FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體-網路工具軟體/新永資訊有限公司

FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體

FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體

  • FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    20年間 StarNet已成為連接從Windows PCs到Unix和Linux系統的軟體提供者之先驅。在過去10年,工程師和其他電腦使用者對於Linux工作站資料交換大幅增加。當許多X應用程式被轉到Linux,能在其工作站上能起動程式,Linux使用者也需要連接其他應用程式。對於那些連接方式,特別是使用VPN和WAN連接是從 Windows PC擔心網路或電源中斷連接,而影響程式執行。
  • 價格

FastX 3 Remote Server Software

FastX 3 Advanced Features 
FastX 3 builds on the features that our users have grown to love in FastX 3.
while adding the tools needed for fast and secure global enterprise deployments.

Communication Channel: FastX Exclusive

FastX 3.2 introduces a "ClientComm Channel" that can be used to send messages between a FastX session on a remote Linux server and a FastX client (desktop or browser) on a PC workstation. The channel allows messages to be sent from a custom (user-defined script on the server) to the client. Depending on the message type, the client can break the core protocol and run applications on the client's operating system.

Example use case: 
Alerts (pop-up messages) on the client window, located outside the x11 desktop.
Opens a browser window on the client (useful when the session server does not have access to the
Session sharing support.
File transfer.
Users want to click on a button in a Linux session and have it affect the client
Any application on the client.

Cluster Support 
Connect multiple FastX servers in the network to create a cluster of servers that can distribute workloads across the cluster.

Operation Scheduling 
Integrate professional job scheduling programs (MOAB, slurm, lsf...)
Integrate directly into FastX for full-featured job scheduling capabilities.

Simplified Configuration Management

All configurations are shared in the cluster, thus simplifying the deployment of new systems.
When a new system goes online, it is added to the cluster and automatically configured.

Single Sign-On 
FastX adds OpenID Connect support as an authentication method, allowing users to integrate with online identity managers to provide a seamless
single sign-on.

API Filters and Session Events 
Set up functions to record, change, or disable API calls. Advanced users can even use these functions to add custom functionality to FastX when users try to perform actions. A simple use case: sending an email to the system administrator when a
session is terminated.
A simple use case: sending an email to the system administrator when a session is terminated. A more advanced use case: Restore a hung VM before connecting to it to save time.
before connecting to a hung VM to save processing power and money. With the ability to customize
FastX's capabilities, the possibilities are endless.

Load balancing support 
Load balancing is the ability to choose which
servers to connect to and where to start new
The ability to start a new session.
System administrators are free to create load
balancing scripts for any metric requirement.
Customized metrics and static data are also
provided to support high-precision load
balancing scenarios.



Operating Systems
• Red Hat Enterprise (including CentOS) 6.9
       or later, 64-bit only
   •  Any Linux operating system equivalent to
       Red Hat 6.9

   •  Any Intel or AMD x86-64 processor
• The amount of RAM required is dependent
       on the number of sessions you are runnning.
       Please see FastX Memory Usage for more

• Port 3300 for http and https
   •  Port 22 for SSH
       FastX 3 Desktop Client
       (FastX Server 3.0 or higher install required)
       Note: FastX 3 Desktop client is not compatibl
       e with the FastX 2 Server

   • Windows 7 or later
   • Mac OS 10.8 or later
   • Linux RHEL 6 (or equivalent) 64 bit

Browser Client (FastX Server install with web services required)
• Edge > 79
   • Chrome > 64
   • Firefox > 68
   • Safari > 11.1


FastX 3 遠端伺服器軟體

FastX 3 高級功能 
FastX 3 建立在我們的用戶在 FastX 3 中逐漸喜歡的功能的基礎上,

通訊頻道:FastX 獨家 
FastX 3.2 引入了“ClientComm Channel”(通信通道),可用於在遠程 Linux 服務器上的 FastX 會話和 PC 工作站上的 FastX 客戶端(桌面或瀏覽器)之間發送消息。該通道允許將消息從自定義(服務器上的用戶定義腳本)發送到客戶端。根據消息類型,

客戶端窗口上的警報(彈出消息),位於 x11 桌面之外。
Internet 時很有用)。
用戶想要單擊 Linux 會話中的按鈕並使其影響客戶端

將網絡中的多個 FastX 服務器連接起來,創建一個可以在整個集群中分配工作負載的服務器集群。

直接集成到 FastX 中,以獲得全功能的作業調度功能。


FastX 添加了 OpenID Connect 支持作為一種身份驗證方法,允許用戶與在線身份管理器集成,提供無縫的

API 過濾器和會話事件 
設置函數以記錄、更改或禁用 API 調用。當用戶嘗試執行操作時,高級用戶甚至可以使用這些功能向 FastX 添加自定義功能。一個簡單的用例:會話終止時向系統管
VM 之前恢復它,以節省處理能力和金錢。憑藉自定義
FastX 的能力,可能性是無限的。



MIB Browser v13 網路監控管理軟體

iReasoning MIB 瀏覽器是一款功能強大且易於使用的工具,由 iReasoning SNMP API 提供支持 。MIB 瀏覽器是工程師管理啟用 SNMP 的網絡設備和應用程序必不可少的工具。它允許用戶加載標準的、專有的 MIB,甚至一些格式錯誤的 MIB。它還允許他們發出 SNMP 請求以檢索代理的數據,或對代理進行更改。內置陷阱接收器可以根據其規則引擎接收和處理 SNMP 陷阱。

MIB Browser v13 網路監控管理軟體

NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體

NetCrunch 是一個建立在模塊化前提下的綜合監控平台。 一切都可以協同工作,並且可以隨時啟用/添加。 您可以添加更多節點/接口或放入另一個模塊而無需重新安裝或數據遷移

NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體

WebCreator 7 網頁製作軟體

WebCreator 集成了強大的圖形工具來製作專業網站,包括漸變、陰影、圓角和無限調色板。一切都可以在沒有任何編程或插件的情況下直觀地完成。但如果你知道怎麼做,我們不會阻止你;可以在高級選項中輕鬆添加代碼。這是兩全其美的。

WebCreator 7 網頁製作軟體