HyperRESEARCH 質性分析軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

HyperRESEARCH 質性分析軟體

HyperRESEARCH 質性分析軟體

  • HyperRESEARCH 質性分析軟體
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HyperRESEARCH 質性分析軟體

HyperRESEARCH™ enables you to code and retrieve, build theories, and conduct analyses of your data. Now with advanced multimedia capabilities, HyperRESEARCH allows you to work with text, graphics, audio, and video sources — making it an invaluable research analysis tool. HyperRESEARCH is a solid code-and-retrieve data analysis program, with additional theory building features provided by the Hypothesis Tester. HyperRESEARCH has been in use by researchers in the Social Sciences and other fields since it was first introduced in 1991. The latest version incorporates features and interface design decisions inspired by years of feedback from our customers and reviewers.
Who uses HyperRESEARCH?
  •  •  Social Sciences: Assists with performing qualitative analysis of textual or multi-media data collected during intenstive or focus grous interviews. Allows researchers from several projects or the same project to merge their data.
  •  •  Marketing and Political Research: Quickly analyzes major themes from focus group data to ascertain the major issues or themes that emerge from group discussion.
  •  •  Medicine: Assists with medical diagnoses by enabling doctors and nurses to look for common elements across clinical cases. Multi-media analysis of clinical data adds important information for clinical diagnosis and provides powerful multi-media presentation of clinical cases for classroom teaching.
  •  •  Law: Enables lawyers to analyze court transcripts and records.
HyperRESEARCH Provides:
  •  •  Easy-to-use Interface: HyperRESEARCH offers the same intuitive case-based interface on all supported platform. Our customers tell us that HyperRESEARCH is so easy to learn and use that it lets them focus more on their research, and minimizes the need for costly workshops and further software instruction. It provides a turnkey solution by employing a built-in help system and several tutorials with step-by-step instructions. The functional simplicity and reliability of the software combined with its powerful advanced features make HyperRESEARCH an excellent tool for qualitative researchers at any level.
  •  •  Fully Cross-Platform: The latest version of HyperRESEARCH is designed from the ground up to work well on Microsoft Windows® and Apple's OS X®. We deliver a consistent experience on both platforms while adhering to the conventions users expect on each. The HyperRESEARCH study file format and all of the various media types supported will work equally well regardless of which operating system you use.
  •  •  Multi-Media Capabilities: HyperRESEARCH allows you to work with text, graphics, audio, and video source material in any of these popular formats:
  • Category Format Description Win Type Mac Type
    Text Plain Text .txt TEXT
    Images Windows Bitmap .bmp BMPf
    Graphics Interchange Format (89a) .gif GIFf
    Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpg or .jpeg JPEG
    Portable Network Graphics .png PNGf
    Macintosh PICT Format N/A PICT
    Portable Bitmap Graphics .pbm PBMF
    Audio 3GPP .3gp 3GPP
    Audio Interchange File Format• .aif or .aiff AIFF
    MPEG-1 Layer-3* .mp3 MPG3
    QuickTime Audio* .mov MooV
    Windows WAVE* .wav WAVE
    Sun AU .au AUFF
    Video Video for Windows* .avi VfW
    DV video stream file .dv DVSF
    Motion Picture Experts Group* .mpg or .mpeg MPEG
    QuickTime Video* .mov MooV
    Shockwave Flash animation* .swf SWFL
    Animated GIF 89a files* .gif GIFf
    * Requires QuickTime 5.0 or later.
  •  •  Comprehensive Code-and-Retrieve Functions: HyperRESEARCH allows you to select any chunk of text (from 1 character to an entire file) and apply any number of code names to the chunk. Recall your codes by name, or select them based on proximity to other codes. View codes in context, in the margin of your Source Text window; or create an exportable report that organizes the specific data you ask for by case or by code name. Reports can be hyperlinked back to the original source material.
  •  •  Code Annotation and Descriptions (Memoing): Select a code reference on a case card, click the Annotate button, and add up to 64,000 characters of information per reference. Use the Code List Editor to enter a code definition for any of your master codes. Great for quick reference when decided exactly which code to apply to a source chunk — especially when several researchers are working on the same study.
  •  •  Flexible Autocoding: Autocode multiple sources to multiple cases, looking for multiple phrases in a single pass. Specify a number of characters, words, or lines before and/or after the found phrases to be included in the chunk selected for autocoding.
  •  •  Code Mapping: Use the Code Map Window to graphically represent relationships between your master codes.
  •  •  Hypothesis Testing: Unique to HyperRESEARCH it its Hypothesis tester, which applies rule-based "expert systems" techniques to perform in-depth analyses of your coded data to see whether the coding supports your hypothesis.

XSight 質性分析軟體

XSight軟體協助研究員或其他專家與非數字或無特定結構的資料一起使用編寫,比較和他們的資訊關連。 它提供分類和安排數據提供分析框架的範圍,為測試理論和關係的工具項目之間,和能力視覺上反射和提出想法和研究結果。

XSight 質性分析軟體

MAXQDA 2024 質性資料分析軟體

MAXQDA將成為您最好的幫手。它的優點有很多,比如強大的編碼功能;直觀性;您可以直接在文本中書寫 批註或心得,存於專門的“備忘錄”中,十分方便以後的輕鬆查找和處理;您可以隨意創建資料間的簡單或複雜關聯並建立矩陣資料,在矩陣流覽器中直接閱讀和處 理這些資料,並可以以其他形式保存在MAXQDA以外的硬碟空間中等等。此外,在MAXQDA中使用和處理的資料可以為任意文本形式,如訪談對話,期刊文 章,病歷,觀察記錄,在標準化調查訪問中對開放性問題的回答以及更多。

MAXQDA 2024 質性資料分析軟體

QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體

QDA Miner is an easy-to-use qualitative data analysis software package for coding, annotating, retrieving and analyzing small and large collections of documents and images.

QDA Miner 質性資料採礦軟體