Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體
- Advanced Grapher v2 方程式圖形繪圖軟體
介紹Advanced Grapher是一個專門繪製方程式圖形的繪圖軟件,可以製作出多種方程式的圖形,非常適合國中,高中甚至大學相關科系的學生使用,對於學習數學一定能有事半功倍的效果
Advanced Grapher 方程式圖形繪圖軟體
• works under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 operating system (or higher);
• multiple-document interface;
• plotting of up to 100 graphs on one coordinate plane (in one document);
• supports graphing of the following graph types:
*Y(x) and X(y);
*graphs of tables;
*R(a) - in polar coordinates;
*X(t) and Y(t) - parametrical equations;
*f(x,y)=0 - graphs of equations;
*f(x,y)<0 and f(x,y)>0 - graphs of inequalities (and systems of inequalities);
*dx/dy(x,y) and dy/dx(x,y) - slope fields.
• you can specify color, style and width of lines, style and size of points, plotting by lines or points (or both), style of shading (for inequalities) for each graph. You can also change additional properties of graphs depending on graph type (e.g. amount of plotting points, plotting intervals, sorting (for tables), etc).
• lots of design parameters of a coordinate plane (parameters of axes, grid, background, legend);
• you can place custom text labels on the coordinate plane;
• calculus features:
*regression analysis (7 regression types and ability to automatically choose a regression type);
*obtaining intersections;
*analytical derivation;
*determination of the equation of a tangent and its plotting;
*numerical integration;
*obtaining zeroes and extrema of functions;
*built-in calculator
• you can copy graphs as BMP or EMF to export them to the Word documents and save graphs as GIF, BMP or EMF;
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SmartDraw 圖表製作軟體
SmartDraw 是專業的圖表製作軟體。可以用它輕鬆製作組織機構圖、流程圖、地圖、房間佈局圖、數學公式、統計表、化學分析圖表、解剖圖表等等。附帶的圖庫裡包含數百個範例、數千個符號和外形供你直接套用。並可直接去官往下載更多內容!
PTC Creo 高機能3D CAD軟體
PTC Creo 是3D產品設計的標準,這個業界頂尖的產能工具,不但有助於落實最佳設計工作模式,還能確實達到業界與公司標準。參數化的 3D CAD/CAM/CAE 整合解決方案讓您能以遠遠超越以往的速度進行設計工作,將創意和品質發揮到極致,最終達成建立高品質產品的目標。