Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體-網路工具軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體

Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體

  • Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體
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  • 介紹
    Lighthouse Studio 是業界最先進的聯合分析和 MaxDiff 平台。結合傳統調查問題,創建靈活且平衡的實驗設計。收集您的數據,然後使用功能最齊全的市場模擬器對結果進行建模和報告。
  • 價格

Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 Questionnaire Platform Design Software

what is new's in Lighthouse Studio 9.12.0 
Fixes & Changes: 
  1.Improved the look of ACBC BYO dropdowns to match
     dropdow ns in other questions.
  2.Improved the look of ACBC Calibration questions on mobile.
  3.Fixed problem with malformed HTML when using a multi-colu
     mn ranking question.
  4.Fixed errors in ACBC Test Design including index errors and
     password errors.
  5.Enhanced survey security options to better protect servers
     and data.
  6.Fixed vertical alignment of grid column headers.
  7.Preview and Test Survey support longer project paths.
  8.Improved performance when loading variables.
  9.In certain cases using the Advanced Teaching license
     data could not be downloaded.
10.Fixed 'Value cannot be null' error opening the simulator.
11.Fixed 'Index out of bounds' error running HB with interaction
12.Fixed problem where estimation summary report utilities did
     not match the Utility Report.
13.Fixed 'Run name cannot be null' error opening ACA utility
14.Fixed an issue in 9.10 where recreating the MaxDiff on-the-
     fly results did not show in the report.
15.Fixed SPSS time stamp length when using fixed widths.
16.Fixed 'The key already exists' error in the data generator.
17.Fixed 'unhandled exception' in grid questions.
18.Fixed 'Not enough items' error in MaxDiff exercise.
19.Fixed occasional 'input string is not a valid integer' error in
     ACBC analysis.
20.Fixed issue with text showing in CBC buttons using images.
21.Fixed problem where filters added within the Data Manager
     were not applied to the export.
22.Fixed problems running Willingness to Pay simulations
     involving alternative-specific designs or conditional pricing.
23.Fixed error with means when tabulating multiple questions in
     the Admin Module.
24.The Most Powerful Platform for Choice Analytics Lighthouse
     Studio supports Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC),
25.MaxDiff, Adaptive CBC and other advanced models. You can
     follow the default options or exercise great control and
     custmization to make the choice experiments and models
     achieve even greater sophistication.
26.Advanced features include anchored and Bandit MaxDiff,
     conditional display and alternative-specific conjoint designs,
     prohibitions,utility constraints, and multi-objective search
     algorithms for optimizing products.

Predictive Simulations
Easily build predictive simulation models based on gold-standard tools such as hierarchical Bayes.
Investigate market reactions to different product configurations, pricing moves, and competitors. Find optimal combinations
to maximize any combination of demand, revenue or profit.
Simulations can be enhanced with additional data regarding
product awareness,availability, or differential distribution
of brands.

Robust Survey Authoring Platform 
Lighthouse Studio is much more than a platform for
choice modeling.
Create rich surveys with mobile-friendly questions such
as rating scales,open-ends and drag-and-drop rankings.
Manage respondent flow with quotas, page and block
randomization, robust skip logic and automatic looping.

Flexible Data Collection 
Field your survey on our secure servers with no per
respondent fees, custom survey links, or host your survey
independently for complete data privacy control.
Lighthouse Studio plays nicely with other survey platforms and
supports all major panel providers. Field surveys on the go with
our free offline app for Windows PCs and Android devices.

Power-User Friendly 
Go beyond the basics with dynamic answer lists, custom answer
verification, and the ability to store your questions in a custom
question library.
Change the look, feel, and functionality by inserting custom
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Sawtooth Script into your survey.
When standard questions don't quite cut it, create your own
type of question-- including custom conjoint and MaxDiff
questions-- using the free format feature to ask your question
in a new and customized way.

Lighthouse Studio v9 Questionnaire Platform Design Software

For the User (Survey Developer):
• PC running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later.
    • A modern web browser with JavaScript enabled.

For the Respondent:
    • Respondents must use a modern web browser to
       access the survey.  This includes Internet Explorer
       11 and later.  JavaScript must also be enabled in
       the web browser.

For the User (Survey Developer):
    • PC running Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later.
    • A modern web browser with JavaScript enabled.

For the Respondent:
    • Respondents must use a modern web browser
       to access the survey.  This includes Internet
       Explorer 11 and later.  JavaScript must also be 
       enabled in the web browser.


Lighthouse Studio v9.12.0 問卷平台設計軟體

 Lighthouse Studio 9.12.0有什麼新內容 
1.改進了ACBC BYO下拉菜單的外觀以匹配下拉菜單
   ns 在其他問題中。
3.修復使用多列時HTML格式錯誤的問題mn 排名問題。
   pas 劍錯誤。
7.Preview 和Test Survey 支持更長的項目路徑。
13.修復了打開 ACA 實用程序時“運行名稱不能為空”的錯誤報告。
14.修復了 9.10 中重新創建 MaxDiff 的問題飛行結果沒有顯示在報告中。
15.修復了使用固定寬度時的 SPSS 時間戳長度。
     ACBC 分析。
20.修復了使用圖像在 CBC 按鈕中顯示文本的問題。
24.最強大的選擇分析平台 Lighthouse Studio 支持基於選擇的聯合
25.MaxDiff、自適應 CBC 和其他高級模型。你可以遵循默認選項
26.高級功能包括錨定和Bandit MaxDiff,條件顯示和替代特定聯合
​​     ​​​​​設計,禁令、效用約束和多目標搜索優化產品的算法。


Lighthouse Studio 支持 Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC)、
MaxDiff、Adaptive CBC 等高級模型。您可以遵循默認選項
高級功能包括錨定和 Bandit MaxDiff、條件顯示和替代特定的


Lighthouse Studio 不僅僅是一個選擇建模的平台。

Lighthouse Studio 可以很好地與其他調查平台配合使用,並支持所有
使用我們適用於 Windows PC 和 Android 設備的免費離線應用程序,

通過在調查中插入自定義 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 和 Sawtooth 腳本來更改外觀、感覺和功能。
當標準問題不能完全解決時,創建您自己的問題類型——包括自定義聯合問題和 MaxDiff 問題——使用自由格式功能以新的和自定義的方式提出您的問題。

SAWMILL 8 全方位日誌分析軟體

Sawmill 8是一套能在各種平台上執行的通用日誌分析報表系統,能支援幾乎任何型式的設備或應用程式日誌。它的報表具有階層式、人性化、跨連結、關聯性及易於操作等特性。程式安裝後即直接內建完整的文件。

SAWMILL 8 全方位日誌分析軟體

NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體

NetCrunch 是一個建立在模塊化前提下的綜合監控平台。 一切都可以協同工作,並且可以隨時啟用/添加。 您可以添加更多節點/接口或放入另一個模塊而無需重新安裝或數據遷移

NetCrunch 11 網路監控管理軟體

ServiceKeeper v4.15.57伺服器調度和監控軟體

ServiceKeeper 旨在通過監控關鍵任務應用程序,讓服務器管理員高枕無憂。 它通過檢測故障、快速執行恢復並將其報告給管理員來最大化您的基礎設施可用性。 使用 ServiceKeeper,服務器將始終啟動並運行,從而避免代價高昂的停機時間。 試試這個強大的工具,體驗寧靜。

ServiceKeeper v4.15.57伺服器調度和監控軟體