SteelCentral™ 11 網路分析監控軟體-網路工具軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SteelCentral™ 11 網路分析監控軟體

SteelCentral™ 11 網路分析監控軟體

  • SteelCentral™ 11 網路分析監控軟體
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    Deliver superior digital experiences to all your users, across all apps and devices. SteelCentral is the only end-to-end solution that blends device-based end user experience, infrastructure, application, and network monitoring to give you a holistic view of your users’ digital experience.
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CACE Pilot

CACE Pilot is a visually rich and powerful analyzer for wired and wireless networks that revolutionizes the use of Wireshark by providing capabilities not found in the world’s most popular packet and network analysis tool. Fully integrated with Wireshark, CACE Pilot capitalizes on user's existing expertise while dramatically increasing efficiency in identifying and diagnosing network problems. With CACE Pilot, you can
  •   •  Quickly open and analyze multi-gigabyte trace files
  •   •  Easily isolate and identify traffic of interest through an extensive collection of network analysis metrics called “Views”
  •   •  Visualize long-duration live and off-line traffic statistics by moving back in time through large data sets with just a few mouse clicks
  •   •  Baseline and monitor long-duration network traffic with a flexible trigger-alerting mechanism called “Watches”
  •   •  Create professional reports directly from the user's customized Views
  •   •  Take advantage of Wireshark’s capture and display filters and prodigious dissector library for deep packet analysis from within CACE Pilot


Wireshark Within
Wireshark Within
4:22 video
CACE Pilot is the only analysis tool to offer full integration with Wireshark. Use Wireshark on very large trace files by isolating interesting portions of the trace file using CACE Pilot’s Adaptive Analysis Engine. The Wireshark capture and display filters are available within CACE Pilot as well as Wireshark’s prodigious dissector library for deep packet analysis.
Views: Flexible Analysis and Visualization Paradigm
CACE Pilot offers a complete collection of interactive View metrics to meet all of the user's troubleshooting needs. These include:
  •   •  802.11 WLAN troubleshooting (Discovery, Bandwidth, Channel Usage, Retransmissions, Signal and Noise)
  •   •  LAN and network troubleshooting (MAC, VLAN, ARP, ICMP, DHCP, and DNS)
  •   •  Bandwidth usage (including MicroBursts, IP, TCP, Web, and VoIP)
  •   •  Talkers and conversations (IP, subnets, countries, TCP, Web, and VoIP)
  •   •  Performance and errors (IP, TCP, Web, VoIP)
  •   •  User activity (Web, VoIP)
Charts: Dynamic Visualization Components
Bar and Pie Charts
3:45 video
CACE Pilot includes a complete collection of interactive Charts including bar, pie, and strip charts, conversation rings, scatter diagrams and grids. Intuitive point-and-click process for selecting elements within a Chart, such as bars within a bar chart or time intervals within a strip chart.

Drill-Down: Innovative In-Depth Analysis
Drill Down
6:32 video
Drill-down is one of the most powerful and unique features in CACE Pilot. Drill-down occurs when the user applies a View to a source which itself is the result of a selection made within a previously-instantiated View. This powerful paradigm increases the user's analysis capabilities many-fold. Very large trace files can be analyzed using the drill-down feature to quickly find and isolate anomalous network behavior.

Time Control: Flexible, Long-term Trending, Monitoring and Forensics
Time Control
2:58 video
Viewing network traffic metrics computed over days, weeks, and months can be challenging. With CACE Pilot’s “back-in-time”capability, you can easily move through View metrics over extended periods of time with just a few mouse clicks. Based on the selected time interval, sub-sampling and data aggregation techniques are used to optimize the granularity of the visual presentation of View metrics. The back-in-time capability can be applied to live and off-line traffic metrics.

Watches: Advanced Trigger-Alerting Mechanism
2:52 video
CACE Pilot includes a sophisticated triggering and alerting technology called “Watches.” It is possible to create a Watch (trigger plus action) on virtually any View metric and be alerted based on a trigger condition computed on the metric. For example, the user can be alerted on high bandwidth, slow server response time, high TCP round-trip time, and so on. When a Watch detects that a trigger condition has been met, an action will be executed. Actions include event logging, sending email, and starting a packet capture.

Superior Reporting
3:45 video
CACE Pilot offers an enhanced set of reporting capabilities that integrate fully with CACE Pilot Views, enabling you to create professional reports from what you see on the screen. CACE Pilot reports can be created in a variety of formats including PDF, Word and Excel.

Unparalleled Wireless Support with AirPcap
6:44 video
CACE Pilot offers unparalleled functionality and versatility when applied to wireless networks through a comprehensive set of 802.11 Views that can be applied directly to 802.11 wireless sources.
Thanks to the integration with CACE Technologies' AirPcap adapters, CACE Pilot is the only product in the industry to offer full multi-channel packet capture from a laptop-based system. With AirPcap Ex or Nx, CACE Pilot can speed up the decryption of WPA and WPA2 (pre-shared key) 802.11 frames as well.

SteelCentral™ 網路分析監控軟體

Couple Wireshark's powerful filtering capabilities and prodigious dissector libraries with an easy, graphical UI and professional reporting engine. Quickly open very large Pcap files and readily identify and resolve anomalous network events. SteelCentral™ Packet Analyzer Personal Edition (formerly Cascade Pilot Personal Edition), written by the author of winpcap, is a visually rich and powerful analyzer for wired and wireless networks that revolutionizes the use of Wireshark by providing capabilities not found in the world's most popular packet and network analysis tool. SteelCentral Packet Analyzer Personal Edition capitalizes on a user's existing expertise with Wireshark (or Ethereal) while dramatically increasing efficiencies when identifying network traffic or diagnosing network problems.

FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體

20年間 StarNet已成為連接從Windows PCs到Unix和Linux系統的軟體提供者之先驅。在過去10年,工程師和其他電腦使用者對於Linux工作站資料交換大幅增加。當許多X應用程式被轉到Linux,能在其工作站上能起動程式,Linux使用者也需要連接其他應用程式。對於那些連接方式,特別是使用VPN和WAN連接是從 Windows PC擔心網路或電源中斷連接,而影響程式執行。

FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體

DameWare v12 遠端控制軟體

Dameware Remote Everywhere 是一種快速、簡單且輕量級的基於雲的遠程支持解決方案,幾乎可以從任何有互聯網連接的地方訪問。 產品有以下幾點特色 快速解決問題,當最終用戶遇到問題時,DRE 可幫助您快速解決問題。避免長連接或軟件響應時間。 無人值守支持,不要不必要地打擾最終用戶;從幕後解決他們的問題。 無所不在從 Windows、Mac OS X 或 Linux 快速遠程訪問任何桌面或移動設備,例如 Android 或 iOS。 高分辨率支持清晰的高清可視性,根據您的網絡功能進行縮放。

DameWare v12 遠端控制軟體

Rapid7 Nexpose 網絡漏洞偵測軟體

Nexpose讓你有信心了解你的攻擊面,專注於重要的事情,並創造更好的安全結果。 Rapid7創造了創新和進步的解決方案,幫助我們的客戶自信地完成他們的工作。因此,任何產品特性或功能的開發、發布和時間描述仍由我們自行決定,以確保我們的客戶獲得他們應得的卓越體驗,而不是承諾、保證或法律義務來提供任何功能。此外,這些信息旨在概述我們的總體產品方向,不應依賴這些信息來作出購買決定。

Rapid7 Nexpose 網絡漏洞偵測軟體