STELLA9.1 / iThink9.1 系統思考軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Stella Architect 系統動力學建模軟體

Stella Architect 系統動力學建模軟體

  • Stella Architect 系統動力學建模軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Stella Architect是功能強大的系統動力學建模軟體,被廣泛應用於模擬和實驗各種動態系統。該軟體提供一個直觀且強大的環境,使用戶能夠建立複雜的動態模型,並進行模擬以了解系統的行為和性能。Stella Architect的主要功能之一是圖形化建模界面,這使得用戶能夠輕鬆地創建模型,無需進行編程或複雜的設置。通過拖放操作和連接不同的元件,用戶可以快速構建系統模型,並輕鬆地進行修改和調整,完成可視化和報告生成。此外,Stella Architect提供了豐富的模型庫,其中包含了各種預建的模型元件,如變數、方程式等等,幫助用戶更快速地建立起模型的骨架,並進行進一步的定制和擴展。該軟體還具有強大的數據分析和驗證功能,用戶可以進行不同情境下的模擬,並觀察系統行為的變化。透過對模型進行策略分析和優化,評估不同策略和方案對系統的影響,從而做出更明智的決策。
  • 價格
iThink and Stella are available in both Windows and Macintosh versions. Windows 10 or later and Macintosh OS 10.15 or higher are required.
A 64-Bit operating system is required. A minimum of 4GB RAM is required, but at least 8GB is recommended.

STELLA9.1 / iThink9.1系統  思考軟體

STELLA (or iThink), “the tool of general-purpose simulation and the thought support which utilize system dynamics” is. The model which was drawn up it does simulation with computer and it analyzes the change with the lapse of time by the fact that “system dynamics”, the system which changes attendant upon the lapse of time (the dynamic system) it expresses makes the hypothetical actual model in the computer, as the numerical formula model and, it is one of technique in order to keep overtaking the improvement step and solution in order to cope with actual problem.

As example of the dynamic system, change of the city population with the flow entrance and exit of population and destruction etc of the ozone layer with the discharge of freon it is lifted.
Product summary STELLA/iThink is “the tool of general-purpose simulation and the thought support which utilize system dynamics”. The model which was drawn up it does simulation with computer and it analyzes the change with the lapse of time by the fact that “system dynamics”, the system which changes attendant upon the lapse of time (the dynamic system) it expresses makes the hypothetical actual model in the computer, as the numerical formula model and, it is one of technique in order to keep overtaking the improvement step and solution in order to cope with actual problem. As for the difference of STELLA and iThink? The sample model which bundled is done just is different, as for the program itself is same ones in the software. In STELLA the model “for education”, the model “for business” bundled it is done to iThink as a sample.

NeuralWorks Predict 類神經網路預測系統

NuralWorks Predict是在建立、預測和分類的應用程式當中最先進的工具,Predict結合了類神經網路技術、基因算法、統計和模糊邏輯來求最佳解或接近最佳解。

NeuralWorks Predict  類神經網路預測系統

PC-CRASH 車禍碰撞模擬軟體


PC-CRASH 車禍碰撞模擬軟體

ALGOR 通用工程數值分析軟體

ALGOR 擁有全新的 Superdraw 作圖和模型建製工具,完整而便捷的有限元網格模型建製,結果評估和顯示界面。包含一個擴展的材料庫;更新的包含滑輪單元的機械運動模擬(MES)能力;改善的線性靜態應力、熱處理和流體流動分析工具;更多的結果評估和顯示能力等

ALGOR 通用工程數值分析軟體