OmniGraffle 5 圖表應用軟體-資安軟體/研究分析軟體/心理學軟體/新永資訊有限公司

OmniGraffle 5 圖表應用軟體

OmniGraffle 5 圖表應用軟體

  • OmniGraffle 5 圖表應用軟體
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  • 介紹
    OmniGraffle Pro 幫助你制訂漂亮的圖表,家譜,流程圖,組織圖表,佈局,數學的其他任何指示或非定向圖
  • 價格

OmniGraffle 5 圖表應用軟體

OmniGraffle Pro 幫助你制訂漂亮的圖表,家譜,流程圖,組織圖表,佈局,數學的其他任何指示或非定向圖
OmniGraffle 5 handles all of these in one award-winning application. We're not just a pretty interface, however. There's plenty of power under the hood to make all your diagramming and design fast and easy, with the ability to customize and tweak every aspect of your work.

In many of these respects, OmniGraffle is similar to Microsoft Visio. The Professional version of OmniGraffle can both import and export Visio files created using Visio's XML export function. OmniGraffle 5 can also open Visio's native binary .vsd files. Omnigraffle doesn't provide CAD integration—as Visio does—since it lacks some features such as DWG or DXF (AutoDesk file formats), import/export functions, among others. Also it is important to notice that layers cannot be shared among some versions of Visio and OmniGraffle.

OmniGraffle uses Mac OS X's graphics layer, known as Quartz, and benefits from on-the-fly antialiasing, smooth scaling, transparent drop shadowing, and other features. OmniGraffle 4 added Bézier shapes and text-based hierarchical chart construction to the range of available tools. OmniGraffle 5 added Bézier connecting lines; previously connecting lines were bent to fit between their points which made them relatively easy to create, but difficult to control with any great precision.

OmniGraffle can output to PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPEG, EPS, HTML image map, SVG, Visio XML, PICT vector, Photoshop and BMP bitmap documents. It also allows mental-mapping techniques in organizing information, as well as an advanced style manager, allowing lay out of web page prototypes or PDF documents, as well as outlines or brainstorming documents. OmniGraffle uses Apple's plist XML schema to store the data. The extension is .graffle.

SmartDraw 圖表製作軟體

SmartDraw 是專業的圖表製作軟體。可以用它輕鬆製作組織機構圖、流程圖、地圖、房間佈局圖、數學公式、統計表、化學分析圖表、解剖圖表等等。附帶的圖庫裡包含數百個範例、數千個符號和外形供你直接套用。並可直接去官往下載更多內容!

SmartDraw  圖表製作軟體

GINO v9 圖形應用軟體

GINO 為創建功能豐富的應用程序提供了一個完整的開發環境,其中包含高度交互的用戶界面和專業的 3D 圖形。它有多種配置可供選擇,以滿足各種應用需求,為您提供必要的工具,以按預算和按時製作免版稅節目。

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