for maximum ease-of-use and flexibility.
   It comes with clear, comprehensive documentation and
   examples to help you get running quickly.
Powerful Solvers
   - LINDO® API provides you with an arsenal of powerful solvers
   for Stochastic, Linear, Nonlinear (convex & nonconvex/Global),
   Quadratic, Quadratically Constrained, Second Order Cone and
   Integer optimization. All solvers incorporate numerous enhanc
   ements for maximum speed and robustness.
• Stochastic Programming Features
   - LINDO Systems has begun shipping a new release of LINDO®
   API that includes new features to allow users to incorporate
   unc ertainty into their optimization models.
• Comprehensive Set of Routines
- Whether your application is big or small, simple or complex,
   the LINDO® API provides the flexibility and functionality that
   you'll need. It includes dozens of routines to formulate, solve,
  query, and modify your problems.

• Convenient Interface to MATLAB
   - The Windows 32 bit and 64 bit versions of LINDO® API can
   be run as a MATLAB callable function. Using MATLAB 's modeli
   ng and programming environment, you can build and solve
   models and create custom algorithms based upon the LINDO
   API's routines and solvers.
• Extensive Documentation and Help
- LINDO® API provides all of the tools you will need to get
   up and running quickly. You get the LINDO API User Manual
   (in printed form and available online in pdf format) that
   includes detailed function definitions for all routines. Also
   included in the manual is a discussion to assist you in writing
   your own applications.
• Analyze Infeasible and Unbounded Models
   - LINDO® API includes tools that allow you to track down
   what has caused a model to be infeasible or unbounded.
   The tools is olate a portion of the original model as the
   source of the problem. This allows you to focus your
   attention on a relatively smalls ubsection of the model
   to look for formulation or data entry err ors. On infeasible
   linear, nonlinear, quadratic and integer models, the tools
   can find an irreducibly inconsistent set of constraints(IIS),
   and on unbounded models, the tools can find an irreducibl
   y unbounded set of columns (IUS).
• Create Web and Intranet Applications
   - The LINDO® API is thread safe to allow you to create web
   and network applications that handle multiple user sessions
   concurr ently. Web and network applications require special
   licensing.Contact LINDO Systems for more information.
• Model Size Flexibility
   - Why pay for more capacity than you need? The LINDO®
   API is available in a variety of different capacities. The
   capacities range from a few hundred variables to versions
   with unlimited capacity, so you can select the product that
   best suits your needs for a particular problem.



To install a Windows version (95/98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8/10), simply insert the LINDO API installation CD, double-click on the LINDO API folder to open the directory, and then double-click on the setup icon to run the LINDO API setup program. For a downloaded version of LINDO API, simply extract the executable file (.exe) from the (.zip) archive and run it (double-click the setup icon) to launch the installation process. Setup will do all the required work to install LINDO API on your system and will prompt you for any required information. 


LINDO API 13 Optimized Math Program Software

LINDO API 的第 13 版包括廣泛的性能增強和新功能。

使用不同求解器同時求解 LP 時速度更快

具有 e x和 x k項的模型求解速度更快——所謂的障礙求解器指數和冪錐。
參數調整工具通過在給定的一組模型上執行多次運行,幫助確定所有模型類型(LP、MIP、NLP 和隨機)的最佳參數配置。用戶可以預先選擇要調整的參數或讓 LINDO API 選擇它們。
對於線性模型,用戶可以提供目標函數的優先列表,LINDO API 將執行 Lexico/Pre-emptive 優先級優化。

  • 改進對各種複合函數凸性的識別和利用各種複合函數。
  • 改進了具有凸凹的模型的性能職能。
  • 具有,包括/目標的模型MIP。解決的速度要快一個數量級。
  • 大幅提高非凸的速度四维约束的二次方程序。

• 快速、簡單的應用程序開發
   - LINDO ® API 使您可以輕鬆地將優化無縫集成到您自己的應用程序
​​  ​​​​​中。開發人員界面旨在實現最大的易用性和靈活性。它帶有清晰、全面
​​  ​​​​​的文檔和示例,可幫助您快速運行。
   - LINDO ® API 為您提供了一系列強大的求解器,用於隨機、線性、
​​  ​​​​​所有求解器都集成了許多增強功能,以實現最大速度和魯棒性。
• 隨機規劃功能
   - LINDO Systems 已開始發布新版本的 LINDO ® API,其中包括允許     用戶將不確定性納入其優化模型的新功能。
• 一套完整的例程
- 無論您的應用程序是大是小,簡單還是複雜,LINDO ® API 都能提供
​​​​   ​​​您需要的靈活性和功能。它包括數十個例程來製定、解決、查詢和修改您
​​​   ​​​​的問題。

• 方便的 MATLAB 接口
    - Windows 32 位和 64 位版本的 LINDO ® API 可以作為MATLAB可
​​  ​​​​​ 調用函數運行。使用MATLAB的建模和編程環境,您可以基於 LINDO
   API 的例程和求解器構建和求解模型並創建自定義算法。
• 廣泛的文檔和幫助
- LINDO ® API 提供了快速啟動和運行所需的所有工具。您可以獲得
   LINDO API 用戶手冊(印刷版和 pdf 格式在線提供),其中包括所有
​​​   ​​​​例程的詳細函數定義。手冊中還包括幫助您編寫自己的應用程序的討論。
• 分析不可行和無界模型
   - LINDO ® API 包含的工具可讓您追踪導致模型不可行或無界的原因。     這些工具將原始模型的一部分隔離為問題的根源。這使您可以將注意力集     中在模型的一個相對較小的子部分上,以查找公式或數據輸入錯誤。在不     可行的線性、非線性、二次和整數模型上,工具可以找到不可約的不一致     約束集 (IIS),在無界模型上,工具可以找到不可約的無界列集 (IUS)。
• 創建 Web 和 Intranet 應用程序
   - LINDO ® API 是線程安全的,允許您創建同時處理多個用戶會話的
   Web 和網絡應用程序。Web 和網絡應用程序需要特殊許可。如需更多
​​   ​​​​​信息,請聯繫 LINDO Systems。
• 模型尺寸靈活性
   - 為什麼要支付超出您需要的容量?LINDO ® API 具有多種不同的
​​​  ​​​​容量。容量範圍從​​幾百個變量到無限容量的版本,因此您可以針對特
​​  ​​​​​定問題選擇最適合您需求的產品。


MathType 7 數學符號編輯軟體

MathType是由Design Science公司設計的一個可以在Word、PowerPoint等字處理軟體和演示程式中編輯科學方程式編輯器。支援TeX和LaTeX,以及國際標準MathML,並能夠把方程式轉化為支援Web的各種圖形,也支援WMF和EPS輸出。

MathType 7 數學符號編輯軟體

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

MathMagic 插件為您提供了用戶界面(一個菜單和一個工具按鈕),使您能夠在 InDesign 文檔中創建和編輯方程。 然後,它與外部 MathMagic Pro 應用程序無縫通信。 您可以使用 MathMagic Pro 應用程序非常快速地製作任何方程式,然後發送回 InDesign。MathMagic 插件允許您將方程式作為內聯圖形或 EPS 格式的浮動圖形對象放置在文本框中。創建後,所有方程都由 InDesign 處理,就像其他 EPS 圖形對像一樣。但是您仍然可以隨時通過雙擊來編輯這些方程。 MathMagic Plug-in 自動識別方程的基線,以便所有方程與文本行的基線很好地匹配,甚至它也允許您手動移動基線。

MathMagic Pro Edition v8.72 數學方程式編輯軟體

Fathom Dynamic Data 2.4 數據分析軟體

Fathom 是一款動態軟件,對於教授數據分析和統計來說既有趣又有效。根據共同核心州標準的要求,它還是高中生用於數學建模的強大工具。除了幫助學生理解代數、微積分和統計學外,Fathom 強大的數據分析能力使其成為物理和生物科學以及社會科學課程的絕佳工具。

Fathom Dynamic Data 2.4 數據分析軟體