XLSTAT 統計應用軟體-統計分析軟體/新永資訊有限公司

XLSTAT2021.1 統計應用軟體

XLSTAT2021.1 統計應用軟體

  • XLSTAT2021.1 統計應用軟體
  • 編號
  • 類別
  • 介紹
    Basic 解決方案是一種價格具有競爭力的入門解決方案,其中包含 100 多種基本統計工具,可讓您深入了解數據。 您將受益於數據 準備和可視化 工具、參數和非參數 測試、建模方法(方差分析、回歸、廣義線性模型、非線性模型)、數據 挖掘功能(主成分分析、對應分析……)和聚類方法(凝聚層次聚類) , K 均值...)。 每個基本功能也可在其他 XLSTAT 解決方案中使用。
  • 價格

XLSTAT2021.1 Statistical Application Software

XLSTAT 2021.1 is now available! What’s new? 
One-class Support Vector Machine (available in all XLSTAT solutions except Basic)
The One-class Support Vector Machine (One-class SVM) algori
   thm seeks to envelop underlying inliers. The aim is to separate
   data into two classes (based on a decision function): the positiv
   e one, considered as the class of inliers, and the negative one,
   considered as the class of outliers. Commonly used for fraud
   detection and machine fault diagnosis. 
Support Vector Machine (available in all XLSTAT solutions
   except Basic)
   A new algorithm is integrated for SVM classification (Fan 2005).
   It allows you to solve quadratic problems faster thanks to secon
   d order information. A k-fold cross-validation is added for all pr
   oposed methods (regression, binary and multi-class classificati
   on). The ROC curve is now displayed after the confusion matrix
   in the case of classification.
Response Surface Designs (available in XLSTAT Life Sciences,
  Quality & Premium)
  Response surface designs are widely used to optimize various
  processes, like in the food industry, for example. A revamped
  interface will allow you to easily generate a design for response
  surface analysis. A new table has been added to the report she
  e tallowing you to define the optimization settings of the analys
  is or use the default software settings. Interactions between fac
   trs can be now taken into account to the model.
   Access this feature under the DOE menu.
Discriminant Analysis (available in all XLSTAT solutions)
   The Outputs tab of the dialog box is now divided into two sub-
   tabs: General and Tests. The first one offers generic outputs (de
   scriptive statistics, eigenvalues, confusion matrix, ect.), while the
   second one offers various tests to validate specific assumptions
   of the model (Box test, Wilk's test, Pillai's trace, etc). The results
   sheet has been restructured similarly to the Outputs tab. It is als
   o possible to import large-volume data files via the dedicated b
   utton in  the dialog box (check our example).
   Access this feature under the Analyzing Data menu.
Principal Component Regression (available in all XLSTAT
  soluti ons except Basic)
  Principal Component Regression (PCR) is built on Principal
  Com ponents Analysis (PCA). A major advantage of PCR over
  classical regression is the ability to generate charts that clearly
  describe the data structure, such as the correlation chart and
  the biplot.Several improvements and fixes have been made in
  this existing feature:
• The Cooks checkbox has been removed from the Outputs tab
  of the dialog box. This has been replaced by "Regression diagn
  ostics'' which contains Cooks and other indices.
• Suppression of Press in the Outputs tab. It is now automatically
  displayed in the Goodness of Fit table. 
• The "Inner Circle" option is now greyed out (only available for
• It is now possible to import large-volume data files via the
  dedicated button of the dialog box (check our example). 
  A computational bug has been fixed in the case of having more
  than one Y variable.


Microsoft Windows 7, 8 and 10

XLSTAT2021.1 統計應用軟體

XLSTAT 2021.1 現已推出!什麼是新的? 
一類支持向量機 (適用於除 Basic 之外的所有 XLSTAT 解決方案)
一類支持向量機 (One-class SVM) 算法試圖包圍底層內點。目的是將
​  ​​​​​​數據分為兩類(基於決策函數):正類,被視為內部類,負類,被視為
​  ​​​​​​異常類。常用於欺詐檢測和機器故障診斷。 
支持向量機 (適用於除 Basic 之外的所有 XLSTAT 解決方案)
   SVM 分類集成了一種新算法(Fan 2005)。由於二階信息,它允許您
​​   ​​​​​更快地解決二次問題。甲k折交叉驗證添加到所有提出的方法(回歸分
​   ​​​​​​陣之後顯示。
響應面設計 (可用於 XLSTAT Life Sciences、Quality & Premium)
​   ​​​​​​可以讓您輕鬆地生成響應面分析設計。報告表中添加了一個新表格,允
​​​   ​​​​許您定義分析的優化設置或使用默認軟件設置。現在可以在模型中考慮
​​​   ​​​​因素之間的相互作用。
   在 DOE 菜單下訪問此功能。
判別分析 (適用於所有 XLSTAT 解決方案)             
​​​   ​​​​通用輸出(描述性統計、特徵值、混淆矩陣等),而第二個提供各種測
​   ​​​​​​試來驗證模型的特定假設(Box test、Wilk's test、Pillai's trace等)。
​​​​   ​​​按鈕導入大容量數據文件(查看我們的示例)。
主成分回歸 (適用於除 Basic 之外的所有 XLSTAT 解決方案)
  主成分回歸 (PCR) 建立在主成分分析 (PCA) 之上。PCR 相對於經典回
​​​  ​​​​在此現有功能中進行了多項改進和修復:
• Cooks 複選框已從對話框的輸出選項卡中刪除。這已被包含 Cooks
• 輸出選項卡中的壓制。現在它會自動顯示在擬合優度表中。 
• 內圈”選項現在變灰(僅適用於 PLS)。 
• 現在可以通過對話框的專用按鈕導入大容量數據文件(查看我們的示
​​  ​​​​​例)。 
• 在有多個 Y 變量的情況下,一個計算錯誤已得到修復。

IRTPRO 5.1項目反應測驗軟體

IRTPRO™ 是使用項目反應理論 (IRT) 進行項目校準和測試評分的高級應用程式。它帶有直觀的圖形用戶界面,並提供內置的生產質量 IRT 圖形。IRTPRO™適用於教育工作者、學生、研究人員和評估組織,在教育、心理、社會和健康科學領域的應用越來越廣泛。

IRTPRO 5.1項目反應測驗軟體

MVSP v3 多變數統計分析軟體

MVSP is an inexpensive and easy to use program that performs a number of multivariate numerical analyses useful in many scientific fields. It calculates three basic types of eigenanalysis ordinations: principal components, principal coordinates, and correspondence/detrended correspondence analyses.

MVSP v3 多變數統計分析軟體

XpertRule® Miner 資料採礦軟體

XpertRule Miner所採用之資料採礦(data mining)是最近學術界與產業界十分重視的技術,它是藉由資訊技術從大量資料裡粹取出資訊與結果之間的關聯性。企業可以用它得到顧客與購買產品之間的相關資訊。現今大多數企業在分析他們的客戶資料時,採取傳統統計方法所做出的結果,仍具有改進的空間。

XpertRule® Miner 資料採礦軟體