
@RISK for Project 風險分析軟體

@RISK for Project uses Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your project – and tells you how likely they are to occur. This means that you finally have, if not perfect information, the most complete picture possible. You can determine which tasks are most important and then manage those risks appropriately. While no software package can predict the future, @RISK for Project can help you choose the best strategy based on the available information. That’s not a bad guarantee!

@RISK for Project 風險分析軟體

Risk Simulator

Monte Carlo Simulation 45 Probability Distributions with easy-to-use interface, running Super Speed Simulation (thousands of trials in a few seconds) with Comprehensive Statistics and Reporting, Distributional Correlations with Copulas, Latin Hypercube and Monte Carlo Simulation, Truncation, Percentile Alternate Parameters and Percentile Fit, Linking capabilities, Multidimensional Simulations, Simulation Profiling, 6 random number generators, and Risk Simulator functions in Excel

Risk Simulator

Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)

Evolver遺傳演算法軟體,已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體,是一種在Microsoft Windows上最佳化的遺傳演算法軟體,Evolver使用革新的遺傳演算法(genetic algorithm)迅速地將金融,資源分發, 生產,製作預算,工程等問題作優化處理。

Evolver 遺傳演算法軟體(已合併為DecisionTools Suite風險決策分析軟體)

WMS 水文軟體

Watershed Modeling System(WMS)是非常有名的流域模擬分析軟體,在全程支持流域(分水嶺)的水文地理學,水力學的圖形化建模,是美國地質調查局和環保局批准的環境模擬軟體。

WMS 水文軟體

Hydro GeoAnalyst 水文軟體

With Hydro GeoAnalyst, you can expect the highest level of performance and a completely scalable solution to meet your groundwater project demands! Hydro GeoAnalyst is an all-in-one desktop concept that provides one-click access to many powerful features (e.g. Data Transfer System, Query Editor, GIS Map Manager, 2D Cross-Section Editor, 3D-Explorer, Template Manager, Report Editor, and much more!)

Hydro GeoAnalyst  水文軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

FEFLOW FMH3 ® ( Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) is one of the most sophisticated software packages available for the modeling of flow and transport processes in porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions.

FEFLOW FMH3 抽水試驗分析軟體

AquiferTest Pro 抽水試驗分析軟體

AquiferTest Pro是一款專門設計的用於對抽水試驗和段塞試驗數據進行圖形化分析和報告的軟體,擁有計算各類含水層特性的功能,包括:承壓含水層、非承壓含水層、滲漏含水層、裂隙含水層等

AquiferTest Pro  抽水試驗分析軟體

ARTS™ 水壓分析設計軟體

ARTS™ software from Hydromantis gives you the tools to develop accurate and cost-efficient hydraulic solutions in the design of your water and wastewater infrastructure systems. ARTS™ is a product of Aquavarra Research Limited, Dublin Ireland, and is marketed around the world by Hydromantis.

ARTS™ 水壓分析設計軟體

GWB 環境地質分析軟體

The Geochemist's Workbench®, is the integrated package which consists of the tool which the stability diagram of calculation and the natural water of the chemical reaction and calculation of state of equilibrium, trace, and these calculation results of reaction path to graph is converted.

GWB  環境地質分析軟體

RiverTools V4.0 地形和河流網絡分析

RiverTools 軟體是一個專業的地形和河流網域分析軟體,能快速從大數據量DEM中取出河流排泄區的網絡模型,對取出的河流網絡提供綜合分析,並以專業圖形方式顯示,實現地形模型可視化, 提供二次開發函數。可用在地貌和水利分析、洪水淹沒模擬、流域分析、防洪工程、災情分析、水文站水位流量分析、堤岸建設等應用領域。RiverTools強大的地形和流域分析功能為水利研究和應用工程提供了有力的支援。

RiverTools V4.0 地形和河流網絡分析

PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體

PORFLOW - #1 choice of simulation software among consultants and researchers alike in the Ground Water Flow and Nuclear Waste Management fields - is here. On top of the many stability and versatility features built into the solver, PORFLOW comes bundled with CFDStudio™, the integrated development environment for CFD applications.

PORFLOW 地下水與核廢水管理軟體

Q-Chem 分子密度計算軟體

Q-Chem 是一個全面的量子化學程序,可以比以往任何時候都更快、更準確、更便宜地解決計算問題。Q-Chem 的能力促進了在製藥、材料科學、生物化學和其他領域的應用。

Q-Chem 分子密度計算軟體

HyperProtein 蛋白質序列與結構綜合分析軟體

HyperProtein 蛋白質序列與結構綜合分析軟體,專注於電腦科學相關的蛋白質序列研究分析,HyperProtein 不僅能夠對1D蛋白質序列進行分析,同時也可以對序列的結果3D蛋白質結構進行分析

HyperProtein 蛋白質序列與結構綜合分析軟體

SuperLab 心理實驗軟體


SuperLab 心理實驗軟體

HyperChem 化學分子軟體

HyperChem是複雜分子模型的建立環境軟體,它以品質、彈性和容易使用著稱。 HyperChem以3D的圖形和動畫來顯示量子化學的計算、分子力學和力學等。

HyperChem 化學分子軟體

Gaussian 16 量子化學計算軟體

Gaussian 16 is the latest version of the Gaussian series of electronic structure programs, used by chemists, chemical engineers, biochemists, physicists and other scientists worldwide. Gaussian 16 provides a wide-ranging suite of the most advanced modeling capabilities available. You can use it to investigate the real-world chemical problems that interest you, in all of their complexity, even on modest computer hardware.

Gaussian 16 量子化學計算軟體

GaussView 6 量子化學計算軟體

GaussView can use all function of Gaussian is graphical user interface. It can use Gaussian simply by using GaussView.

GaussView 6  量子化學計算軟體

HSC Chemistry 10

Outotec's Chemical Reaction and Equilibrium Software HSC Chemistry is the world's favorite thermochemical software with a versatile flowsheet simulation module. HSC is designed for various kinds of chemical reactions and equilibria calculations as well as process simulation.

HSC Chemistry 10

Inquisit 心理學實驗統計軟體


Inquisit 心理學實驗統計軟體


DirectRT是為需要毫秒精密的認識和知覺工作設計的。 它可迅速建造回應時間任務並且有極端準確收集回應數據。
