SigmaPlot v15 科學繪圖軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

SigmaPlot v15 科學繪圖軟體

SigmaPlot v15 科學繪圖軟體

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 SigmaPlot 科學繪圖軟體

SigmaPlot Version 15

New Graph Features 
• Arrows with solid arrowheads
• Added a right mouse menu command for pasting copied
   graph primitives    (arrow, box, etc.) on the page
• A common operation on a graph is to zoom in, make a
   modification and then zoom out. A toggle was added, Ctrl+3,
   between your current zoom level and 100%.
• Data sampling dropdown now shows the maximum number
   of rows in the column
• Mini-toolbars for left mouse selection may be turned off
• An Anti-aliasing button has been added to the Graph Page Tab,
   Format Group
• Improved user interface for the Color Schemes dialog
• The “Each Curve” option is automatically turned on when perfo
   rming a linear regression on one plot
• Additional Plot Regression Statistics
• Improved access to result graphs following statistical analysis –
   obtained by right clicking either a statistical report or another
   result graph
• The scatter matrix graph, used to display results of some
   statistical tests such as correlation, has increased support from 
   10 variables previously up to 40 variables
• Graph Properties can now be obtained by right clicking a
   graph or plot
• Renamed the Linear Regression command in the Graph
   Analysis group of the Analysis tab to Plot Regression
• Text and special symbols options are now shown directly on
   the symbols dialog
• The Graph Additions Group Name has been changed to
   Manage Plots
• Multiple Result Graph Types May Now Be Simultaneously
   Selected from the Create Result Graph Dialog
• The default appearance of all Result Graphs has been improved
• Added TIFF gray scale export option for graphs and graph
• A Page Templates button has been added to the Format
   group of the Graph Page ribbon tab

New Worksheet Features
• Sorting data in the worksheet now supports multiple key
• Coefficient of Variation and 90% Confidence Interval added
   to Column Statistics
• Formatted text can now be used in statistical analyses
• Custom Column Statistics Items and Order May Now
   be Specified
• Statistical procedures may now use data from over 4000
   worksheet columns

New Analysis Features
• The One-Way Frequency Tables method has been added
• The unpaired (aka 2-independent samples) t-test has been
   enhanced  to provide options to test the equality of the
   populations means of the two groups without assuming
   equal variances (Welch’s t-test)
• Ctrl-A now selects all program lines in user defined transforms
• More nonlinear regression application examples have been
   added that can now be accessed from the Help menu
• Improvements to the transforms examples that can now be
   accessed from the Help menu
• Improvements to some ape (automatic parameter estimate)
   functions in the Transform Language
• The number of groups for computing dummy variables has
   been  extended from 100 to 1000
• Increased the maximum character length of labels in statistical     tables from 30 to 255
• Error Message and Partial Save Nonlinear Regression Improve       ments
• The User-Defined Transform and Regression Dialogs are Now       Resizable and can be Saved
• Improved User Interface for the Quick Transforms dialog

New Miscellaneous Features 
• Unicode is now supported
• Automatic Updating is available within SigmaPlot to 
   get the latest updates to features
• User settings are now preserved for new versions of SigmaPlot
• Added new ribbon layouts for different types of workflows
• The Export button is also on the Main button
• New Macro Method for Exporting any Graph Page Selection
• Added a Save All command to the Main Button
• Two New Macros Using Indexed Data for Graphing
• Sample Data Sets Available from Help
• New Macro Automation Method to Determine a Worksheet
   Column Length
• Added File Import and Import Database to the Main Button
   panel for more visible access
• Data Can Now be Extracted from a Result Graph

Please click me for V15 detailed specifications

System Requirements

Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10, Windows Vista:
  • 2 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) Processor
  • 2 GB of System Memory for 32-bit (x86)
  • 4 GB of System Memory for 64-bit (x64)
  • 300 MB of Available Hard Disk Space
  • CD-ROM Drive or Internet Connection
  • 800×600 SVGA/256 Color Display or better
  • Internet Explorer Version 8 or better

  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x,
     Windows 10; Internet Explorer 6 or higher
  • Office 2003 or higher (paste to Powerpoint Slide, Insert
     Graphs into Word and other macros)


 SigmaPlot 科學繪圖軟體

SigmaPlot  v15 的新功能 

• 實心的箭頭
• 添加了一個滑鼠右鍵菜單命令,用於在頁面上粘貼複製的圖元
• 對圖表的常見操作是放大、修改然後縮小。在當前縮放級別和 100%
​​   ​​​​​之間添加了一個切換按鈕 Ctrl+3。
• 數據採樣下拉列表現在顯示列中的最大行數
• 可以關閉滑鼠左鍵選擇的迷你工具欄
• 圖形頁面選項卡的格式組中添加了抗鋸齒按鈕
• 改進了顏色方案對話框的用戶界面
• 在一個圖上執行線性回歸時,“每個曲線”選項會自動打開
• 附加圖回歸統計
• 改進了統計分析後對結果圖的訪問——通過右鍵單擊統計報告或另一個
​   ​​​​​​結果圖獲得
• 散點矩陣圖,用於顯示相關性等一些統計檢驗的結果,支持從之前的
   10個變量增加到 40 個變量
• 現在可以通過右鍵單擊圖形或繪圖來獲得圖形屬性
• 將分析選項卡的圖形分析組中的線性回歸命令重命名為繪圖回
• Graph Additions Group Name 已更改為 Manage Plots
• 現在可以從“創建結果圖”對話框中同時選擇多種結果圖類型
• 改進了所有結果圖的默認外觀
• 為圖形和圖形頁面添加了 TIFF 灰度導出選項
• 頁面模板按鈕已添加到圖表頁面功能區選項卡的格式組

• 工作表中的數據排序現在支持多個鍵列
• 變異係數和 90% 置信區間添加到列統計
• 格式化文本現在可用於統計分析
• 現在可以指定自定義列統計項目和順序
• 統計程序現在可以使用來自 4000 多個工作表列的數據

• 添加了單向頻率表方法
• 未配對(又名 2 個獨立樣本)t 檢驗已得到增強,可提供選項來檢驗兩組• 總體均值的相等性,而無需假設方差相等(Welch 的 t 檢驗)
• Ctrl-A 現在選擇用戶定義轉換中的所有程序行
• 添加了更多非線性回歸應用示例,現在可以從“幫助”菜單訪問
• 現在可以從“幫助”菜單訪問的轉換示例的改進
• Transform Language中一些ape(自動參數估計)功能的改進
• 用於計算虛擬變量的組數已從 100 擴展到 1000
• 將統計表中標籤的最大字符長度從 30 增加到 255
• 錯誤消息和部分保存非線性回歸改進
• 用戶定義的變換和回歸對話框現在可以調整大小並且可以保存
• 改進了快速轉換對話框的用戶界面

• 現在支持 Unicode
• SigmaPlot 中提供自動更新功能,以獲取功能的最新更新
• 現在為新版本的 SigmaPlot 保留用戶設置
• 為不同類型的工作流程添加了新的功能區佈局
• 導出按鈕也在主按鈕上
• 用於導出任何圖形頁面選擇的新巨集方法
• 向主按鈕添加了“全部保存”命令
• 兩個使用索引數據作圖的新巨集指令
• 幫助中提供的示例數據集
• 確定工作表列長度的新巨集自動化方法
• 向主按鈕面板添加了文件導入和導入數據庫,以實現更直觀的訪問
• 現在可以從結果圖中提取數據


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