- CardioLab
介紹CardioLab costs less than a single dog or cat, yet can be used repeatedly to simulate chart recorder outputs of experiments on anesthetised (normal or reserpinised) animals and pithed animals. The simulated heart rate and blood pressure traces appear on screen and can be printed out.
Biology Labs Online are written in Java. Therefore, you must use a browser with Java and have Java enabled. You will need to download the most recent Java software and install it. Make sure your Java sotware is up-to-date as many browsers will block older versions of the Java software.Many browsers and Java will display multiple prompts to allow Java, and the Biology Labs Online applets, to run. Make sure to allow the Java Plug-in and the Biology Lab Online applets to run when prompted.
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Supported Browsers:
- As of September 2015, Google has removed all ability to run the Java plug-in from Chrome, so Google Chrome cannot be used with the Biology Labs.
- Internet Explorer 10 and 11.
In Windows 8 and higher, better results are obtained using the desktop version of the browser rather than launching the tile interface version. - Mozilla Firefox, Current Version
Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.9 (Yosemite)
Supported Browsers:
- Safari, Current Version
Pop-up blockers must be turned off for Biology Labs Online to work in Safari. - As of September 2015, Google has removed all ability to run the Java plug-in from Chrome, so Google Chrome cannot be used with the Biology Labs.
- Mozilla Firefox, Current Version
CardioLab allows 'administration' of the following drugs:
Norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
B-HT 920
Isoproterenol (isopren-aline)
CardioLab can also mimic stimulation of vagal and sympathetic cardiac nerves. Effects of blockers 'wear off' at a rate corresponding to their t1/2. 'Overdoses' with agonists or blockers will 'kill' the preparation. Responses are subject to 'biological variation' and are influenced by cardiac compensatory reflexes if appropriate. Tachyphylaxis is seen with relevant agonists. CardioLab even simulates the slow deterioration of a preparation which may 'die' unexpectedly after six hours of 'preparation time' (responses appear instantaneously but represent about 3 min of 'preparation time'). CardioLab can provide 'unknown' drugs for characterisation by students.
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