GraphPad Prism 10 生物統計軟體 | 新永資訊有限公司

GraphPad Prism 10 生物統計軟體

GraphPad Prism 10 生物統計軟體

  • GraphPad Prism 10 生物統計軟體
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  • 介紹
    GraphPad Prism 10 是一款全球知名的科學繪圖和數據分析軟體,幫助研究人員更快、更輕鬆地進行實驗數據分析和呈現。它提供了豐富的分析工具和圖表模板,支持不同領域的數據分析,如生物學、醫學、化學、物理學等。使用GraphPad Prism 10,您可以輕鬆地進行統計分析、曲線擬合、圖表繪製、報告生成等操作。其優秀的圖形設計和易於使用的介面,使您可以輕鬆地將您的研究成果呈現出來。如果您是一名研究人員或學術人員,GraphPad Prism 10是您不可或缺的工具。
  • 價格

GraphPad Prism 10 Biometric Software

Discover What’s New in Prism!
Introducing an even more powerful Prism featuring enhanced data visualization and graph customization, more intuitive navigation, and more sophisticated statistical analyses.

Enhanced Data Visualization and Graphs Customization 
Bubble Plots 
Create Bubble Plots directly from raw data, encoding variables
for position (X- and Y-coordinates), color, and size
Violin plots 
Visualize distributions of large data sets with either extended or
truncated violin plots

Estimation Plots 
Automatically display your analysis results

Smoothing spline 
Major improvements in showing general data trends through
Akima splines and smoothing splines with improved control
over the number of knots, or inflection points

Improved Graphing and Customization Options 
Stars on Graph 
Automatically add multiple comparison results to graphs

Automatically label bar graphs 
Annotate your bar graphs with values for the means, medians,
or sample sizes to emphasize what's important in your work

Improved grouped graphs 
Easily create graphs that show both individual points (scatter)
along with bars for mean (or median) and error bars

More Intuitive Navigation 
Find related sheets easily 

New family panel shows the family of sheets related to the current sheet, and chains of analyses are automatically indented

Easily navigate between multiple results tables 
Analyses with multiple results tables now grouped into a single
sheet with tabs for each result table; choose which tabs to show
or hide

Improved Search 
Search by sheets with highlights or notes of specified color

Now Featuring Eight Kinds of Data Tables 
Multiple variables data table 

Each row represents a different subject and each column is a different variable, allowing you to perform multiple linear regression (including Poisson regression), extract subsets of data into other
table types, or select and transform subsets of the data. Prism’s multiple variable tables support text variables and have the ability to define variable types

Nested data table 
Analyze and visualize data that contains subsets within related
groups; Perform nested t tests and nested one-way ANOVA
using data within these tables

More Sophisticated Statistical Analyses 
Perform repeated measures ANOVA – even with missing data 
Now Prism will automatically fit a mixed effects model to complete this analysis

Perform simple and multiple logistic regression 
Fit a model to a binary outcome (yes/no, win/lose, pass/fail) based on one predictor variable (simple logistic regression) or many
predictor variables (multiple logistic regression)

Principal Component Analysis 
Calculate and select the principal components that describe the greatest amount of variance in your data. Choose from selection techniques including Parallel Analysis via Monte Carlo simulation, Eigenvalue threshold, Proportion of Variance threshold, and more

Multiple t test (and nonparametric) analyses 
Perform multiple independent two-sample comparison tests simultaneously. Select from parametric/nonparametric tests, and specify if data are unpaired/paired

Analyze categorical variables with text in Multiple Linear and
Multiple Logistic Regression 

No coding required! Prism will automatically encode categorical variables and perform the analysis. Specify a reference and organize all levels of categorical variables in a model for clear, readable results

Interpolation from multiple linear and multiple logistic regression 
Use the specified model to predict values for the dependent variable based on data in the data table or using theoretical values
specified in the analysis



Prism 10 for Windows
Runs under the 64-bit versions of Windows 10 and 11.
         Prism 10 does not support 32-bit editions of Windows.

CPU: x86-64 compatible. Note: Prism Windows is not currtently offerfed in a version compiled to run natively on ARM chipsets (i.e. Qulacomm)
Snapdragon). However, Prism Windows can run on ARM-powered devices using x64 emulation which is now generally available with Windows 11.

RAM: For comfortable performance and responsiveness,
             Prism requires the following amount of RAM:

          • 2 GB RAM for up to 2 million data cells in currently
                open Prism files

          • 4 GB RAM for 2-8 million data cells

           8 GB RAM for 8-16 million data cells

          • 16 GB RAM for greater than 16 million cells

Display: The minimum display resolution is 800 x 600,
                    but the recommended display resolution for
                    comfortable work is 1366 x 768.

HD: Requires about 100 MB (megabytes) of space on the
          hard drive.

Internet: Prism must connect to the internet to verify the
                     license when it is first activated. It will also attempt
                     to connect upon 
every launch, and every 24 hours
                     if the application is not closed. To continue operatin
                     g, this connection must be successful once every
                     30 days (or 20 attempts, whichever comes sooner).

Prism 10 for Mac
Runs under macOS X 10.15 (Catalina) or later. If you use
         macOS 10.14, Prism will launch and seems to run OK,
         but we haven’t tested Prism thoroughly under this version
         of macOS and can’t provide much support. If you use 10.14,
         we urge you to update MacOS.

       Prism version 10.0.3 fixes a critical issue present in previous versions of Prism with macOS 14 Sonoma. These previous versions will be unable to create new files or open existing files on macOS 14 Sonoma.

CPU: Prism Mac is delivered as a Universal Binary and will run
            natively on both Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac

Display: Requires a display with a resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels.

HDD: Requires about  130 MB (megabytes) of space on the
              hard drive.

Internet: Prism must connect to the internet to verify the
                      license when it is first activated. It will also attempt
                      to connect upon every launch,and every 24 hours if
                      the application is not closed. To continue operating,
                      this connection must be successful once every 30
                      days (or 20 attempts, whichever comes sooner).


GraphPad Prism 10 生物統計軟體

發現 Prism 10.1.2 的新功能!
​​​​​​推出更強大的 Prism,具有增強的數據可視化和圖形定制、更直觀的導航和更複雜的統計分析。

直接從原始數據創建氣泡圖,編碼位置(X 和 Y 坐標)、顏色和大小的變量


通過 Akima 樣條曲線和平滑樣條曲線顯示一般數據趨勢的重大改進,改進了對節數或拐點的控制







每一行代表一個不同的主題,每一列代表一個不同的變量,允許您執行多元線性回歸(包括泊松回歸),將數據子集提取到其他表類型,或選擇和轉換數據子集。Prism 的多變量表支持文本變量並具有定義變量類型的能力

分析和可視化包含相關組內子集的數據;使用這些表中的數據執行嵌套 t 檢驗和嵌套單向方差分析

執行重複測量方差分析 - 即使缺少數據 
現在 Prism 會自動擬合一個混合效應模型來完成這個分析



多重 t 檢驗(和非參數)分析 

在多元線性和多元 Logistic 回歸中使用文本分析分類變量 
無需編碼!Prism 將自動編碼分類變量並執行分析。指定參考並在模型中組織所有級別的分類變量以獲得清晰、可讀的結果



Match! 3.11.4 粉末衍射軟體

Match! is an easy-to-use software for phase identification from powder diffraction data, which has become a daily task in material scientists work. Match! compares the powder diffraction pattern of your sample to a database containing reference patterns in order to identify the phases which are present. Single as well as multiple phases can be identified based on both peak data and raw (profile) data.

Match! 3.11.4 粉末衍射軟體

COSMOtherm 量子化學軟體

COSMOtherm 是液體預測特性計算的通用工具,以獨特的方式結合了量子化學和熱力學。它計算幾乎任何純液體或混合液體中幾乎任何分子在可變溫度下的化學勢,即它預測分子在特定液體環境中的快樂程度。這是預測工業應用或學術研究所需的多種特性的關鍵,包括溶解度、分配、蒸氣壓和完整的相圖。與其他幾種可用方法相比,COSMOtherm 能夠通過應用熱力學一致方程來預測作為濃度和溫度函數的特性。

COSMOtherm 量子化學軟體

ADF 2020 量子化學軟體

ADF(阿姆斯特丹密度泛函數,Amsterdam Density Functional)是用於計算氣相或溶液環境中的原子和分子的  Fortran 程序。它可用於各種領域的研究,如分子光譜,有機和無機和化學,晶體學和藥物化學。ADF 軟體套件中的BAND程式是用於研究周期體系:晶體,表面,以及聚合物。

ADF 2020 量子化學軟體