Zend Server 2020- 程式開發軟體/新永資訊有限公司

Zend 2020程式開發軟體

Zend 2020程式開發軟體

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Zend Server 2020 Program Development Software

New Features in Zend Server 2020 for IBM i
New addition
Zend Server 2020 for IBM i (ZS2020) features a number of exciting new features and integrations, including the addition of simplified packaging via RPM, PHP 7.4 and MongoDB extensions.
ZS2020 also adds the ability to generate and use API tokens for the WebAPI, the ability to add suspendQueues() and resumeQueues() functionality to the JobQueue API, and the ZendServer hypervisor and XMLSERVICE installer.
The new version also introduces ZS2020 (64-bit) for IBM i, as opposed to the 32-bit used in the previous version.
Fixes and Deletions
ZS2020 for IBM i removes PHP 7.1 and introduces fixes for corrupt JobQueue API commands and corrupt ZRay plugins.
In addition, ZRay is no longer activated in the production profile by default.
Finally, zs-client now supports the latest available WebAPI commands.

Features of Zend Server
Enterprise PHP
Zend Server contains a certified PHP stack. Depending on the version of Zend Server you choose, you can take advantage of.
• ZendPHP 5.6 and higher.
• PHP support, including 5-decade code support and 24x7x365
• Zend Server support including the 24x7x365 option.
• Zend Server updates come with automated PHP updates and

With Z-Ray, you can easily debug your mobile and web services
byGaining a comprehensive understanding of your website's metrics.
Analyze detailed data about PHP page requests and database queries.
Monitor events such as PHP errors, high memory usage and slow request execution.
Log and analyze user-specific sessions without impacting server performance or exposing sensitive data.
Support custom applications and frameworks with the Z-Ray Extensibility API.
URL Insights
URL Insights captures detailed reports on PHP page traffic and performance.
This includes metrics indicating the following. 

• The most popular URLs.
• Requests with the longest server processing time.
• Requests with the longest user response times. 
• Detailed insights on specific URLs.
Code tracking

Code-tracking records and plays back the execution history of
PHP applications so you can.
• Gain insight into the step-by-step execution and flow of PHP
   through the dashboard.
• Automatically record and monitor event workflows.
• Manually record the execution flow of your application to
   simplify troubleshooting.
• View the call tree of selected events or trace files.

​​​​​​Job Queue
Job Queue provides offline asynchronous processing of PHP
tasks and job management tools, so you can. 

 Delay the execution of "heavy" parts of your web applications
   that originate from user web interactions to help shorten
   response times and reduce web server load.

 Track batch processing jobs, including their status, execution
   time,and output.

 Implement different planning strategies based on time,
   job priority,and dependencies.

 Collect and improve runtime statistics.
Deployment Method

With the Zend Server Deployment Tool, you can.
 Simplify and automate application deployment on servers,
  clusters,and specific cluster nodes.

 By using deployment packages with code, scripts,
   dependencies,metadata, and installation parameters, you can minimize failures and ensure consistency across development,
deployment, and production environments. 

 Deploy applications manually from Zend Server,
   or use a custom Deploy applications manually from Zend
   Server or using a customiza ble continuous delivery cycle
   built using the Zend Server API. 

 Update applications without restarting the web server to
   maintain 100% uptime.
Session Cluster provides fault-tolerant, high-performance,
session storage tools for PHP clusters, so you can. 

 Improve linear scalability and simplify cluster setup. 
 Avoid setting up servers in addition to front-end web servers. 
   Improve load balancing and performance. 

 Improve system availability by ensuring session continuity,
   even in the event of an outage.
Data Cache
With data caching, you can improve the performance of your application by 

 Caching the entire output of a PHP script or script element for
   a specified duration.

 Caching different types of data, including strings, arrays,
   objects, and sensitive information such as credit card
   numbers or Addresses.

 Cache items in shared memory, disk or name space.
 Collect cache reports and use analysis to add and correct
   rules to improve caching.
You can seamlessly extend the functionality of Zend Server to interoperate with other software solutions through the following benefits. 
Plugins for over 75 PHP-based products including WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Joomla, Zend Framework, Apigility, Laravel, Symfony, Doctrine2, Redis, OPcache, MariaDB, and Los Angeles modules.
API extensions for creating your own plugins.
​​​​​​​Performance Monitoring
Zend Server includes a comprehensive set of application performance monitoring features that help provide users with a complete view of application and server performance during development or production. 

 Application-level monitoring - Get a quick overview of
  application and system performance, resource utilization,
  system status and usage statistics through an intuitive
  utilization, system operation and usage statistics. 

 URL-level monitoring - Create detailed reports for the most
   important PHP pages on the web server - including data on
   slow requests, high memory consumption, etc.
   slow requests, memory consumption, and other data.

• Event Monitoring - Through the event monitoring feature in
   Zend Server, you can find PHP script problems early.
   problems. Event monitoring can be configured to monitor for
   errors,feature failures, script slowdowns, database errors, etc.



PHP Versions:
PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Linux x86-64
RHEL / CentOS 7.x via RPM packages
Debian GNU/Linux 9.x via DEB packages
Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (LTS) and 18.04 (LTS) via DEB packages
Linux Architecture Support:
32-bit systems are not supported.
Linux Power 8 & 9
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 (LTS) and 18.04 (LTS) via DEB
  •    pack ages
  • RHEL 7.x via RPM packages
Windows x86 / x86-64 - PHP uses x86 only
Windows 10
Windows Server 2016
Windows PHP Binary Compatibility
Windows PHP 7.1 are compiled with Visual Studio 2015 / VC14,
Windows PHP 7.2 & 7.3 are compiled with Visual Studio 2017 / VC15, 32-bit

V7R1 with latest PTFs (Apache 2.2 only)
V7R2 / V7R3 with latest PTFs
Mac OS X
10.14 (Mojave)


Zend Server 2020程式開發軟體

適用於IBM i的Zend Server 2020中的新增功能
適用於IBM i的Zend Server 2020(ZS2020)具有許多激動人心的新功能和集成,包括通過RPM添加簡化的包裝,PHP 7.4和MongoDB擴展。
ZS2020還增加了為WebAPI生成和使用API​​令牌的功能,向JobQueue API添加suspendQueues()和resumeQueues()功能的功能,以及ZendServer管理程序和XMLSERVICE的安裝程序。
新版本還引入了用於IBM i的ZS2020(64位),而以前版本中使用的是32位。
適用於IBM i的ZS2020刪除了PHP 7.1,並引入了針對損壞的JobQueue API命令和損壞的ZRay插件的修復程序。

Zend Server的功能
Zend Server包含一個經過認證的PHP堆棧。根據您選擇的Zend Server版本,您可以利用:
• ZendPHP 5.6和更高版本。
• PHP支持,包括5年代碼支持和24x7x365選項。
• Zend Server支持包括24x7x365選項。
• Zend Server更新隨附的自動化PHP更新和補丁。

URL Insights捕獲有關PHP頁面流量和性能的詳細報告,

• 最受歡迎的網址。
• 具有最長服務器處理時間的請求。
• 具有最長用戶響應時間的請求。 
• 有關特定網址的詳細見解。

• 通過儀表板深入了解PHP的逐步執行和流程。
• 自動記錄和監視事件工作流程。
• 手動記錄應用程序的執行流,以簡化故障排除。
• 查看選定事件或跟踪文件的調用樹。
Job Queue提供了PHP任務和作業管理工具的離線異步處理,因此您可以: 

• 延遲執行源自用戶Web交互的Web應用程序“繁重”部分的執行,以幫助縮短響 應時間並減少Web服務器負載。
• 跟踪批處理作業,包括其狀態,執行時間和輸出。
• 根據時間,工作優先級和依賴性實施不同的計劃策略。
• 收集並改善運行時統計信息。

使用Zend Server部署工具,您可以:
• 簡化和自動化服務器,群集和特定群集節點上的應用程序部署。
• 通過將部署包與代碼,腳本,依賴項,元數據和安裝參數一起使用,
   可以最大程 度地減少故障並確保在開發,登台和生產環境中的一致性。 

• 從Zend Server手動部署應用程序,或使用使用Zend Server API構建的

• 無需重啟Web服務器即可更新應用程序,以維持100%的正常運行時 
​​​   ​​​​間。 

• 改善線性可擴展性並簡化集群設置。 
• 除了前端Web服務器之外,還應避免設置服務器。 

• 通過確保會話連續性(即使發生中斷)來提高系統可用性。

• 在指定的持續時間內緩存PHP腳本或腳本元素的整個輸出。
• 緩存不同類型的數據,包括字符串,數組,對象和敏感信息,
​   ​​​​​​例如信用卡號或地址。

• 在共享內存,磁盤或名稱空間中緩存項目。
• 收集緩存報告,並使用分析來添加和更正規則以改善緩存。
您可以通過以下優勢無縫擴展Zend Server的功能,使其與其他軟件解決方案互操作: 
Zend Server包括一組全面的應用程序性能監視功能,這些功能有助於為用戶提供有關開發或生產期間應用程序和服務器性能的完整視圖。 

• 應用程序級監視- 通過直觀的儀表板快速了解應用程序和系統的性能,
​   ​​​​​​資源利用率,系統運行狀況和使用情況統計信息。 

• URL級監視- 為Web服務器上最重要的PHP頁面創建詳細的報告-
​  ​​​​​​包含請求緩慢,內存消耗高等數據。

• 事件監視- 通過Zend Server中的事件監視功能,
​​   ​​​​​您可以及早發現PHP腳本問題。可配置事件監視以監視錯誤,
​​   ​​​​​功能失敗,腳本緩慢,數據庫錯誤等。


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