AssayZap 3.0 實驗分析計算軟體-生化統計分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

AssayZap 3.0 實驗分析計算軟體

AssayZap 3.0 實驗分析計算軟體

  • AssayZap 3.0 實驗分析計算軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    AssayZap是一種普遍的實驗分析計算軟體,它主要針對RIA, ELISA, IRMA,比色及其它類型的化學分析。 它能夠處理的數量高達2^31。標準曲線可以被配備2個參數、4個參數、4個加權參數、或者是獨特的手工互動裝備,它可允許安裝所有的不同形狀的標準曲線。實驗分析可以包含多達2000支軟管和四條標準曲線,每個可包含高達24個值。實驗分析的要點可以通過標準曲線間的插補結果來補充。
  • 價格

AssayZap 3.0 Experimental Analysis Software

System for Analyzing RIAs, ELISAs, IRMAs and Other Assays
AssayZap is a universal assay calculator for RIA, ELISA, IRMA, colorimetric or any other type of assay. Counts of up to 2^31 can be handled. Standard curves can be fitted by 2-parameter, 4-parameter or 4-parameter weighted fit, or by the unique interactive manual fit which permits all standard curves to be fitted, whatever their shape. Assays may include up to 2000 tubes and up to four standard curves, each of which can incorporate up to 24 values. Assay drift can be compensated by interpolation of results between standard curves.

AssayZap can maintain a historical record for each assay, and enable the current standard curve and QCs to be compared with this and adjusted if necessary. AssayZap can process data from 96 and 384-well plate readers in any order: so assays can be set up to your own design.

AssayZap includes communications routines permitting the computer to upload data directly from any instrument with a R232 or R422 interface. Translation commands are already incorporated for many LKB, Packard, Nuclear Enterprises, Titertek, Dynatech, Rack, Clinigamma, Multigamma, Gammamaster, Delfia, Labtek, Digitech, Wallac, Tracor, Bio-Tek and Biorad instruments. AssayZap also enables you to add additional translation commands to suit your machine if it is not currently supported. AssayZap can send a command to a plate reader or other instrument to initialize it and start an experiment. There is also a command-line system which allows AssayZap to be run from programs which you are writing yourself. Equipment manufacturers or IT specialists can thus integrate AssayZap fully into their own systems.

Data can also be keyed in manually. Graphs can be saved as BMP or WMF files in Windows and results are in text format which can be pasted or imported to other programs. There is now a facility to automatically print out the results from each analysis when it is finished.



Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)

AssayZap 3.0 實驗分析計算軟體

用於分析 RIA、ELISA、IRMA 和其他檢測的系統
AssayZap 是用於 RIA、ELISA、IRMA、比色或任何其他類型分析的通用分析計算器。最多可以處理 2^31 的計數。標準曲線可以通過 2 參數、4 參數或 4 參數加權擬合進行擬合,或者通過獨特的交互式手動擬合進行擬合,該方法允許擬合所有標準曲線,無論其形狀如何。檢測可包括多達 2000 個試管和多達 4 條標準曲線,每條曲線可包含多達 24 個值。可以通過標準曲線之間的結果插值來補償測定漂移。

AssayZap 可以為每個檢測保留一個歷史記錄,並使當前的標準曲線和 QC 與此進行比較並在必要時進行調整。AssayZap 可以以任何順序處理來自 96 和 384 孔讀板機的數據:因此可以根據您自己的設計設置分析。

AssayZap 包括允許計算機直接從具有 R232 或 R422 接口的任何儀器上傳數據的通信程序。許多 LKB、Packard、Nuclear Enterprises、Titertek、Dynatech、Rack、Clinigamma、Multigamma、Gammamaster、Delfia、Labtek、Digitech、Wallac、Tracor、Bio-Tek 和 Biorad 儀器的翻譯命令已經被合併。如果當前不支持,AssayZap 還允許您添加額外的翻譯命令以適合您的機器。AssayZap 可以向讀板器或其他儀器發送命令以對其進行初始化並開始實驗。還有一個命令行系統,它允許從您自己編寫的程序中運行 AssayZap。因此,設備製造商或 IT 專家可以將 AssayZap 完全集成到他們自己的系統中。

也可以手動鍵入數據。圖形可以在 Windows 中保存為 BMP 或 WMF 文件,結果為文本格式,可以粘貼或導入其他程序。現在有一個工具可以在每次分析完成時自動打印出結果。


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