QuantiScan 3 光密度分析軟體
- QuantiScan 3 光密度分析軟體
介紹QuantiScan for Windows具有類似於復雜的密度計的功能,但成本卻很低。它能夠分析各種各樣的材料,包括聚丙烯酰胺和瓊脂糖凝膠、自動輻射圖、TLC板等。該程序可以直接接受來自任何TWAIN兼容的掃描儀以及大多數BMP、JPG或未壓縮的TIF文件的圖像進行分析。對於具有合理質量的帶狀凝膠,分析是高度自動化的,允許極高的數據吞吐量。幾乎任何類型的圖像都可以用Quantiscan的手動模式進行分析。
QuantiScan 3 optical density analysis software
QuantiScan for Windows has similar functionality to sophisticated densitometers but at a fraction of the cost. It is able to analyze a wide variety of material including polyacrylamide and agarose gels, autoradiograms, TLC plates, etc. The program will accept images for analysis directly from any TWAIN compliant scanner as well as most BMP, JPG or uncompressed TIF files. For laned gels of reasonable quality, the analysis is highly automated, allowing extremely high throughput of data. Almost any type of image can be analyzed with the manual modes of Quantiscan. Images can be pre-processed in a variety of ways within QuantiScan including crop, flip, invert, scroll and zoom.
Numeric, graphical and image output can be printed as reports and can also be saved as files or copied to the clipboard. The X,Y coordinates of densitometric profiles can output into a tabbed table for re-plotting in presentation graphics software such as Biosoft's FigSys. There is a separate module for analysis of discrete blots which can also be operated with automatic or manual blot detection.
Lane Analysis Mode
There is sophisticated lane processing and analysis for gels. Lanes of any width can be created manually or by using the unique automatic lane detection mode. There is also a facility to automatically set lanes at regular intervals for use with plates that have a preconfigured regular lane array. Lanes can be skewed or curved to allow for gel imperfections. Lane boundaries can be copied and the copies moved precisely into position with the cursor keys, for exact comparisons. Each lane can be labelled with an unique number both on its image and its densitometric profile plot. There are six options for automatic background subtraction: Minimum, Interpolated minimum, Valley, Edge, Polynomial and Manual. User-selected areas of images can be displayed as 3-D density maps which can be printed, saved or copied to the clipboard.
Once a lane has been defined, its densitometric profile plot is automatically drawn. Peaks can then be specified on the profile either manually by marking their center and edges, or automatically using a sophisticated peak search routine. Where appropriate, automatic fitting of Gaussian peaks can be performed. This automatic fitting uses a least-squares minimization technique to fit a sequence of peaks and a polynomial background to the given profile. The image of the currently-selected lane is shown laid-out horizontally under the lane densitometry profile. A cursor-controlled vertical line going across the profile and the lane image aids user examination of the peaks. The image and profile of a standard lane can be added for comparison with the first. Their alignment can be adjusted to aid accurate side-by-side comparisons. Peak areas are calculated by integration using Simpson's rule and, if the automatic fitting option has been used, the area of the fitted peak is also automatically calculated.
Calibration to a lane containing standard proteins may be made for automatic calculation of molecular weights. Calibration can also be made with a known standard solution such as those supplied with assay kits (just enter the position of its start line, its mol. wt. factor and the position of the solvent front, to give automatic calculation of mol. wts of unknowns). Parameters of any standard lane can be saved for between-plate comparisons. Calibration curve graphs and their fitted coordinates can be exported. Reports are generated for all peak parameters, including position, height, width, background and net area of peaks and, together with the graphical results, these can be printed, saved to disk or copied to the clipboard for transfer to other programs.
Blot Analysis Mode
QuantiScan offers a separate mode to analyze discrete blots. The blots can be automatically detected or manually defined. Their number, position, height, area and densitometric volume are automatically reported. There is a special module for automatic analysis of regularly arrayed blots. Automatic background subtraction is an option. Calibration, based on densitometric volume of standard blots can be done and this allows blot mode to be used for assays.
Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 (32 and 64 bit)
QuantiScan 3 光密度分析軟體
適用於Windows的QuantiScan具有與復雜的密度計類似的功能,但成本僅為其一小部分。它能夠分析多種材料,包括聚丙烯酰胺和瓊脂糖凝膠、放射自顯影、TLC 板等。該程序將接受直接來自任何 TWAIN 兼容掃描儀以及大多數 BMP、JPG 或未壓縮的 TIF 文件的圖像進行分析。對於質量合理的泳道凝膠,分析是高度自動化的,允許極高的數據通量。幾乎任何類型的圖像都可以使用 Quantiscan 的手動模式進行分析。
數字、圖形和圖像輸出可以作為報告打印,也可以保存為文件或複製到剪貼板。密度分佈圖的 X、Y 坐標可以輸出到選項卡式表格中,以便在演示圖形軟件(例如 Biosoft 的 FigSys)中重新繪製。有一個單獨的模塊用於分析離散印跡,也可以通過自動或手動印跡檢測進行操作。
有復雜的凝膠泳道處理和分析。可以手動或使用獨特的自動車道檢測模式創建任何寬度的車道。還有一個功能可以定期自動設置泳道,以用於具有預先配置的規則泳道陣列的板。通道可以傾斜或彎曲以允許凝膠缺陷。可以復制車道邊界,並使用光標鍵將副本精確移動到位,以進行精確比較。每條泳道都可以在其圖像和密度分佈圖上標有唯一編號。自動背景減除有六個選項:最小值、插值最小值、谷值、邊緣、多項式和手動。用戶選擇的圖像區域可以顯示為 3-D 密度圖,可以打印、保存或複製到剪貼板。
QuantiScan 提供了一種單獨的模式來分析離散印跡。可以自動檢測或手動定義印跡。它們的數量、位置、高度、面積和密度體積會自動報告。有一個特殊的模塊用於自動分析規則排列的印跡。自動背景扣除是一種選擇。可以根據標準印蹟的光密度體積進行校準,這允許將印跡模式用於檢測。
PQS ab initio 4.0 量子化學計算軟體
PQS ab initio PROGRAM is the quantum chemistry calculation software which completes the function where Hartree-Fock method and density functional method etc are well used. Good quality of parallel conversion efficiency and structural optimization routine with merit, can realize especially the high-speed characteristic in the calculation which it does as routine work such as property calculation and molecular structural search.
TURBOMOLE 7.5 化學計算軟體
Turbomole被認為是進行HF,DFT,MP2計算最快最穩定的代碼之一。它的特色不是在於新方法和新功能,而在於解決如何用盡量短的時間和 盡量少的內存需求,快速、穩定地處理工業應用型的分子。特別是它獨有的RI-DFT方法,據稱可以較其它大多數DFT程序節省10倍的CPU時間,因此非 常適合於大分子計算或中等分子的重複性計算(如幾何優化)
Match! 3.11.4 粉末衍射軟體
Match! is an easy-to-use software for phase identification from powder diffraction data, which has become a daily task in material scientists work. Match! compares the powder diffraction pattern of your sample to a database containing reference patterns in order to identify the phases which are present. Single as well as multiple phases can be identified based on both peak data and raw (profile) data.